I think the part some some in here took issue with was that you (and others) have not posted in here much during the bull market, but came in during a big dip/correction. This isn't like Gil or others in the Coliseum coming back months later and bumping a thread. People have real money invested in this space, so of course people are going to have a lot more emotions regarding this space. I'm not saying you came in laughing at everyone, I'm just saying that more people are going to be on edge in this space and this thread than other sections of this site.
Again, I'm not saying you were saying anything wrong (I really didn't read much or see all of the posts), but people in this space always have people come out of the woodwork when the market goes down, and start laughing and clowning on people losing money. People are just going to have more emotions in this space than most places.