Yo WTF Is Peoples Problem? Why MFers At Work Think They Can Talk To You Crazy And Be Passive Aggressive Because Youre New/Dont Know You???

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
"Go in the restroom if theres any problems" can literally mean anything. Thats not a flat out threat. And quit calling me an idiot a$$hole.
I'd rather hurt your feelings on here than let you think this some shyt to brag about... you letting them play you like a piano. This is what they do on those type of jobs to new people to get them the fukk out the way. You falling for it hook line and sinker. They got their way and they got you out their way... Who won?


Reptile For Mortal Kombat 1
Jan 15, 2015
I'd rather hurt your feelings on here than let you think this some shyt to brag about... you letting them play you like a piano. This is what they do on those type of jobs to new people to get them the fukk out the way. You falling for it hook line and sinker. They got their way and they got you out their way... Who won?

I wasn't bragging though.


Mar 24, 2015
People only talk to you like that if they feel like they can. Fix your body language to a more " I don't fukk around" type shyt and and bet it changes. Learned this when I was young and it never failed me


Reptile For Mortal Kombat 1
Jan 15, 2015
Another thing is I didnt confront them RIGHT there each time. Its seemed like the more I waited to say something the worse it got. Had I not said anything I wouldve losing sleep over the shyt. fukk that.


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
I havent even been here for a month and already Im sick of these punk ass bytches. They moved me from my desired shift (3rd; 9:30 PM - 5:30 AM) to another (1st; 5:30 AM - 1:30 PM) so I could get training to help the supervisor on my shift. nikkas making smart ass remarks under the breath and having these bytchy undertones I done cursed out 3 people already. One of them was a black dude. I literally said to him "I want to give you the benefit of the doubt because youre training me and youre black, but I cant help but feel youre talking to a nikka like a child and I dont tolerate that shyt at all. You really need to tone it down a little bit. If thats not the case I apologize, but I rather be wrong right then and there then be right when its too late"

The other two were white I just flat out let them have fukk them they didnt get that conversation, one of them I flat out told that passive aggressive bullshyt gone get you in a lot of trouble. Told him we can go in the restroom if its really a problem then he screams "we can do it right here" hella loud so the shift lead can hear it. But yea man they're making smart remarks about me doing shyt that just now learning how to do, like drive a forklift and using a crane. fukk these people. The shift lead clocked me out and said hell get in touch with HR to get me back on 3rd shift.
Work in the Amazon gulag brehs


Nov 18, 2016
@ PA
I just came back from working a similar situation, in the south, OP. I had to check a few of those bamma ass nkkas down there (women included).

A bunch a "Yessa suh.." :lupe:(hat in hand), ass negroes too, tryin to get nkkas in trouble (cuz we were from up top).

We were actually brought in, to help them (since they were behind) from a completely different, division within the company. So we also, had to get trained/up to speed.

A lot of passive aggressive shyt, nkkas actin like they were bitter about training you, etc, etc. Plus we were making more than them, since we were contracted to come down there (mind u I'm comfortable where I'm at). Some folks were under the impression we were new-hires, when in all actuality I had tenure over the majority of the ppl there. I'm only at 7 years...and at the bottom of the totem pole, at home. Most folks 15+++. So definitely damned, if I have some less-tenured fuk nkka, tryin to get spicy.

Long story short, I had to check a couple cacs (who seem extra bold down there), and a few bitter, ass hatin nkkas. And I mean "check". After that happened, everyone fell back. I made clear...."fukk this job...we're men first..." :demonic: AND WILL ALWAYS BE THAT.

Once they felt that energy...their tune changed. If you allow goofies to walk all over you, that's what they'll do. Sometimes folks think, they doin some sort of initiation routine...but this aint THAT. I'm not up for play play, wit fakkits at work. I hate work as is, and just there, to do that, and get money.:camby:

Don't let no peer (idgaf if it's an elder either, disrespect), cuz then nkkas get TOO comfortable, and line-step. Always check that shyt. I got kids (teens). I'll be damned if I let someone think, dey could talk down, etc.
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Reptile For Mortal Kombat 1
Jan 15, 2015
I just came back from working a similar situation, in the south, OP. I had to check a few of those bamma ass nkkas down there (women included). We were actually brought in, to help them (since they were behind) from a completely different, division within the company. So we also, had to get trained/up to speed.

1. A lot of passive aggressive shyt, nkkas actin like they were bitter about training you, etc, etc. Plus we were making more than them, since we were contracted to come down there (mind u I'm comfortable where I'm at). Some folks were under the impression we were new-hires, when in all actuality I had tenure over the majority of the ppl there. I'm only at 7 years...and at the bottom of the totem pole, at home. Most folks 15+++. So definitely damned, if I have some less-tenured fuk nkka, tryin to get spicy.

Long story short, I had to check a couple cacs (who seem extra bold down there), and a few bitter, ass hatin nkkas. And I mean "check". After that happened, all those hoes fell back. I made clear...."fukk this job...we men first..." :demonic:

Once they felt the energy...dey tune changed. If you allow goofies to walk all over you, that's what they'll do. 2. Sometimes folks think, they doin some sort of initiation...but this aint THAT. :camby:

Don't let no peer (idgaf if it's elder either, disrespect), cuz then nkkas get comfortable. Always check that shyt. I got kids (teens). I'll be damned if I let someone think, dey could talk down, etc.

1.THIS RIGHT fukkING HERE. They act youre in the way or some shyt. bytch TRAIN ME SO I CAN HELP YOU WTF?!!!?!?!?!? Then then you make a mistake or dont do something perfect they make little quips and shyt.

2. Yea that pecking order bullshyt or whatever is for the birds I aint the one for it.

drederick tatum

May 25, 2022
Yeah, I'm not sure you're gonna make it back to 3rd shift, op. :patrice:I hope I'm wrong, and I wish you all the best

I hope this is some creative writing shyt bruvah because you can’t be out here cutting WWE promos like that talm bout you cussed out 3 people already, openly specifying race in the workplace challenging nikkas to trial by combat In yall nasty ass burger feces restroom :dahell:

You need a finishing school or some shyt
I've always admired people on the internets' ability to be in heated, adrenaline-filled confrontations, and still remember long, verbatim quotes.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Just recently went through this… but I’ve been through it many times

I’m actually considering bringing up a lawsuit myself.

Warning: Long Read

So basically got offered this gig while I was at another. I liked the position I had but even that took time (had to cuss mfers out too… even BLACK dudes). Eventually got the position and schedule I originally wanted (and a white dude actually stood up for me when I was out of the office just for me to get thst).

But after 3 years in that place and not a pay increase (actually got a pay decrease at one point in the middle of covid and an inflation). So it wasn’t my location it was the sub-contract company I worked for and because of the decrease in peoples pay actually got them in trouble with the Department of Labor.

So i was trying to make my exit with that company but not the position if that makes any sense.

So i was offered another position on another base with another company. I took it because they offered 20k more, better training, better benefits, higher clearance, etc. plus, I wanted more hands-on in my field. I took the position and my old company started scrambling when i put in my 2 weeks to keep me, they matched the salary but still was giving me fugazi ass reasons for the pay increase and tried to have me jump through hoops for it.

I still took the new position because of the bitterness I already had plus, they still wouldn’t offer me a higher clearance which opens doors to more money, more locations, etc.

So i get with the new company and it’s alright.. I like the new companies environment but as soon after I get there, they lose the contract to another company and I basically have to do everything I just did over.

So once I get to the site, things get worse gradually. The job is nothing like I was explained it would be or even the position I originally applied for. The “training” I get is from this young college fukkboy that is considered my “lead” because he’s a GS and he’s been theee since he got out of college. I didn’t know anything really about how that place was so I didn’t care about getting trained, it was how they did business that logically didn’t make sense. And I was right..

These clowns were in the middle of an AUDIT.. like the 2nd one in 3 years. These clowns put me in charge of an entire network in less than 2 months of me being there so they could get the fukkboy freedom to go to his fukkboy meetings.

These nikkas did literally everything by excel spreadsheets… EVERYTHING. It was like these dudes just created spreadsheets for anything like it solved problems. All so they could get irrelevant “data” when the only data you should be concerned with imo is getting vulnerabilities remediated.

Anyway, so first day I forget my card at my desk (not unusual) and some random dude takes my card when I return from the restroom. He basically took my card, then proceeded to try to lecture me about it when I returned. He’s not a manager or nothing, just a regular ass worker bee and I have no idea if it was because I’m black, new, in my nice guy mode (you know, when you try to be friendly and use a white person voice). But I literally almost blacked out on dude. Eventually, I do cuss him tf out but not for that.

So after a month I can’t really get all these spreadsheet reports down. These clowns literally have 20 steps per spreadsheet and has like 30 spreadsheets.. and some of the steps are WRONG. Some of the dumbest shyt ive ever seen. Not even the people that have been there for awhile no those spreadsheets

So the site manager basically comes in and put me on blast in front of EVERYONE over those spreadsheets. Again, because I’m new I’m confused a lil bit so I don’t even respond, all I know is my blood is boiling.

I walk out the office for something but I catch site buddy in the hallway and I told him we need to talk. He’s like “alright” like he’s big and bad and like he’s ready for what I’m about to do and say. We get into his office, I close the door and I say don’t ever fukking talk to me like that again. I tell him his leadership is trash, tell them they get nothing done and thats why they’re being audited again, tell them how useless their spreadsheets, meetings, emails, etc are and everything. Looking him dead in his eyes the entire time while he’s trying not to keep eye contact. We talked it out but shyt was done to me in my mind. I was cool with never talking to dude again. It was basically like fukk them all after that.

Eventually I get the hang of it. Job isn’t hard once you cut out the fluff and bullshyt these clowns were doing. But it got worse. These nikkas continuously complained to my project manager about ANYTHING I did behind my back. I didn’t send an email (because it was pointless), I dont walk up to people to bug them (also pointless, I don’t walk up to administers unless something is important because they are undermanned and busy.. as being an admin once, I understand… and most people I talked to at the smoke pit because everyone smoked except these nerds). Basically, my shyt is always green meaning it’s good to go technically and if it’s not, I’m working on it or the admin is working on it and I would just cover for them if it’s not really something they can control.

Still complaint after complaint. My program manager was even like “I been to your briefs.. I didn’t see any issues with your work and neither do the higher ups like the branch heads, ACIO, etc”.

I basically tell him man, is the job getting done? Or is the job getting done just not in the way they want? Luckily for me, he’s worked with these 2 dudes before and honestly, he hated them both too. And it’s real because when they talked about him behind his back it wasn’t really positive either.

So it gets worse. We go through the Audit, I do well but after it’s over, I’m tasked (aka punished) for their failures by being told to write/recreate shyt they should’ve had years ago. In that moment, I just bust out laughing. Basically, they took away my small ability to wfh and have me writing shyt that i could care less about. I copied another locations paperwork basically (because they actually passed their audit) and just do everything as simply and less time consuming as possible. Doesn’t matter. These dudes just wanted me to rewrite shyt.

At that point, I’m checking out. Between the complaining to my program manager, talking shyt behind my back about my work to people who I don’t even know yet (actually caught the bytch ass lead doing it, he didn’t know I was in the office. When I confronted him, he made this long ass letter apologizing that I barely read and never respond to), I eventually snap on that other clown who took my card about something else in front of everyone, etc.

shyt wasn’t worth the mental distress. I even vented it to my doctor and the VA put me in a program to help me find new employment in my field.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Continued: Even my program manager was trying to get me moved to a different location, but because of these clowns basically ruining my reputation with lies and etc., no one is biting. I even told my program manager that if they have all these complaints, fire me:yeshrug:. It’s that simple. Fire me and I’ll go right to the unemployment office today (I didn’t say all of that but i know he knew why I was saying to fire me then). Nah, they didn’t want that so after I was turned down for another position in the area, I accepted another position somewhere else.

None of them expected that I would move on so fast after the final rejection to be moved within the company. It was literally 2 days later. What they didn’t know was that I was already doing other interviews. I had a mini-break down talking to my dad, and he basically said to do the bare minimum and start interviewing elsewhere… eventually, Something stuck and so that Wed I put in my 2 weeks. Technically, I should’ve just walked out but i try to do it the right way.

They were genuinely surprised that I found something else. They just hired some guy and now that I’m leaving, they wanted me to train him (he wasn’t originally there for that).

People were legit surprised I was leaving which surprised me too. Like, do you people have any self-awareness? I had a good reputation with the administrators and with the higher ups tho I believe. They liked me because I got shyt done and the way I ASSISTED the admins and engineers on getting their shyt done, because I once was one at one point in life.

Then I discovered the lead fakkit was basically a giant secretary. He went to college and worked with his father part time as a LITERAL secretary. They have this good ‘ol boy system for the locals there to get and continue getting work. shyt began to make sense. He didn’t know shyt about IT besides what he learned there. His whole life was built around useless spreadsheets. Never military, never been through shyt, never been a leader of shyt. Never talked to higher ups, never did anything before his position. This nikka would take notes of everything I’m doing, when i took lunch, how long I sat at my desk, how long I was away from my desk, the time I came in, ALL of that.

So anyway, my last day and I say peace to people I’m cool with, but literally never talked to those cats again and barely talked to them again after putting in my 2 weeks. I get an exit briefing from my program manager and my contracting company (never had that before).

Basically, from what I can tell my contracting company didn’t know all of that was going on. After I put in my 2 weeks, they run to my PM asking him wtf is going on. It’s only been 6 months, why is he leaving? He explained why and I think they were pissed.

During the exit interview, they basically tell my PM to stfu and they start to tell me if there’s anything I need, asking me what happened (in which I tell them everything), etc. Honestly, I think they were afraid that ill file a suit or complaint and I’m still thinking about it.

So op, it happens more than you think especially when youre the new guy, black, and trying to be nice and professional. It’s always been that way for me. My brother told me when i joined the military to not even HESITATE to kick someone in their fukking chest if they try you… I lived by that when I was in. Now in the civilian world, I have to use more finesse I guess, but you basically have to have that mentality. I have no clue what is wrong with people or why they are like this.

I do know that if I ever see that Site manager or lead anywhere out and about, they better not say shyt or even look my way. I would spit on these dudes infront of their entire families and I mean every word. In fact, i really think I should put in this lawsuit… there’s a lesson here that they should be taught.
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Mar 11, 2022
Told him we can go in the restroom if its really a problem then he screams "we can do it right here" hella loud so the shift lead can hear it. But yea man
:mjlol:Great Mind control bruh
