The issue with a lot of truly nice guys is their selection in women. They have a lot of trash to weave through and avoid. For men who are kind, caring. loyal and want to treat women well they need to go after women who appreciate these qualities.
Some of these nice men are the types that are introverted, stays at home a lot, watches movies, watches sports, plays video games etc... yet they want women who go out every chance they get and are outgoing. That's why they get bored. There's not enough true compatibility.
These dudes who are struggling should understand that they can still find attractive and nice women that like their qualities and no these women don't have to look fat or goofy looking. The options aren't act like an a$$hole to women to have success or settle for a goofy looking chick if they want women. This only applies to guys who are truly nice dudes and aren't hiding behind a label to excuse their issues with women though.