You intuitively know what you want to do most in life. What is it?

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
Invent a strain of lean a thousand times more potent without ANY of the negative side effects (addiction, health problems, death, etc).:blessed: If i could somehow design it to be GOOD for u, that would be a bonus:ehh:

What stops me is i suck at chemistry and even if this were somehow possible, outside of sheer dumb luck, i wont be the one to figure it out. :mjcry:

I guess that answers the third question as well.:francis:


Nov 17, 2016
Anxiety attacks and sugar cookies
Invent a strain of lean a thousand times more potent without ANY of the negative side effects (addiction, health problems, death, etc).:blessed: If i could somehow design it to be GOOD for u, that would be a bonus:ehh:

What stops me is i suck at chemistry and even if this were somehow possible, outside of sheer dumb luck, i wont be the one to figure it out. :mjcry:

I guess that answers the third question as well.:francis:
You should lean into shrooms

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
You should lean into shrooms
I was always scared to take them when i was younger. One day i finally tried them in capsule form, and it was actually really decent.

I havent tripped yet, i micro dose them cause im kinda scared of what i might be capable of if i lose my grip on reality. Im content with simply staying mentally grounded enough to not risk doing anything dumb, but still enjoying that euphoria.

It would be kinda cool to have a good trip, but i have way too much to lose to risk it.

And i dont do lean anymore. Or at least, when i do use opioids, its only when i really really need them and my kratom isnt cutting it. And even then, only as prescribed. Amd when the kratom isnt helping me with pain, or giving me a burst of energy, its taking away that opioid craving.

I would strongly refer it to anyone struggling with addiction. It wont get u fukked up like opioids and other drugs, but its a nice compromise between complete sobriety and spiraling to rock bottom. Plus it is cheap, and legal in most states.

edit: kava is good too, though i could take it or leave it.


TSC's Ric Flair | Heel
Jun 8, 2012
Negativity (Kayfabe)
Why aren't you doing it? What is stopping you from taking those steps? Are you truly being honest with yourself or are you selling dreams you're lining up to buy as you have no intent of actually doing it? Do you wonder why that is? If not you now have the chance to think about it and maybe choose different.

I will change the world.

My Dad told me in 9th Grade art wouldn't pay shyt. :beli:

I love to create...even my boring desk job is throw art and creative shyt.

I play my own podcast in my head...but too lazy to make one. I stopped writing.

Life getting too hectic.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Strangely I think what I’ve wanted out of life from what I’ve been capable is creating art with a connection. Thing is, everything I’m doing now, like my Kumihimo jewelry, music production, and song writing and singing, and sea shell collecting, has been stuff I’ve been interested in and doing subconsciously my whole life without much thought, so I’ve come to understand that for me art is more so an instinct rather than a passion.

And it’s funny because I used to never want to attempt to be an artist because I figured it wasn’t self sustaining from what I read online when I was young, yet art has been essentially to the human psyche since our creation. Art tells stories, conveys emotion, builds new materials, pushes innovation, stresses growth and/or consistency, and without it, many humans would lose motivation from a deeply emotional place so I now look at me being artist as a responsibility to my fellow man.

Like I could make a very detailed, incredible jewelry piece, a guy buys it for his daughter or son and they enjoy it so much they keep it for the rest of their life,
Or I make some very good music for an electrician friend of mine and it helps him get in a groove at work making sure the new town hall building is lit correctly.

that’s the level of seriousness I think of when I create what I do for other people, in a way, I’d say, what I really want to do is keep people’s electricity functioning.
Site for your jewelry :feedme:
I was always scared to take them when i was younger. One day i finally tried them in capsule form, and it was actually really decent.

I havent tripped yet, i micro dose them cause im kinda scared of what i might be capable of if i lose my grip on reality. Im content with simply staying mentally grounded enough to not risk doing anything dumb, but still enjoying that euphoria.

It would be kinda cool to have a good trip, but i have way too much to lose to risk it.

And i dont do lean anymore. Or at least, when i do use opioids, its only when i really really need them and my kratom isnt cutting it. And even then, only as prescribed. Amd when the kratom isnt helping me with pain, or giving me a burst of energy, its taking away that opioid craving.

I would strongly refer it to anyone struggling with addiction. It wont get u fukked up like opioids and other drugs, but its a nice compromise between complete sobriety and spiraling to rock bottom. Plus it is cheap, and legal in most states.

edit: kava is good too, though i could take it or leave it.
What site u get your Kratom from?

Kava ain’t ever done anything for me, u know any good brands? :feedme:


Jan 1, 2018
Get out of my own way.

Thats the 8 billion Soul statement, if ever there was one and a big part of my initiative because I identified most of our issues stem from faulty programming received as jits that runs as the default setting. Problem is there is no friendly way to package introspection as it can be quite harrowing to reexamine the past but its much needed when one seeks the liberation of their true potential.

The other thing is how the process is incremental in reversing what life slowly placed in and thus the flip of this quick fix, abs in 6 minutes world as it takes consistent effort as we're constantly fighting against various forces of oppression on this level of the Game. Things like this really make me wonder because as nice as it would be to create a pop-psych style fix my method is not this because its all centered on knowing thyself which is more of a lifelong process.

The biggest thing I want and wish for is just a peace of mind. Haven't felt that since childhood :to:

Red light bulbs, like I'm sure I told you before and now I know my intuition was correct as its just what you needed. Do the math:

What color does a baby see inside the womb? Now extrapolate that and bring it to your room. If you decide to try instead of rejecting without testing you'll never know what you're missing and how the solution was at your fingertips. Its all about wavelength, frequency, resonance. Either you get it or you don't because mine is just to share the wisdom of what I know works...

@Complexion it makes no difference what a person has WANTED to do, their Dream Job or Lifestyle, from their youth. Who they are now and what they are doing with their time, THAT is exactly who they are, and most importantly, that is exactly WHO THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN.

Everybody isn't here to cultivate some talent, whether widespread or miniscule. It's like when someone says to another person on a job "You are too intelligent/talented to be working here". Your job does not define you, the things you do with your life are what define you. And those things can be as simple as jogging through the park, reading books to attain knowledge or understanding of something, going to live music venues, etc.

Too much pressure is on people to be great. Just be you. If that means that person is a piece of shyt, so be it.

Some people look at things and wonder "Why?". Others perceive that which doesn't exist and say "Why not?". Your attitude defines your latitude and the whole world is based on pulling you down to its level and then charging you for the privilege as it plies you with distractions to prevent you realizing the trick and going for delf.

On the flip I'm no rose tinted vision player in the Game as I see it for what it is. Actually, I'll be dropping an article on this titled:

You can't be who you want and will probably achieve nothing.

The message to uplift is directed at the 8% who know what I'm saying. The rest prove the above statement by the way they live and think therefore its all from within. Even the negative article I just penned is about challenging assumptions because winners win by using all they get as motivation to ascend because the Game is mental.

And I mean that in every respect, including insane crazy, driving Miss Daisy because that is what it will do. If you let it.

My Dad told me in 9th Grade art wouldn't pay shyt. :beli:

I love to create...even my boring desk job is throw art and creative shyt.

I play my own podcast in my head...but too lazy to make one. I stopped writing.

Life getting too hectic.

Simplify, adapt, overcome. Read a few posts back about what I said about 15 minutes upon rising in the AM as a dedicated effort to tell your inner realm this is what you want. I really should write an article about this with a step by step as its a very powerful method.

The first 45 minutes of your day set the tone for the rest and this is why there are certain practices vital to making it happen. None of them count for ish if your sleep isn't correct and you aren't rising fresh so thats another thing I've got to address for those who want to recode themselves into the ultimate.

If you feel yourself slipping just ask "What the F are you still doing driving a cab?"



Mar 11, 2022
As a child I saw myself as somebody who was going to be some super scientist and help the world and rebuild the black community


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
I've been I.T my whole life, but I'm starting to realize I love fashion and fitness

Maybe being an Image Consultant is what's right for me :yeshrug:. I love dressing, and smelling nice, matching different fits and styles, and working out.

I just don't know where to start, and how to monetize it.

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
Site for your jewelry :feedme:

What site u get your Kratom from?

Kava ain’t ever done anything for me, u know any good brands? :feedme:

These guys got the best quality for the most reasonable price imo.

I used to fukk with newdawnkratom and goldenmonk, but i heard some shady shyt about them. Dont know how much of it is true or how true it is, but i have gotten mildly upset stomachs from their stuff a couple times, and it really didnt hit the same imo after the first batch i ordered.

And i came to that conclusion independently before even reading the same complaints from multiple sources. Seems like they bait and switch, give u the good shyt to reel u in then step all over subsequent batches. And those two and a few other vendors are almost certainly the same people.

They all have the same stuff nearly the same price, same deals, and even used SEO to make it appear they were like the top 5 vendors of 2021, which is the most damning evidence; why would one vendor use their SEO to help the competition?:francis:

I know this is base sacrilege but id suggest checking out some kratom subreddits. May be crawling with alt right WS but them sumbiches know their kratom. Their recommendations havent steered me wrong at least. In fact, its a lowkey :umad: feeling to know they unwittingly helping a breh come up.

Also, there is one brand i get from headshops that is just as high quality if not more than anything im yet to find online.

This site only sells to vendors, probably in bulk. Im looking into getting a vending license just to get a better deal, but u can still get it from headshops if u dont mind dropping round 50 for an 8 oz or 90 for a 20 oz bag. Their red maeng da and red bali is 🔥 and their green and white strains aint bad either.

I get the newly available capsules from mitraman for the wifey cause she aint feelin' the powder brew like that, though if she hurting bad enough i know how to mask the bitter taste good enough to persuade her to chug it. Long as i have a chaser handy. She getting better with it. I been at it so long it dont even bother me no more. Actually kinda lowkey lipsmacking at this point:ehh:

Let me know if u want any tips to make a minimally offensive tasting brew. i been at this for a while. Picked up some gems along the way.

edit: my bad, as for the kava i only really tried it myself a couple times. My therapist bought some in for me on the low. After talking about kratom she recommended it and brewed me some. It was aight, but nothing to write home about. idk what brand it was. Or if it was top shelf kava or some great value slop. I dont really have a basis to compare. Ill look into it for ya though.
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