loved it
with all the racism and stereotyping out now, im still like wow that a disney movie of all things really put it into perspective like this
I really liked this movie....... but uh.......
...things change![]()
Movie didn't mention it but the predators would have been eating bugs.Eh the movie isn't really framed as an allegory of post-colonial society, the movie never touches on colonialization/forced occupation at all in any context or even the idea of an ancestral homeland for that matter. As a matter of fact the film never really delves into ethnography and only marginally into nationalism.
One critique I do agree with though is that the film brings up biology in a context that doesn't make much sense neither as social commentary or in the context of the movie world. Predators are predators irl for the sole purpose of population control. Clearly the movie tried to comment on stereotyping and bigotry but like the video said predators are literally biologically different for a reason and thus the prey have a biological reason to fear them. Interestingly the movie puts it out there that in its world prey outnumber predators 10:1... it lowkey begs the question what the predators are eating exactlyPrey grow their food in the countryside which makes sense because they eat fruit and vegetables but then again predators live on the countryside too. Foxes are omnivores irl (they can eat berries, grass, etc.) but what about the predators that are pure carnivores? The movie plays up biology as a metaphor for bigotry just enough that it creates some significant plot holes that unfortunately are kind of at the heart of the plot. How did they actually establish order in a city where the carnivore population can't eat meat?
Lowkey this film would've been a lot more interesting if there had been a delineation between carnivores and omnivores and the omnivores had to chose betweenor
Maybe i missed em, but where were all the birds?