Your definition Of an Alpha Male


May 6, 2012
You cant be serious. So having the most relative power and influence means you can rape someone without consequence? Oh, ok.

The highlighted is the relevant part of your response to my post, the rest was just unnecessary.

In response to the highlighted; that's your opinion, all I'm saying is that it has been historically/factually proven that both power and influence correspond with wealth. That's just it.

My response has everything to do with it. Recall that my first point was that you can't map the term alpha from certain animals onto humans, the subpoint about what constitutes dominance is humans is something we disagree on. But yes, if humans truly had 'alphas' in our tribes the way chimps or dogs do, they would be undisputed except by displacement by another alpha. Human society is far more complex than that, you can't have an alpha male just pick a female, for example, the female also has to consent and she might pick someone else. If an alpha male goes one place everyone's not going to follow him in a line. Your boss can get you to follow him in an office but might not have any influence over you in a bar. etc

The term, as I said, is not technically applicable to humans. It's not even applicable to most animals. You don't have alpha flamingos or alpha tigers.