One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
badly handled how?
felton came back the following year
we pretty much traded melo for Chandler gallarni mosgov and picks.
a year and a half later we won 54 games and won a playoff series for the first time in 13 years.
using the amensty on billups, injuries and other front office issues has nothin to do with.melo.
i dont see how the trade is to blame.for that.
mayb we gave up 1 additional asset then we should.of, but we were in heavy compeition with other teams.
i dont see how the trade was a negative
We gave away everything and took back a bunch of scrubs. Plus they admitted they gave up more to bring Billups with Melo. It wasn’t a straight up Melo trade. They do that trade and keep one of Wilson or Gallo and we would have been a much better team.