Strangely I think what I’ve wanted out of life from what I’ve been capable is creating art with a connection. Thing is, everything I’m doing now, like my Kumihimo jewelry, music production, and song writing and singing, and sea shell collecting, has been stuff I’ve been interested in and doing subconsciously my whole life without much thought, so I’ve come to understand that for me art is more so an instinct rather than a passion.
And it’s funny because I used to never want to attempt to be an artist because I figured it wasn’t self sustaining from what I read online when I was young, yet art has been essentially to the human psyche since our creation. Art tells stories, conveys emotion, builds new materials, pushes innovation, stresses growth and/or consistency, and without it, many humans would lose motivation from a deeply emotional place so I now look at me being artist as a responsibility to my fellow man.
Like I could make a very detailed, incredible jewelry piece, a guy buys it for his daughter or son and they enjoy it so much they keep it for the rest of their life,
Or I make some very good music for an electrician friend of mine and it helps him get in a groove at work making sure the new town hall building is lit correctly.
that’s the level of seriousness I think of when I create what I do for other people, in a way, I’d say, what I really want to do is keep people’s electricity functioning.