Damn for whatever reason I trust your opinion on this but Mario really gets love like that? I feel like I'm missing something. I know his games always do numbers but I figured the new generation kind of moved on from the midget italian.
Another hot take. I don't think there is a single elite actor under 40 right now. I mean elite in terms of performance and box office. A lot of these new cats can do one or the other but ain't no new Leo's out there. I feel like blaming comic book movies for this.
I think the people complaining about Chris Pratt will be outnumbered by millions by the people who don't care whatsoever...and I'm banking metaphorically speaking on the global appeal.
I think Spiderman might beat it domestically but Mario will win globally.
Regarding actors, I think the movies that showcase acting in younger actors just aren't Hollywood hits now, and if they are sometimes they just suck. You see more coming out of prestige tv like the young women and men who came out of Game of Thrones and stranger things...but have yet to prove themselves to be any type of draw.
The last generation of young movie actors got caught up in franchises like Twilight, harry potter and hunger games, or worse, in the marvel universe in bit parts only to be replaced.