Every single coin released on PCS is an inflationary farming shytcoin designed to allow the dev and his friends doing the marketing to dump on anyone who isn't one of the first 300 holders.
Uniswap has it's rugs (hell, I've been rugged a few times) but the ratio of legitimate projects that are good mid-long term holds vs rugs on Uni compared to PCS is not comparable. It is considerably cheaper to conduct a rug-pull on BSC compared to Uni, even when ETH fees were much lower than they are now.
Very few serious dev teams are building on BSC for a reason. The userbase is just not there and of the amount there is, only a small percentage would participate in governance or the community aside from shilling the latest "safe__" or "_oge" bag they're holding
This is not true. L2 has been around for more than a year. Although devs have just now started to build on top of it for the past year due to the issues of it being a 'child' chain it it will be the next step towards not only lower fees but faster transactions (along with the optimism rollups). Low fees and fast transactions are the only reason why BSC has gained traction.
Yes, people are priced out of DeFi due to the fees but to be honest; if you're worried about fees you aren't investing in the right projects. It's gotten to the point where I'm confident enough in my research that if I only invest $500 in something, the $60+ fee does not matter to me because I know I'll make 5x my initial investment within the next few weeks. You throw that money at PCS and you might as well be glued to your computer/phone screen because the dump is inevitable. There isn't even a reliable charting tool for BSC. Every project I've followed that has promised this has failed or is on the brink of failing due to such poor performance.
What does PCS have to do with keys? BSC is owned by Binance. If something ridiculous and downright unlikely were to happen to Binance, the tokens on PCS are worthless.
Let's not even get into how PCS is a literal fork of Uni, right down to the Github repo:
If Uni felt like fukking them over for a few hours all they would need to do is change the dependency for the token lists
Don't get me wrong, I hold BNB like most here do (long term for me) and have thrown a few at some BSC projects for a quick 2x-4x but I wouldn't dare hold anything there long term. There is probably two good mid-long term holds on BSC and that's JUP and CAKE. CAKE only because it is at the head of the ecosystem. JUP is an actual serious project, quite literally the only solid one I've seen on BSC and it existed on ETH long beforehand. It wasn't even built on BSC.
Just compare the amount of legitimate projects built on ETH compared to BSC.
At the end of the day serious dApp, NFT, and DeFi developers are building on ETH and not BSC. That won't change any time soon.