the TRUTH IS we are all souls born into different coloured bodies. It's ignorance of this fact that causes racism and this "reality"
We all come from one Source.
This is called enlightenment.
If we all had this understanding, there wouldnt be race problems. Not all of us do. But if all of us DID, we would have a different "reality"
The real question, is what can we do today, to reach that reality in the future?
Now from this universal point of view, this universal truth is where we should all TRY to operate from. It doesn't happen. Hate is perpetuated and taught throughout generations. THAT IS THE PROBLEM. It doesn't have to be permanent if we teach people tolerance through our actions and examples.
The thing is, No one is going to hold your hand.
We ALL deal with it. We ALL have to make it better, first for ourselves, then our races, then for all people.
Yeah the white man, thinks of us as second class. It is not our life duty to teach him otherwise, but do whatever we can to be first class in our lives, for ourselves and our community.
Is it a fantasy?

Its a vision, its a goal, its not here yet. But

for our kids in a few generation?
It's worth living and fighting for. Not everyone on this planet is racist.
We need to increase the population of tolerant people. They racism continues because we accept it as "normal" as our "reality". It is abnormal to me, even when it is in action, racism is abnormal. You rise above it any way YOU can.
Empower yourself so your not at the mercy of the white man. THIS is where the fantasy needs to end that the white man is in control of EVERYTHING. They do NOT. They try everyday to convince you that they do. Yes people of colour are struggling. But they are people, just like the white man that are "making them struggle". No, we don't have the same opportunities, the same advantages, etc. But look at how many rappers, scientists, inventors, etc we have that are successful IN FACE of the racism.
Your black so you have to struggle your
whole life?
I don't know everyone's struggle. I'm sure lots are going through things that would have made me crack. But that's the same drive that's got me like this.
"If I can do it, you can do it, you started with more than me" Gucci Mane
Yes they can do things to us, their cops can beat us down shoot us, and we just

nikka moment. But are we just going to sit there and wait for that to happen? Or study and work hard to become a lawyer, judge, internal affairs etc to stop that shyt? We need more blacks doing these things. It isn't going to happen unless we make it happen. And there's money in that.
Will racism end in our life time? No, probably not. Should we make it our duties to try to bring an enlightened world into existence, even with all the racist bs we deal with today? Absolutely YES.
Do what YOU can. Start a business, become an owner, hire blacks give us those opportunities. Inspire others. Sounds cheesy but we acting like its others that determine our future. They only set up the obstacles for us to triumph over. Is it going to happen tomorrow? No? Is it going to be easy? No, It's going to be hard, hell yeah, but its not impossible.
It's like after Martin and Malcolm died we all just