Bags are sealed and you can see exactly who delivered it. And during a pandemic? I wish somebody would
Don't wanna mess with ya mental but I've done all services except ubereats and I'd say 2/3 places don't seal shyt and the places that do, mostly use basic stickers. There's mad times I read instructions and see they want some type of sauce that isn't in the bag or some additional shyt, I ask for the sauce after receiving the order, pull off, pull over carefully "unseal" the sticker open the bag, throw the extra shyt in, reseal the bag then move to deliver.
I would never touch someone else's food, because respect is a reciprocal (as moms would always say). On top of that I'm no baller but I can afford to get my own damn fast food. I will say there are 0-15% who will flat out steal orders.