I absolutely HATE this whole "The problem is black movies instead of movies that have blacks in them" argument. It's complete bullshyt and it's nothing more than saying that movies like Dead Presidents, Love Jones, The Brothers, and Soul Food weren't successful of their own merits, despite being geared towards predominantly African American audiences.
I feel that the Tyler Perry crap gets lumped into Black Cinema, and because most African Americans with a functioning brain loathe it, it also gives "Black Cinema" a stench. However this distinction isn't given to Uwe Boll, Paul WS Anderson, Joel Schumacher, Brett Ratner or any other Cac director who gets to put out whatever tacky abortion of a film their heart desires. They aren't "bringing down" White cinema
We NEED our stories told. We deserve them. There are a WEALTH of black stories, myths, legends, and facts that could make great BLACK movies. We can do our action movies, we can do our historical epics, our Swords and Scorcery fantasy films, our crime films. These can be predominantly BLACK films that are excellent films BECUASE of their blackness, not DESPITE it.