You can't deny in the 90s, there was an effort to have black faces on the screen

Majestic Pape

The-Coli = W SOHH = L
Apr 30, 2012
I really dont fukk with black movies anymore because its all the same damn love/relationship comedy. Im not shelling out 20 bucks a pop to see the same move re-skinned over and over again. But at the same time i see why they make those because for the most part thats all the majority of black people will go see in droves.

Pretty much every movie i will pay for is at least trying to tell a new story.

You must not be seeing too many movies then... there's almost NO originality in Hollywood. It's not a "Black" thing, no matter how much people try to use that as an excuse.


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
You must not be seeing too many movies then... there's almost NO originality in Hollywood. It's not a "Black" thing, no matter how much people try to use that as an excuse.

What im saying is that when i sit down to watch the movies i pay for i dont know whats going to happen. For 90% of black movies i know what is going to happen within 2 minutes of seeing that character. I know which guy is the cheating no good man, which woman is the one who made mistakes in the past and just needs a good man to save her, the comedic relief friend, the broke man with a good heart who saves the day, etc.... Its the same shyt all the time. Every movie ends with 2 people in a relationship.

Can we not make movies that arent family drama comedies?


May 1, 2012
yall nikkas is arguing two sides of the same coin.

essentially, box office profits are dollar votes. everytime a film like The Last King of Scotland or Miracle at St. Anna comes out & bombs horribly, it's basically a giant poll that the black community gives two fukks about those kinds of films.

in result, studios ain't interested in shelling out fifty million on some horror/thriller with an all black cast with the hope that it will break even, when its been documented we dont fukk with those genres. that's bad business. It ain't just white executives because like my man said.....Tyler Perry damn sure ain't moving outside his niche.

both yall sides feed into each other. more we support, the more opportunities we get.

obvious solution though. with moderate budgets, black films can be successful. it's the ones that receive financing similar to big blockbusters that fail. I referenced "Miracle at St. Anna" above. Budget was $45 million :skip: The budget for Red Tails was $75 million :snoop: who really thought they was gonna make that shyt back? :beli: if you go back to films like Brown Sugar, Think Like a Man, Stomp the Yard, Just Right, Jumping the Broom, The Best Man, The Wood, Love & Basketball.........all were successful & all were produced for under $12-15 million. Tyler Perry's movies pretty much follow the same blueprint. Produced for a few million, bank 30-40 million at the theaters. Great cinema (horror, thriller, comedy, sci-fi) can be produced under that level of financing & makes risk-averse executives more likely to take chances. For example, Every Saw movie (I, II, III, IV, V, VI & 3D) was produced for under $11 million. black directors & studios just need to be realistic. Dial back budgets & :eat:.....because no black film is gonna make $200 million at the box office & pay back such large overhead.
Well said.

Look I'm a horror/sci-fi-/mystery/who-dunnit buff. And, all I'm saying is that in the 90s there were great black movies, directors, writers, and actors who got the opportunity to tell dope stories across every genre. Even, Van Peebles came out with a black Western :krs:. I'm puzzle how now, when you would think it be easier, it's hard press to see a quality black movie that's not those corny stereotypical romcom filcks.

IMO, the Hugh Bros came back strong with The Book of Eli and hopefully reafirm studios that there is an audience for all types of black flicks to be produce


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
Well we really have no one to blame but ourselves, Blacks are the most fickle audience of any group in America, all of you people are calling Tyler Perry a niche directer, but it's the primary niche, Christian Black women. If you cannot appeal to that audience you have no chance of success anymore. Somewhere in the new millennium we lost our pride.

I remember when Malcolm X dropped, it was such an important event to me that I went with my girl, parents, grandparents and her parents to go see the movie in NY. Now granted it's an esoteric example but anyone who was coming up in that era can attest to this. Whether it was Spike Lee, John Singleton or the Hughes brothers, we made it our duty to see this movies and watch these TV shows, because in the early 80's you were very hard pressed to see to many Black faces in movies unless they were criminals (thieves, murderers and rapists), or stereotypical comedy (and yes including Richard Pryor and Eddie). We realized how important it was to support our own voice. I think we have become to cynical and jaded now, and honestly, we will never have that sort of Renaissance again.

Majestic Pape

The-Coli = W SOHH = L
Apr 30, 2012
What im saying is that when i sit down to watch the movies i pay for i dont know whats going to happen. For 90% of black movies i know what is going to happen within 2 minutes of seeing that character. I know which guy is the cheating no good man, which woman is the one who made mistakes in the past and just needs a good man to save her, the comedic relief friend, the broke man with a good heart who saves the day, etc.... Its the same shyt all the time. Every movie ends with 2 people in a relationship.

Can we not make movies that arent family drama comedies?

And I'm saying I know what's going to happen in 90% of ALL movies I've seen. But I see your point.


Power is in my hair nikka
May 1, 2012
From The Westside With Love
Well said.

Look I'm a horror/sci-fi-/mystery/who-dunnit buff. And, all I'm saying is that in the 90s there were great black movies, directors, writers, and actors who got the opportunity to tell dope stories across every genre. Even, Van Peebles came out with a black Western :krs:. I'm puzzle how now, when you would think it be easier, it's hard press to see a quality black movie that's not those corny stereotypical romcom filcks.

IMO, the Hugh Bros came back strong with The Book of Eli and hopefully reafirm studios that there is an audience for all types of black flicks to be produce

Breh, The Book of Eli isn't a black film... is simply a movie with a black protagonist that's directed by blacks.

nobody really sat in the theaters actively thinking about how this is a black movie... it was just a movie.

That's how blacks are gonna win, making movies that dont have a color.

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
gays replaced black people on the big networks
yeah the jewish zionist in control of america switched direction in the early 00s with all that queer eye reality nonsense. Then they got hollywood back on that diet and killed thickness.But a large contributing factor to why we dont see much black films/shows is the internet.Once that was in heavy rotation and piracy became the norm execs had a built in excuse to stop making modern day blaxploitation flix

Blacks should've used the 80s/90s to get into exec positions instead of fettling being comodittes.But then again look at jay z,In theory his rise in def jam should've been an AA dream but he single handily killed mainstream rap..So having blaks in power isnt an automatic fix


Power is in my hair nikka
May 1, 2012
From The Westside With Love
yeah the jewish zionist in control of america switched direction in the early 00s with all that queer eye reality nonsense. Then they got hollywood back on that diet and killed thickness.But a large contributing factor to why we dont see much black films/shows is the internet.Once that was in heavy rotation and piracy became the norm execs had a built in excuse to stop making modern day blaxploitation flix

Blacks should've used the 80s/90s to get into exec positions instead of fettling being comodittes.But then again look at jay z,In theory his rise in def jam should've been an AA dream but he single handily killed mainstream rap..So having blaks in power isnt an automatic fix

His rise was nothing more than a Lifetime achievement award... We all know that Dame built that label...from the rappers, to the product branding to the branching out into other ventures.

besides LA Reid and Slyvia Rhone accomplished shyt in those positions...years before Jay-Z was even relevant.

again, blacks only make up 13% of the US population,and in the history of Corporate America, we've only had 13 Fortune 500 CEO's..

how was this power move supposed to happen in the 80's-90's...especially in a industry with as much nepotism,union fukkery,favoritism and discrimination as the movie industry ?