As a white guy who is fairly in touch with the pulse of white middle America...I gotta say...Reparations are due but they are not going to happen in our lifetime.
Even if by some miracle they did happen, it is a vulnerable position to be to be the receiver. The giver (government) will always have control over you as long as you are the receiver. The better way is the way of Marcus Garvey and the NOI. Not begging whitey to please have a heart. It ain't gonna happen.
We live in country that can't even get universal health care or higher education for its citizens because racist whites don't want Black folks to have "free handouts". They would rather have a race war than give reparations.
People shed blood to end slavery and to end Jim Crow laws. Retweets and hashtags ain't on the same level.
And as far as voting goes... I'm Muslim and a lot of my brothers and sisters in Islam don't even believe in voting. I follow the school of thought that it is better to vote for the lesser evil, which is the view held by most Muslims in America as far as I can tell. Never in my adult life did I vote for a person...only against another. That is the way it is. I voted for Obama twice and don't regret it despite his obvious shortcomings. Having McCain or Romney in the WH would have been a lot worse.
And if you can't see that Trump is a complete disaster for this country then you need to get your head out of your ass and pay attention. He's bad for workers, bad for the environment, bad for policing reform, bad for financial regulations/safeguards, bad for health care, bad for foreign policy (Iran, Palestine, Yemen, Venezuela), and bad for the overall racist tone he has brought front and center. He needs to go. I'm no Democrat by any stretch of the term, but this Orange Authoritarian bozo has got to go. I question the motives of any Twitter/Youtube revolutionary who says otherwise, and tells people they gotta wait for the perfect candidate....cuz that is never ever going to happen. Not in this white supremacist corrupt system run by the rich and powerful.