You intuitively know what you want to do most in life. What is it?

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013

These guys got the best quality for the most reasonable price imo.

I used to fukk with newdawnkratom and goldenmonk, but i heard some shady shyt about them. Dont know how much of it is true or how true it is, but i have gotten mildly upset stomachs from their stuff a couple times, and it really didnt hit the same imo after the first batch i ordered.

And i came to that conclusion independently before even reading the same complaints from multiple sources. Seems like they bait and switch, give u the good shyt to reel u in then step all over subsequent batches. And those two and a few other vendors are almost certainly the same people.

They all have the same stuff nearly the same price, same deals, and even used SEO to make it appear they were like the top 5 vendors of 2021, which is the most damning evidence; why would one vendor use their SEO to help the competition?:francis:

I know this is base sacrilege but id suggest checking out some kratom subreddits. May be crawling with alt right WS but them sumbiches know their kratom. Their recommendations havent steered me wrong at least. In fact, its a lowkey :umad: feeling to know they unwittingly helping a breh come up.

Also, there is one brand i get from headshops that is just as high quality if not more than anything im yet to find online.

This site only sells to vendors, probably in bulk. Im looking into getting a vending license just to get a better deal, but u can still get it from headshops if u dont mind dropping round 50 for an 8 oz or 90 for a 20 oz bag. Their red maeng da and red bali is 🔥 and their green and white strains aint bad either.

I get the newly available capsules from mitraman for the wifey cause she aint feelin' the powder brew like that, though if she hurting bad enough i know how to mask the bitter taste good enough to persuade her to chug it. Long as i have a chaser handy. She getting better with it. I been at it so long it dont even bother me no more. Actually kinda lowkey lipsmacking at this point:ehh:

Let me know if u want any tips to make a minimally offensive tasting brew. i been at this for a while. Picked up some gems along the way.

edit: my bad, as for the kava i only really tried it myself a couple times. My therapist bought some in for me on the low. After talking about kratom she recommended it and brewed me some. It was aight, but nothing to write home about. idk what brand it was. Or if it was top shelf kava or some great value slop. I dont really have a basis to compare. Ill look into it for ya though.
Appreciate it breh :salute:

I ain’t gone lie tho, I tried that Remarkable Herbs one and didn’t like it and I been messing with it off and on for like 3 years now. That’s my go to when I run out of the ones I normally get online.

You ever tried ?

That’s the main place I been getting mine for 8 years and the quality is on point. Free 25 gram sample with each order too.

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Far as my dream, since I’m 16 my dream has been my music.

I don’t even tell people anymore since I’m bout to be 41 soon and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a part of me that just said fukk it it ain’t gone happen.

Don’t even care bout being the next Hov or Drake or anything, just wanna get my music heard by the world. But with so many aspiring artists and the fact I’m pretty much aged out, I’m all but :hubie:

And I had no other dreams and honestly don’t want one.

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
Appreciate it breh :salute:

I ain’t gone lie tho, I tried that Remarkable Herbs one and didn’t like it and I been messing with it off and on for like 3 years now. That’s my go to when I run out of the ones I normally get online.

You ever tried ?

That’s the main place I been getting mine for 8 years and the quality is on point. Free 25 gram sample with each order too.
:leon:My bad OG, i didnt realize i was talkin' to a kratom vet:salute:

I aint even know bout this place, but while i havent been disappointed with the results, a thorough coli breh's word>>>>>>>>>>reddit poster and it aint even close.

I know results tend to vary from person to person, but what strains would u recommend? I use it for multiple purposes, particularly pain, energy, and fighting those lean and vicodin cravings.

Put a breh on game :feedme:

Im ready to order on friday.

Oh, and repped in advance. And if this stuff becomes my new go to its on sight going forward, rep limits permitting.

edit: damn my bad its still too soon for that rep, ill relax my rep standards(and my neg standards :demonic: ) bit and get back to u asap though.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
:leon:My bad OG, i didnt realize i was talkin' to a kratom vet:salute:

I aint even know bout this place, but while i havent been disappointed with the results, a thorough coli breh's word>>>>>>>>>>reddit poster and it aint even close.

I know results tend to vary from person to person, but what strains would u recommend? I use it for multiple purposes, particularly pain, energy, and fighting those lean and vicodin cravings.

Put a breh on game :feedme:

Im ready to order on friday.

Oh, and repped in advance. And if this stuff becomes my new go to its on sight going forward, rep limits permitting.

edit: damn my bad its still too soon for that rep, ill relax my rep standards(and my neg standards :demonic: ) bit and get back to u asap though.
Red Vein Maeng Da
White Vein Maeng Da
Thai Maeng Da

Those are my favorite ones

Classic Bali
Red Bali
Red Vein Thai

Are good too

Actually all of them are good but those are my main go to ones. Kaya Maeng Da my least favorite one but the rest were cool.

Plantation Maeng Da is the strongest one and it’s cool, more expensive than the others tho

To get your free sample, when u get to the last page of ordering, put which free sample you want in the comment box.


The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
Continue to push through....

During my journey of going with my heart, I had been on some bad times and quite frankly some traumatizing moments. Within the course of a decade and change, I found out that family is what's in front of you, and not a entire bloodline. Friends will come and go, but true love see through. And God has a plan for everybody, regardless of their shortcomings.

Sure, my family and I may not have gone overseas, but we are in a better situation with the help of friends and real family (Coli brehs). I needed that wake-up call to further see that I'm not worthless as I thought I was. No lie, I struggled with the feeling of not achieving anything in life, but that's a lie:

  • I got my GED (when folks shytted on me and thought I was going to be a failure)
  • Got further educated (when my own ex at the time said that I was not on her level, despite her ass not doing shyt but sitting on her fat ass)
  • Shook the mayor's hand (the last best mayor of Philly)
  • Married the love of my life (Breaking the cycle)
  • Raising a son to be a king (breaking the cycle)
  • Slowly rebuilding what I lost (long road ahead, but so far its been a blessing)
  • Learned of my purpose in life (and that's to be a writer and a businessman, *knocks on tree wood*)
Hell, I actually wrote a book, despite the end results. I can truly say that I'm actually about my word. No different from various ventures I've done in the past like music etc.

The biggest obstacle right now is time, allowing my own mind to play tricks on me, the feeling of needing to do more, adjusting to the whole "stay at home" atmosphere when I used to be a "GO GO GO" type of breh, and just battling self-doubt and most of all mental health.

Hence, why I try to do the absolute most around these parts, because I would rather start off the day with a koala gif, than see folks spiritually broken in a harsh timeline of uncertainty and middle-aged woes.

MJ Truth

Feb 1, 2015
I've been I.T my whole life, but I'm starting to realize I love fashion and fitness

Maybe being an Image Consultant is what's right for me :yeshrug:. I love dressing, and smelling nice, matching different fits and styles, and working out.

I just don't know where to start, and how to monetize it.
Follow that Kevin Samuels blueprint. That lane is wide open right now too.

MJ Truth

Feb 1, 2015
I want to not work, travel, invest, and learn in perpetuity

:yeshrug: Unless I win the lotto that ain’t happening
That actually could easily happen if you’re willing to put in an extreme level of work over a 3-5 year period. Build a business and sell it, invest that money, live off of it and do the things you really want to do. Or find another way to get a crazy high income and invest enough to live free the rest of your life.

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
Red Vein Maeng Da
White Vein Maeng Da
Thai Maeng Da

Those are my favorite ones

Classic Bali
Red Bali
Red Vein Thai

Are good too

Actually all of them are good but those are my main go to ones. Kaya Maeng Da my least favorite one but the rest were cool.

Plantation Maeng Da is the strongest one and it’s cool, more expensive than the others tho

To get your free sample, when u get to the last page of ordering, put which free sample you want in the comment box.

Thanks breh. Just got some debt paid off recently too so i got some extra funds to play with just in time to try that expensive one. If it is worth the price i might just overlook their...interesting branding scheme :mjpls:<-------considering the origins of this particular crop this should probably be remixed with asian features.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Thanks breh. Just got some debt paid off recently too so i got some extra funds to play with just in time to try that expensive one. If it is worth the price i might just overlook their...interesting branding scheme :mjpls:<-------considering the origins of this particular crop this should probably be remixed with asian features.
What you mean by their branding scheme?

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
What you mean by their branding scheme?
The plantation part. I know they probably referencing some indonesian plantation but they probably bout as close to an OG murikkkan plantation as u can get today outside of north korea. Some poor indo rice breh probably getting paid like 5 cents an hour working 16 hours a day 6 days a week, and like 12 hours on Sunday to pick these leaves :mjcry:

I hate to be a downer especially in such a positive convo. Just wanna pay tribute somehow to the plight of the folks who work so hard to supply us our kratage.

edit: and that got nothing to do with the vendor. They gotta get the shyt from somewhere, and thats just how they get down in those countries. Shyt wont even grow in this side of the world.


Aug 29, 2013
Why aren't you doing it? What is stopping you from taking those steps? Are you truly being honest with yourself or are you selling dreams you're lining up to buy as you have no intent of actually doing it? Do you wonder why that is? If not you now have the chance to think about it and maybe choose different.

I will change the world.
Why don't you just expose who you really are, OP?
