Zambia is now China's colony


May 20, 2012
I get it. Under the guise that a booming economy is assured, any loan taken will be paid with no issues. In reality, it could all go to shyt very quickly based on what the deals made entails, not to mention accrued interest and the like.


Are we slaves to the Chinese because they hold a huge percentage of U.S debt?

Does 20 trillion in debt make America a slave to any one country? Should America refuse the investments Chinese and Saudi Arabians and others are making in Real Estate which fuels growth in that sector?

Development needs Investments. We have been trying to attract investors for a very long time. For most western countries especially the U.S, the risk was not worth the return. Okay fine. :yeshrug: We had to find other sources of investment.

Africa starts to grow and the Chinese start doing big business with Africa.

Now the West is aggie about it. :yeshrug:


May 11, 2012
I disagree. China is not better, it’s just another option and like any option if it has free reign it will do as it pleases. African leaders need to get balls and start advocating for their people instead of wasting people’s time with their black power speeches as soon as their popularity wanes. I’d much rather that infrastructure building remains in the hand of the West. African leaders don’t know how to negotiate, they just know how to exercise military power to have people vote them as a ‘democracy’.

If china is not a better option, lesser of two evils, why are african nations taking loans from them and not the west? Why is infrastructure better in the hands of the west, any particular reason?


Feb 12, 2015
The Chinese government is ruthless and uncaring of its OWN people. These sentiments come from Chinese people I know who have told me their government would burn their people for fuel if they could get away with it.

As big as Asia is, why does China need more land and resources? It's going to raze the world if left unchecked.
The housing crisis in America is partially due to outside Asian investors driving prices up...

This isn't just an African issue. People need to be alarmed when considering how a lot of pieces are already in place for China to shut shyt down.


Jul 8, 2014
Dumbasses with stupid clickbait titles or just too dumb to realize what is actually happening.:snoop:


Aug 25, 2015
I disagree. China is not better, it’s just another option and like any option if it has free reign it will do as it pleases. African leaders need to get balls and start advocating for their people instead of wasting people’s time with their black power speeches as soon as their popularity wanes. I’d much rather that infrastructure building remains in the hand of the West. African leaders don’t know how to negotiate, they just know how to exercise military power to have people vote them as a ‘democracy’.

Please explain to me the infrastructural benefits Africa has experienced from working with the West.

You talk about balls, isn't this the same China that holds the US balls in a vice grip in terms of the national debt? :jbhmm:
The same China that just put a $200BILLION tarriff that has caused some companies to shut down and move their operations?:jbhmm:
Is this the same west that is currently engaged in a trade war with China?:jbhmm:

And now they cant wait to talk about what China is doing in Africa. Acting like China is the evil and they are the good guy. :patrice:

None of them are good guys. They are both trying to profit from the natural resources in Africa.

And you guys aren't smart enough to see through this?:gucci:
The only reason the west even cares about this is because of their issues with China, period.

You just saw an opportunity to shyt on Africa without doing any homework.

"aFrIcAnS bEaT tHiEr wOmEnZ"

As if Americans don't.
As it that has anything to do with latent globalization
As if anything you are spouting here is relevant or correlates

A broke clock can be right twice a day though. Many African countries absolutely do have a leadership problem. But you're focused on your agenda, and not the topic at hand.


Nov 22, 2016
I can only speak for Nigeria.
This won't end well for the Chinese.

It's not colonialism. We need to stop using word and concept loosely.

Colonialism runs on blood.

What China is doing is an inferior version of what the West, through the World Bank and the IMF, did for decades in third world countries. I insist on an inferior version.

30 years from now we'll be talking about this whole thing the way we talk about all those ill advised IMF loans that didnt pan out that Bono supposedly helped cancel.


Apr 20, 2015
Please explain to me the infrastructural benefits Africa has experienced from working with the West.

You talk about balls, isn't this the same China that holds the US balls in a vice grip in terms of the national debt? :jbhmm:
The same China that just put a $200BILLION tarriff that has caused some companies to shut down and move their operations?:jbhmm:
Is this the same west that is currently engaged in a trade war with China?:jbhmm:

And now they cant wait to talk about what China is doing in Africa. Acting like China is the evil and they are the good guy. :patrice:

None of them are good guys. They are both trying to profit from the natural resources in Africa.

And you guys aren't smart enough to see through this?:gucci:
The only reason the west even cares about this is because of their issues with China, period.

You just saw an opportunity to shyt on Africa without doing any homework.

"aFrIcAnS bEaT tHiEr wOmEnZ"

As if Americans don't.
As it that has anything to do with latent globalization
As if anything you are spouting here is relevant or correlates

A broke clock can be right twice a day though. Many African countries absolutely do have a leadership problem. But you're focused on your agenda, and not the topic at hand.


Aug 25, 2015

Subliminal with her black African male hate. Negged.

She doesn't just hate the males (although she hates them more), she hates all Africans.
And she has such a huge ego she can't just admit when she's out of her depth and has no idea what she is talking about.

I went back and forth with her in a thread where she was trying to convince equally uneducated people that lightskin Africans don't exist, only bleachers :mjlol:


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Idiots like you disgust me because you lack critical thinking skills and y’all the types that have been leading black people to slaughter for the last few centuries.

Can you walk and talk at the same time? Of course the West is being self serving. But the way African male leaders are partnering with China is screwing their people over and is nearsighted like all their past partnerships with every single other foreign nation. African male leadership need to help its citizens become self sufficient and not encouraged people living hand to mouth.

Instead most, of these a$$holes fill their pockets so they can live lavish in countries that other men have built for themselves/their women and children so they can stunt on the people they are supposed to be leading. And that’s be on par of the course for over a century.

My mom has the perfect description for the Chinese. They are like rats at night slowly nibbling at your leg and by the time you wake up your leg is gone. Their on that soft power domination track right now and becoming more and more domineering. I put solely the blame on our ‘leaders’ incompetence.
Contrary to you, I'm not disgusted by the fact that you visibly have trouble formulating practical and solution-based propositions concerning this particular subject :leon: Everybody make mistakes, so your ad hominems are just an unfortunate display of misplaced ego. I won't hold it against you :hubie:

Here is where you could have used your critical thinking skills to better use: the fact that I denounce the Western propaganda about China's involvement in Africa doesn't imply that I believe there is no major drawback or danger about it . You projected all of that.

In fact, my post history shows that I'm well aware of the deceiving aspect of most of these Chinese aids. I talked about the mischevious characteristics of their loans' conditions several times. I said that China clearly has not Africa's best interest at heart, but first and foremost China's, obviously.

To summarize, I've been known that. We've been known that.

Now onto what I think you fail to realize:

Africa is deep down stuck in a vicious circle. Poverty, lack of quality infrastructures, health, education, security, corruption, foreign forces pressuring the continent and meddling in our politics... You name it, we have all these issues and they reinforce each other.

What you present in your post as a solution to resolve our problem is what I call "lazy doctor diagnostic". You take one of these issues, ie the corruption of our elites and the fact that they clearly don't have our best interest at heart, and the "solution" you propose is: "Well, they need to stop being corrupted and help the people becoming self-sufficient".

But the problem is just that: they... are not doing that. And they have no incentive to do so, but every reasons in the world, as individualistic, selfish and capitalistic these reasons may be, to do the opposite, and as you perfectly described it: "fill their pockets so they can live lavish in countries that other men have built for themselves/their women and children so they can stunt on the people they are supposed to be leading".
If a sick person tells you she has a habit that harms her and you tell her "well, just stop doing that, you need to do the opposite", you do not offer a good solution and you misuse these critical thinking skills.

Now, if I try to be a solution-oriented person, I clearly can see that African leadership has trouble leading to better living conditions in the continent. I see, also, that Western forces have a big hand up in our internal organs, and replace the leaders who don't act according to their best interests, reducing our room for maneuver even more. Consequently we have to search a solution elsewhere or wait until a miracle happens, hoping it won't be short lived.
But I'm trying to be a solution-oriented person, right? So I have to look at my assets. What do I have in my arsenal that could help me break the cycle...


... Damn, I have natural ressources! Plus I got lands. Oh, but yeah, European companies have a part of it on lock and when I go to the international markets to get some money out of the rest, I get crushed :wow:

How do I break the cycle then? Clearly I'll have to make some sacrifices if the opportunity presents itself.


Here comes China :mjgrin:

An emergent power beefing with traditional Western countries to get on top. And amongst all their economic and geopolitical sparrings, there is one that is becoming more important by the minute: Africa. Representing lands for the large Chinese population. People for a Europe struggling to produce babies and finance their expensive lifestyle. Ressources for both.

Knowing that my place will probably become the theater of proxy wars in the near future, I'll be dumb to not try and take advantage of the situation.

Hoping for our leaders to build the infrastructures necessary to develop and help our people is utopic thinking like I said above. Praying for our people to get up and kill them all like some uninformed posters said in the thread when hundreds of millions are riddled with hunger and poverty and just try to survive this day and the next is also highly unrealistic.
With the conflict between China and Western countries, we have the opportunity to bypass all of that. Use their wish to have a bigger influence over here to increase our development. Push for the building of schools, hospitals and help our people get on their feet. Because I truly believe that when this happens, and an African middle class emerges, it's a wrap. :demonic: The breakthrough will happen and the vicious cycle will collapse on itself.

It's incredibly hard to clean up the corruption in your country when you live on 2 dollars a day. But when your children go to school, learn about the world outside, and have three meals a day? The Tocqueville effect kicks in.

Tocqueville effect - Wikipedia

They won't take no more shyt from these elites, nor from European schemes, because they'll then have the means to combat it.

And there's plenty more that you can easily google about. 60 more billions have been promised by China recently, no strings attached.

But what about the crushing loans we're taking one after the other because we're dumb asf? :damn:
Well the good thing about loans and promises... is that you can renegociate them :banderas: Debt ain't nothing but a number
(putting aside major global economic catastrophy like in the Greek case :whoa:). Plenty western countries are neck deep in debt, and they will never pay for it. Everybody knows it. It's impossible. They keep renegociating, delaying, making adjustements long term (over decades) to make it manageable.

And with an educated African people armed with their own ressources, we can do the same. Redo the contracts. Negociate. Delay. But only if we stand on our two feet first.

Now I know that there are important issues going against China's building history in the country:

  • They tend to not employ the local population which reduces the expertise transfer from them to African countries
  • There is not enough investment in infrastructure enhancing our quality of life. Highways, dams, etc. contribute to the economic development but the trickle effect won't put food on everybody's table. Not in Africa. We need more of that in schools and hospitals. President Xi acknowledged itand said next investments will target it.
  • and some I already listed above

But trying to go through them is a perfectly viable solution, and dare I say, way more realistic and intelligent than complaining for three other decades about our "African male leadership".

We won't get out of this without sacrificing anything. This is not fiction. This is reality. You have to give something to get something. But that's what a lot of yall don't get.
Yall don't disgust me though :umad: I put it on the account of ignorance and lazy thinking, evils we all suffer from from time to time :wow:

Crude Abolitionist

End Slavery
Feb 16, 2017
Criticism is one thing, gleeful provocation from ignorant faux militants based on the insecurity of that they feel about the position of their own group is quite another.

If you don’t care about Africa and it’s all about AA gang or whatever ignorance you socially maladjusted dweebs are now throwing around, step your punk ass to the side and let us do our thing.

All I know is every time i go back to Kenya, I see how much it is growing and the enthusiasm of the people. A far cry from western propaganda portrayal of this Chinese takeover.

Yep these articles coming from pissed off Amerikkkan cacs who are losing power by the second.