Just make this shyt a one on one tournament simple as that. These guys make way too much money to care. Same thing with the regular season, everyone with a good team is coasting. Even now that you have the play in tournament. These guys make way too much money to care lol.
This shyt seems so out of place now compared to all the contests after it. What were these nikkas on
Silver has had multiple opportunities to rectify the problem. If he didn’t do it then, I highly doubt that he’d start doing it now.Don't know why folks blame Silver...at the end of the day the blame largely rest on the players and ESPN commentators like Stephen A & Skip who pushed the "regular season doesn't matter" & "RINGZ" culture. Where Silver can step up is force ESPN to get more respectable & nuanced takes...that could create a domino effect.
Players also got to realize that the regular season is where the majority of the money is made. Mike made his name during the regular season and then created the Jordan brand at the dunk contests.
Kobe for sure, but tbf Wade was right there with LeBron pioneering the ish that was on display last night. Prior to banana-boat gang taking the reigns as the premiere stars, it was semi-competitive thru 3 quarters before getting intense in the 4th, but there was a shift in the late-00s/early10s where it was more clear the runway and have everyone take turns doing whatever.
I actually give young KD some credit because he was at least trying to go 1v1s with LeBron like old Kobe was, but Bron wasn't having it. Then the 3pt era kicked off, and we got the final form we see today. What sorta worked at the time, even if briefly, was 2020's target score format. The concept of it mitigates the incentive to horseshyt around indefinitely since there's only so many scoring possessions you get. And as a hooper, it brings about a bit more focus compared to a running clock.
2020 was probably the best/most intense all star game we had in over a decade. In real time the coli was super hyped. But all that momentum has long since grinded to a halt.
Basically confirmed what many people think.