You can't even talk to black women nowadays


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
1. Being harassed or objectified by men isn't exclusive to black women. And by saying so, you're putting BLACK MEN in a NEGATIVE light by suggesting we're doing such to black women, furthermore, every man doesn't operate that way in general. And also, the average woman hasn't been sexually assaulted.

2. Like I said, a "sista w/ her head on straight". The average woman with her head on straight isn't out having abortion(s). :comeon: I'm not judging, but let's keep it real.

This isn't "average" to me and these aren't the kind of Black women I would approach in general.

This is the point I was trying to make. I'm saying it's coming from both ends. Women go through things we can't understand and vice versa. But I'm also saying that these things are magnified for Black women as well, as are our (Black men's) struggles. But in terms of harassment Black woman catch it from all angles more than white women who have a built in support system (law enforcement, white men).
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African American Princess
Aug 14, 2014
On the contrary, I'm 22, without child or a criminal record, and in my first year of professional school.
No, I'll without question marry before the demo at discussion. Statistically, my children will also outperform yours. There's no hostility here.
The only type of way I can possibly feel is sorry for whomever you eventually decide to squeeze from your womb.
You won't vet the man whose child you rear, because your mindset is about you, not them.
You allowed a man that wasn't there when you wake up the next day between your legs because it made you feel good. There was no big picture. Only the now.
You carried his child full term when he stopped returning your calls in week six.
Even better, when he walks out, you can tell your son whose being subjected to poverty, makes poor grades, and doesn't know how to change a tire because mommy cared more about seizing the moment than her sons future, that daddy wasn't shyt.
He won't realize it generally takes two "ain't shyts," to tango, and the only difference between yourself and daddy who "made" you a baby mama is that one particular "ain't shyt," ran away - the other "ain't shyt," looked around at the terrible situation she brought her son into, shrugs, and tells him it ain't my fault.
You're being "made," a baby mama because you allow men between your legs who haven't committed to you.
Don't have a ring? He doesn't have a stable job? Why are you carrying his child?
"My body, my temple, my rules," is the mantra, correct?
I actually agree with the bold, but for some reason, you don't.
Despite your insistence that you value your unborn seed and hate being single mothers, it ain't about your future statistics - who in turn - will birth more statistics and perpetuate the cycle because it's all they know.
Otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion.
It's about you.
In fact, statistically, you'll birth a child who historically will be faced with numerous disadvantages and cry themselves to sleep some nights from hunger.
You'll be a doing a lot of crying too, the only difference is that their particular hell will be of no fault of their own, whereas yours will be self imposed.

first things first why do you think people without records and are in college dont have kids?
if you plan to marry before having kids then why do you blindly support a black dude saying he'll purposely create a child OOW with a women he doesnt like nor plans to build a future with?
you support creating a single parent home?
your claim to be so educated but failed to examine the conversation in it's entirety, before stepping on your soap box with your speech.
then you claim your children will outperform mine when you dont know me from a can of paint, or whether or not i have or plan to have children.
why would you need to feel bad for my unborn children? i feel bad for your children and what ever women has the unfortunate pleasure of barring your children. a pompous over reaching underachiever as a spouse and father must be tough.
you are really hurt by my factual statement huh.
you claim ill be a babymom because im black and date Black men, but youre upset when some new statistic paints BM as abandoners and black children as fatherless:mjlol:
you black men are so quick to use these crock studies to shyt on BW not realizes youre shytting on yourselves in the process, but proceed with your statistics.
i don't know much about the women in your life but refrain from projecting their experience onto me. is your mom a single mother?
you know this story too well to not have lived it.:ohhh:
for this to be a supposed "Black" majority hiphop forum this passage reads more like a st0rmfr0nt or reddit reject, but proceed with your delusions.
it seems like the sufferings of little black boys and girls tickles you:scust:
its always a trip pissing off you quasi intellects on here.
these minions on this forum get so excited at the first big word they see they neglect to comprehen how the BS they dap on this board that paints Black women, and therefore the entire Black race as inferior beings is the same logic the good ol boys use to justify killing, assaulting, enslaving,and disenfranchising BLACKS for centuries now. use the same rhetoric keeping you dumb fukks on the botom of the totem pole:mjlol:.
those same stats say those single mothers and BW in general will go on to outperform YOU in not only education but career advancement as well. oh the irony.:russ:

it says a lot of what you think of BW , BM, and ultimately yourself if you think the greatest mistake a black women can make is being in a relationship with and having children with BM, and there children will automatically end up in a single parent household.
you honestly think those single mothers create children on their own? you dont think those men have no right to care for the children they created?
you talk of personal responsibility but make fun of single mothers while absolving fukkboys from fatherhood.:ehh:
you dont think men NOT looking to be fathers should use protection at all times?
do you know your father?:lolbron:
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African American Princess
Aug 14, 2014

this bytch been n here this whole night hating on bm

bad representation 4 bw
i havent been on here the whole night.
when did i "hate' on BM.
i asked your simple ass why would you continue to sleep unprotected with women when you dont want kids and to stop patronizing BW when you clearly stated you dont like them.

and @Killer Instinct dumbass jumped in the convo not knowing wtf he's talking about.
you fools dont represent all BM.

:russ:at you thinking you're a man.

im a bad representation but you want to make BW single mothers.
Apr 24, 2014
i havent been on here the whole night.
when did i "hate' on BM.
i asked your simple ass why would you continue to sleep unprotected with women when you dont want kids and to stop patronizing BW when you clearly stated you dont like them.

and @Killer Instinct dumbass jumped in the convo not knowing wtf he's talking about.
you fools dont represent all BM.

:russ:at you thinking you're a man.

im a bad representation but you want to make BW single mothers.

bw have a choice like a bm have a choice

i said i was "starting not to like bw" never said i flat out dont like em


African American Princess
Aug 14, 2014
bw have a choice like a bm have a choice

i said i was "starting not to like bw" never said i flat out dont like em
i never said they didnt.
i just dont understand why you'd make such a dumb choice. this goes for the BW&BM.
that makes it better because your in the "beginning" stages?
how tf do you dislike a whole race of women anyway?

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
Your entire reply consists of fallacies due to either your emotions being hurt, or you being outright incapable of engaging in semi-logical discussion.
If it's a trend and the only leg you have to stand on, this will be the last response I waste on you.
If I want to exchange schoolyard quips, I'll go insult a child.

first things first why do you think people without records and are in college dont have kids?

That serves little no relevance to why you used the baby momma trope in an effort to attack my character because I suggested women actually be more selective with whoms child they birth.
You make an erroneous statement predicated on fantasy to placate your feelings -
It's only logical that you are presented the reality and smacked back to Earth.

if you plan to marry before having kids then why do you blindly support a black dude saying he'll purposely create a child OOW with a women he doesnt like nor plans to build a future with?

You find where I did so, I'll pay pal you $50.
You don't produce where I advocated "a black dude," abandoning his children, you take a six week ban.
You game?

i feel bad for your children and what ever women has the unfortunate pleasure of barring your children.

My wife will similarly educated and will be provided for.
My children will be brought up by both parents in a, hopefully, healthy environment and provided for.
Don't feel bad for them. They won't.

you are really hurt by my factual statement huh.

Well, if we're being factual, the majority of ad hominems strawmen, and petty insults have come from you.
If I had to wager anyone being hurt, it's probably the individual behind the keyboard on your end who is having to litter there replies with more schoolyard insults than actual talking points.
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Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012

you claim ill be a babymom because im black and date Black men

This is more of the

approach you've utilized throughout the exchange.
This is often employed to play on words and pull on heart strings -
effectively attempting to dupe the audience and dumb them down to their level so that they can be a sympathetic party.
Because if they restricted their retort to what was actually said, it would be painfully evident that they have no ground to stand on.
I don't claim you'll be a "babymom," because you're black.
I've never stated that and you couldn't find where I have if your life depended on it.
I said that you will be a single mother because your entire drunken rant is predicated and based on you not being the culprit of single motherhood.
You're not interested in how to avoid it, only that you're not blamed for the end result.

you know this story too well to not have lived it.

You don't have to live in a single parent household to know it perpetuates poverty and places the children in them at a disadvantage in comparison to their peers.
Take a walk into any poor neighborhood, or trailer park.
Statistically, children from single parent households are more likely to underachieve in academics and more likely to end up in the penal system.
Feel free to disprove that.

for this to be a supposed "Black" majority hiphop forum this passage reads more like a st0rmfr0nt or reddit reject, but proceed with your delusions.
it seems like the sufferings of little black boys and girls tickles you:scust:

More of those heart strings that is in fact, not based on anything that was said.
Children can't help they the circumstances that they're born into.
No one chooses their parents, but you can surly choose your childs father.

always a trip pissing off you quasi intellects on here.
these minions on this forum get so excited at the first big word they see they neglect to comprehen how the BS they dap on this board that paints Black women, and therefore the entire Black race as inferior beings is the same logic the good ol boys use to justify killing, assaulting, enslaving,and disenfranchising BLACKS for centuries now. use the same rhetoric keeping you dumb fukks on the botom of the totem pole:mjlol:.

Suggesting you don't carry just anyones child is akin to slavery, Jim Crow, and advocating genocide.
<---- AmIRite?

it says a lot of what you think of BW , BM, and ultimately yourself if you think the greatest mistake a black women can make is being in a relationship with and having children with BM, and there children will automatically end up in a single parent household.

I think I'd rather just use this gif as opposed to wasting words.

you honestly think those single mothers create children on their own?

Would we be having this exchange if that were the case, breh?

you talk of personal responsibility but make fun of single mothers while absolving fukkboys from fatherhood.:ehh:


you dont think men NOT looking to be fathers should use protection at all times?

Sue they should. I did.
And in the same vein, shouldn't women not looking to become statistics use those same preventive measures?
No one enters your vagina without your consent.
So why not safeguard who you allow into it?
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African American Princess
Aug 14, 2014
Your ego prevents you from processing information and making critical analyze.
You're deprived of attention, its apparent with your numerous paragraphs and bright cartoon gifs.
I'm not going to waste my time reading your monologue.
@Killer Instinct