This person you are quoting actually researched ETH's tech and realized it's vaporware that's already showing cracks.
Don't confuse what ETH purports to do and what it can actually do. We all agree on decentralized finance, but the foundation ETH is built on is not necessarily the winning standard.
You are emotionally invested in a coin...
Eth and bitcoin are long term coins that will make you alot of money until they won't.
Eth has a lot of cracks, but it's also finally becoming well known as the coin to get after bitcoin.
It's also a pioneer, much like bitcoin. There are solutions out here now that work better than bitcoin....
But they aren't bitcoin.
Adoption, functionality, and usage are key.
Not too long ago elon wasn't on board with bitcoin today.... 1.5 billion worth was invested in.
Doge coin literally has no tech behind it and it's at 10 cents.. it's not always about the how well the tech is performing but demand, and how comfortable people are with said "thing"