You guys have to drop this.
Not a single negative critique of this movie comes from it not being done the "Marvel Way". Can everyone parroting that nonsense stop for a second and remember that The Dark Knight is the most universally praised comic book movie ever, and is the film responsible for why people now judge comic book movies not as just dumb action flicks, but instead appreciate their potential to be genuinely great films. TDK was dark, TDK was "different", it was complex, it had a lot of characters, it wasn't funny, and yet to this day only it's the most universally praised comic movie.
This is a bad movie. Straight up. Damn near everyone in here praising this movie first starts with "The editing was bad but-", "Eisenberg was bad but-", "Some of the writing was bad but-", "Cavill was uninteresting as Superman but", "It was too long but", "Doomsday looked bad but-", "The final fight wasn't that great but-", if so many people who enjoy this are so acutely aware of it's many flaws, why is it so hard to believe that many, perhaps even a majority of people, will not be able to excuse the laundry list of basic movie making errors made in this film and not be able to enjoy it?