What are you chasing? tens? nines? you expect these women to not want their male counterparts? you realize if they chase after these guys they usually are that type in some way right? either very attractive or they are dramatic or are "bad" girls. if you're chasing that type, that's you're own fault that you keep getting thrown to the bushes.
Women rarely "chase" their male counterparts, unless they are already involved and dude bounces. They chase men above their level, because they know those guys aren't going to really pursue them unless it's offered on a plate. They expect men at their level to chase them.
I'm not into this "thugs get all the woman rhetoric" because it's false. But I know for a fact that many women try to "date" out of their league. Men do too, but it's usually resolved with a quick rejection. Whereas when women shoot for the stars, men will entertain them for a easy nut, and then completely drop a number 2 on them afterwards. When men try to go out of their league, they just get a fake phone number.
It seems that men tend to be more attracted to a woman of similar physical attractiveness at initial meeting. Where women have a more complex criteria that heavily impacted by the situation, social validation, and how she feels at that moment. A woman could pass up a guy online dating, but would date him if he was a co-worker she had time to bond with. A guy is not going to loosen his criteria just because he's had time to get to know a chick at work. If she doesn't make the cut online, she doesn't make the cut after knowing me for a year. Women tend to be more attracted to certain things that aren't visible upfront, like status and social value. When they don't know any guys that have those factors that eventually draw them in, they become very picky. Maybe it has something to do with the social stigma of being promiscuous but they definitely don't look at men the way we look at them.
That's a little long winded but basically I'm saying that a lot of women don't initially lust after the guys "at their level". Just because a guy is getting turned down women doesn't mean he is being unrealistic. It's a little more complex than that. Maybe he needs to enhance his social network and have opportunities to interact with women repeatedly. Maybe he needs a friend/relative/co-worker to hook him up and "vouch" for him. There's a lot that can factor into this.