Zo Williams Show with both Tariq Nasheed & Tommy Sotomayor


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
If Black women were interested in other races I swear to you, despite what BW haters say about us not being desired by any race, our IR numbers would exceed BM's. IF that were the case.

How did you come to this conclusion? Please explain this to me.

White men have had access to black women ever since this country has been created. And black men don't have the political or social capital to stop ANY race of man from getting with a black woman unlike other races of men who are unequivically in control of their communities.

So please explain, for my ignorant mind, how black women would exceed being able to attract non-black partners? Because when I go on Instagram, I see plenty of black women with white dudes/asian dudes/hispanic dudes with #MCM pics, which tells me that black women do find other men attractive and this is confirmed by the comments attached to the pics. This tells me that that black women DO find other men attractive and WOULD date attractive, non-black men if they came across those non-black men who were just as interested in them.

The issue, as I have seen it, is that most non-black men are not interested in dating black women on a wholesale basis. Now, I am NOT saying that there are not black women who have had non-black men approach them and maybe even date them. HOWEVER, those men are NOT THE NORM. They are outliers. AND THIS IS NOT TO DISPARAGE BLACK WOMEN IN ANY WAY.



Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
I most certainly see myself as a black person before I see myself as a man. Black women are a huge part of who I am. My first allegiance is to other black people, not other men. I couldn't give a damn about races of other men because I know that the feelings are more than mutual on their end. Again, that "I see myself as a woman before black" mentality is completely ignorant, selfish, and disloyal. Why would a black woman pledge allegiance to some kind of womanhood when other races of women don't even see you as equals? This blatant disloyalty that black feminists have for black men and the community as a whole is just unacceptable.

I have to agree on this. I would join with a black woman who put her community first in a second whereas I would be wary of joining with a non-black man because I know on all things crucial he's going to think of his community first as well. His gender only comes into play once his community is in tact....this is why I don't get down with the black feminist rhetoric.

I would agree that there is a sense of disloyalty to the group that comes with such thinking. As if, if the non-black feminists would accept me as a woman, then I'm good...the black community can wait. The question is, would those non-black feminists do the same for you, black woman? HAVE they done the same for you or have they returned back to the soft pleasantries of being protected by in-tact communities? Do they even want to be in a different group than their men? I think we all know the answers here.

The problem is, there are enough black women who think along these lines....and these are the women we're supposed to be with? These are the women we're supposed to have children with? These are the women we're supposed to love, protect and die for? The same black women who claim WE, BLACK MEN, are the problem? The same ones who think they don't need us? The same ones who think everyone BUT US understands them and their plight better?

Nah, I'm good....go---------------------that-------------------------------way-------------------------------------->


Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I have a few question for the ladies in this thread. The same ladies that have been in the many black feminists threads, weave threads etc. I have posed these questions many times, but I have have only been met with deflection, straw man arguments or switching or changing the subject.

These same females keep claiming that they have been victims of sexism and or gender discrimination. I can absolutley agree that they have faced some level of sexism or gender discrimination.

BUT, what role do black men supposedly play in this grand scale of sexism and gender discrimination against black women as a whole?

What system are black men a part of that systematically and catagorically denies black women employment, housing, health benefits, loans, civil rights, human rights, voting rights or any other freedoms or rights that are associated as such?

What black men are denying any of those for black women?

I have asked these very same questions for about 3 weeks and I still have yet to have any black woman on here answer these questions directly. I'm pretty confident that these questions still won't get answered.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
The only person lying to themselves is you. You have literally 100s of post on this very subject with the common denominator being black men and how their privilege oppresses you. Sexism exists, but it is far from the primary antagonist in black women's lives.

Coming from a Black man. Lol.

Keep using that privilege to try to dictate to us what we go through. Good luck getting it to work though.

Black is black. The color of your skin puts you at a lower disadvantage than your gender. That's not arguable. It's why white women will always make more than you. There is no black man you can blame for that. You can't argue that you want unity in your community but the only opponent you're focused on fighting are black men. Nevermind the fact that you will be quick to remind black men they hold no power or influence in society, yet they hold the power to oppress you.

Um, nope have never said that. And again, even with racial equality, I would still make less than all men, including you, a Black man.

Honest question.

What are you going to do about it?

What are you doing about it?

Going to continue to mentor Black girls, speak out about our issues, and not be silenced by other groups who want to use us as pawns but could give a fukk about issues that effect us (BW) but that they don't have to deal with. Like racism for white women, and sexism for Black men.

You are invested in one upping the opposite gender and if there is anyone you hold contempt for, it's the men with the same skin color as you.

Nope. You are invested in me lying about the sexism and misogyny Black women face as it concerns Black men because you think it puts Black men in a bad light. Instead of chastizing those men and that behavior, which you have just said you have no interest in doing, you try to silence me from speaking out against behavior that you admit is bad.

You would love it if I ONLY addressed white male misogyny and racism, and white female racism as if that is the only thing Black women go through. But its not, so I won't.

Gender bias exist. Are black men the only perpetrators you have encountered, and how have you been personally affected?

Already answered this question in another post, as did other women. Y'all ignored it and went on again telling us how sexism isn't that big of an issue for Black women. Its still not working. Yawn.

Of course not. The thing is that Asian woman are Asian..and white women are white. They face sexism, but they are not considered second rate citizens. You, as a black woman have nothing in common with them outside of the fact that you have a vagina. You will face racial prejudice more than sexism. How long it takes for you to come to term with that is up to you.

Again, says a Black man who has never experienced a day in the shoes of a woman, let alone a Black woman. Keep praying you can convince us to not believe our own eyes or trust our own experiences :russ:

Those that share in your desire to tear down black men at any cost? Sure. Fortunately, there are black "womanist" that do not share your vitriol towards black men and instead focus their efforts on the white power structure and procuring a better future for black women and men.

If there are Black women who remain mum on any group that victimizes Black women, they aren't Womanists.

I have never stated that your gender doesn't matter.

No, you've just stated that those issues caused by it don't matter and that I should focus on issues that ironically, would address all of your concerns and only half of mine. Right.

I'm only telling you what you should already know, and that is that you're black in this world first and a woman second.

Is this whole post you trying to dictate to me who I am and my experience? This is pointless, its never going to happen. You may as well be a white person telling me that racism isn't that big of a deal and doesn't effect me anymore. In fact, that is exactly what you are but just from the gender perspective.

You won't get fair treatment by targeting and focusing your anger at black males.

Don't have any anger towards Black males.

You claim to hold both efforts of equal value, but your posts and comments say otherwise.

On a messageboard full of Black men claiming superiority to Black women because of their genitals and amist them trying to dictate to me that sexism isn't a "primary issue" for me as a Black woman, what exactly do you expect me to be discussing here? I participate on another board that contains majority of white posters and most of my posts are about racism. Conversation directed towards your audience seems pretty logical to people that are logical.

That's great, but who are you fighting?

I am fighting a power structure that puts me at a disadvantage because I am Black and female. That seems to starkly contrast you who is okay with the disadvantaged because I am a female part while being woefully offended at the disadvantaged because of race part.

Could it be because one affects you and not the other??? No couldn't be. You couldn't be that blatantly biased and self interested in a conversation where you're trying to paint someone else as so.



All Star
Jun 21, 2012
How did you come to this conclusion? Please explain this to me.

White men have had access to black women ever since this country has been created.

How do they have access to a group of women who don't want them? Unless you mean through rape, which fyi is illegal now.

Its funny that on this board when you want to talk about oow births and why its all the woman's fault because she "chose", when it comes to Black women's dating habits and anything that could make Black women appear less desirable, all of a sudden its men doing all the choosing. And they are all just choosing to not be with Black women who are desperate to get with them (this idea being quite the opposite of almost every poll on interracial dating on BW).


May 2, 2012
fukk black feminist, let them find out the hard they can't do it by themselves. then laugh in their faces as they cry about lack of protection. :camby:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
still with the ego-stroking :wow:

Don't ever get it twisted and think I was calling you or your BW hating ilk kings :whoa:

I was merely using that as an overall viewpoint of Black women for Black men (what they are hoping for in a mate anyway, not the general condition)


May 2, 2012
Don't ever get it twisted and think I was calling you or your BW hating ilk kings :whoa:

I was merely using that as an overall viewpoint of Black women for Black men (what they are hoping for in a mate anyway, not the general condition)
:camby: stop trynna drag me back into a week old argument, you nazi


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
:camby: stop trynna drag me back into a week old argument, you nazi


I'm responding to your quote to me. If you don't want to respond, keep it moving. Its not like I expected to change the mind of someone who goes out of their way to say terrible things about Black women anyway. But I will defend a group that I am apart of from lies that haters of that group tell about us.


May 2, 2012

I'm responding to your quote to me. If you don't want to respond, keep it moving. Its not like I expected to change the mind of someone who goes out of their way to say terrible things about Black women anyway. But I will defend a group that I am apart of from lies that haters of that group tell about us.
aint nobody lying on black women, it's not necessary :camby:


Sep 14, 2013
Yall arguing with a black feminist. You won't find common ground. :skip:

Be a black man and try to reason with a black feminist brehs

Black feminists are agents by the government used to destroy black male-female relations. They successful at it :banderas: . They have no goals but to shyt on black men, from talk shows, to magazines, to blogs to twitter. There number 1 purpose is to destroy black men, they never EVER address white men. Their main enemies are black men and white women. I heard this on a Tommy Sotomayor show and i felt like i caught the holy ghost. The statement was;


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Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
How do they have access to a group of women who don't want them? Unless you mean through rape, which fyi is illegal now.

Its funny that on this board when you want to talk about oow births and why its all the woman's fault because she "chose", when it comes to Black women's dating habits and anything that could make Black women appear less desirable, all of a sudden its men doing all the choosing. And they are all just choosing to not be with Black women who are desperate to get with them (this idea being quite the opposite of almost every poll on interracial dating on BW).

I have nothing to say for the second paragraph because that had nothing to do with my question nor did I reply regarding any OOW/sex talk.

Also, who says black women don't want white/non-black men? As I stated, when I go on IG, I find PLENTY of black women who have multiple pics of non-black men as their MCM(Man Crush Monday) pics. Many of these same black women, who come from all different backgrounds and all different parts of North America, have NO PICTURES of black men as their MCM. This tells me that there are plenty of black women who find non-black men attractive and if they had the opportunity, would probably date them. Which also tells me that these same men don't give them said opportunity.

How do you explain this phenomenon among black women on social media sites? Yet black women, en masse as you seem to intimate, don't want men from other races?

Also, you didn't answer my question that came with the "How did you come to that conclusion." That was tied to your statement that black women would crush black men when it came dating interracially if they so chose. Please explain that to me since I don't see that in real life...only within the imaginations of delusional black women who seem to think every race of man is simply chomping at the bit to get them.



All Star
Jun 21, 2012
I have nothing to say for the second paragraph because that had nothing to do with my question nor did I reply regarding any OOW/sex talk.

Also, who says black women don't want white/non-black men? As I stated, when I go on IG, I find PLENTY of black women who have multiple pics of non-black men as their MCM(Man Crush Monday) pics. Many of these same black women, who come from all different backgrounds and all different parts of North America, have NO PICTURES of black men as their MCM. This tells me that there are plenty of black women who find non-black men attractive and if they had the opportunity, would probably date them. Which also tells me that these same men don't give them said opportunity.

How do you explain this phenomenon among black women on social media sites? Yet black women, en masse as you seem to intimate, don't want men from other races?

Also, you didn't answer my question that came with the "How did you come to that conclusion." That was tied to your statement that black women would crush black men when it came dating interracially if they so chose. Please explain that to me since I don't see that in real life...only within the imaginations of delusional black women who seem to think every race of man is simply chomping at the bit to get them.


You are using instagram to paint Black women's relationship desires? Your argument already falls on its face.

If you want to know how I came to my conclusions, first of all from real life, secondly you can look at surveys that have been done on Black women's desire to date interracially and you will see the pool you are claiming really wants non-Black men and is being rejected by them is actually not there. That is why specials on Black women's "singleness" (which have been debunked) often focused on trying to get Black women to consider other race options. And many of the women who do date interracially will actively tell you that they run into men who were afraid to approach them because they already had a preconceived notion that they only date Black men. Non-Black men who do prefer Black women also say this regularly.

Keep in mind, while you are trying to paint it as a preference thing, I'm not. I'm not saying non-Black men prefer Black women and Black women turn them down, or that any group doesn't prefer their own. Its merely about the fact that Black women don't even considering the option to date/marry out seriously. Most Black women don't even consider the option of non-black men, and have only very recently even started to open up to it with all the shows and statistics aimed at our lack of 'marriage-ability' (and not to mention vitriol aimed at Black women from Black men online and from public figures). I'm sure you'll keep denying it and saying its the other way around, and do whatever makes you feel good I guess. But I don't know any Black woman who hasn't had the opportunity to date our several times and passed. Not one.
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