yo why do mad right-wingers talk shyt on forums but I never come across these people in real life?


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
The reason why I would be hesitant of saying all this in public is because of how sensitive people are to racial issues. And the fact that liberals have created this atmosphere of political correctness, which makes it impossible for people to discuss race based issues in an honest answer. It's as simple as that.


Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Jul 2, 2012
its because they dont work. their time is well spent admonishing folks while enjoying their disability. check. instead of reading history, their time is spent envisiining history the way it should be.


Feb 15, 2013
I have said some things here leading some people to accuse me of being a c00n or uncle tom. The reason why I would be hesitant of saying all this in public is because of how sensitive people are to racial issues. And the fact that liberals have created this atmosphere of political correctness, which makes it impossible for people to discuss race based issues in an honest answer. It's as simple as that.

If a nonblack person expresses any grievances he has with the black community, he is labeled as a racist. It literally does not matter how much truth there is in the statement. As soon as he opens his mouth on the issue he is ostracized.

If a black person does it he is labeled a sell out or an "uncle tom."
And the tone of your voice in this thread also proves another point. It's like you want these people to open their mouth so you can violently threaten them into not speaking anymore. I don't know if that's what you actually want to do, but it certainly is how you're coming across right now.You either want to violently threaten them or you want to ostracize them from society. So again, why would you expect anyone to speak on these issues publicly? This is the environment that people like you have created.

i disagree. we talk about issues within the black community all the time. we have to take more personal responsibility, be smarter and more goal oriented with our economic power and get back to being family oriented with black men being the leaders on those initiatives. those and other issues are discussed in depth. "pro-black" posters include the challenges the black community has to address in order for us to turn the corner all the time. the difference is we can also acknowledge the facts of the challenges and sabotage we face in trying to fix the problems in the black community.

in terms of a black person speaking out.....it's not what you say, but how you say it. also the basis for those statements. how those arguments are put together could make your comments be perceived as koonish. in my experience a lot of people post or say things in an inflammatory way and back it up with anecdotal or hypothetical commentary that doesn't represent the real world issues or avg black person. they also regularly ignore real and common issues that blacks have to navigate through. when that happens then, yes, the koon alert might come out.

white people talking about issues within the black community or issues they have with black people is a touchy subject because most white people can't acknowledge white privilege. they can't accept that the large majority of the issues we face are of their doing. they have trouble acknowledging that even if they don't participate directly in bigotry, racism and oppression of the black community that they still benefit from it. and they go about their life having 0 interest in why things are the way they are. they just point fingers and blame black people for the issues and struggles we face.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
its because they dont work. their time is well spent admonishing folks while enjoying their disability. check. instead of reading history, their time is spent envisiining history the way it should be.
Got any statistics to back this claim up? Or :umad:?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
i disagree. we talk about issues within the black community all the time. we have to take more personal responsibility, be smarter and more goal oriented with our economic power and get back to being family oriented with black men being the leaders on those initiatives. those and other issues are discussed in depth. "pro-black" posters include the challenges the black community has to address in order for us to turn the corner all the time. the difference is we can also acknowledge the facts of the challenges and sabotage we face in trying to fix the problems in the black community.

in terms of a black person speaking out.....it's not what you say, but how you say it. also the basis for those statements. how those arguments are put together could make your comments be perceived as koonish. in my experience a lot of people post or say things in an inflammatory way and back it up with anecdotal or hypothetical commentary that doesn't represent the real world issues or avg black person. they also regularly ignore real and common issues that blacks have to navigate through. when that happens then, yes, the koon alert might come out.

white people talking about issues within the black community or issues they have with black people is a touchy subject because most white people can't acknowledge white privilege. they can't accept that the large majority of the issues we face are of their doing. they have trouble acknowledging that even if they don't participate directly in bigotry, racism and oppression of the black community that they still benefit from it. and they go about their life having 0 interest in why things are the way they are. they just point fingers and blame black people for the issues and struggles we face.

but if its a touchy subject then you just answered the question in the original post


Feb 15, 2013
but if its a touchy subject then you just answered the question in the original post

not exactly. the subject can be spoken on and discussed, but as i mentioned certain things have to be acknowledged in order to have a productive conversation. a lot of times when some white people have these discussions it originates from a place of resentment or based on irrational stereotypes.
May 1, 2012
yo why do mad right-wingers talk shyt on forums but I never come across these people in real life?

Probably cause you dont make enough money :lolbron:

:ehh:If you do make decent money, you come across them all the time, you just dont know it.
:what: this assumes most right wingers are money makers, when the political makeup of the parties shows that's not true. most poor and middle class white southerners support the republican party. poor and middle class != money.
May 1, 2012
so you guys have never been around a gym when its filled with older white men? Usually in the am before work day stars like at 6-7am. Talk like Kingpin is prevalent especially during election time...

you guys are clearly not around the demographics that talk in republican speak they don't fear hiding it dudes, but the country is a big place and its easy to forget that in your own bubbles and inner circles

look at the red and blue maps its usually the big cities littered in blue but the rest of the country is flooded with red ...the fact that cities have higher population and density have given blue the advantage lately but there is a lot of red out there ...and once Obama is out of office i would bet on red in 2016 just due to the fact that its rare for one party to win presidency 3 times in a row
times have changed, and the republican party has marginalized itself thanks to the tea party extremism. it is highly improbable that a republican will win in 2016, especially if hillary clinton or elizabeth warren are on the ticket (women will come out in droves, especially for warren, who's now riding a growing wave of populism to national stardom). thus far, nobody in the republican party will be able to win in 2016. some people mention christie, but he won't survive a primary, since conservatives won't vote for him after the romney debacle. the likely candidate will be ted cruz.

good luck with that. :heh:


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
times have changed, and the republican party has marginalized itself thanks to the tea party extremism. it is highly improbable that a republican will win in 2016, especially if hillary clinton or elizabeth warren are on the ticket (women will come out in droves, especially for warren, who's now riding a growing wave of populism to national stardom). thus far, nobody in the republican party will be able to win in 2016. some people mention christie, but he won't survive a primary, since conservatives won't vote for him after the romney debacle. the likely candidate will be ted cruz.

good luck with that. :heh:
Dr Carson gets a lot of support from the conservative base, I hope he decides to run. :manny:


Jul 24, 2013
i disagree. we talk about issues within the black community all the time. we have to take more personal responsibility, be smarter and more goal oriented with our economic power and get back to being family oriented with black men being the leaders on those initiatives. those and other issues are discussed in depth. .

That is certainly not the majority opinion on this forum or any other black forum I've seen on the internet. If you ask black people what is the primary problem with black america they will say racism. I know this for a fact because I've debated people here on these topics for the past few months and the overwhelming consensus here is that I'm an "uncle tom" or a c00n for criticizing black people.

And no, I have never denied racism. They paint me as a c00n simply because I point out that we have problems within the black community that are not due to white people.

in terms of a black person speaking out.....it's not what you say, but how you say it. also the basis for those statements. how those arguments are put together could make your comments be perceived as koonish. in my experience a lot of people post or say things in an inflammatory way and back it up with anecdotal or hypothetical commentary that doesn't represent the real world issues or avg black person. they also regularly ignore real and common issues that blacks have to navigate through. when that happens then, yes, the koon alert might come out.
Yes, its how you say it. If the overall message you project does not fall in line with the narrative of the white man holding us down, then you are a c00n. If you don't believe me, then show me a thread on this forum or any forum on the entire internet where someone criticizes the black community without other blacks labeling him as a c00n. It cannot be done, period.

white people talking about issues within the black community or issues they have with black people is a touchy subject because most white people can't acknowledge white privilege.
That's completely irrelevant. What does white privilege have to do with blacks making up disproportionate amount of murders in this country? Blacks make up 13% of the population yet they commit like 45% of murders. What does a discussion about violence within the black community have to do with white privilege?

they can't accept that the large majority of the issues we face are of their doing.

You just ruined all your credibility here. Of corse you don't agree with my whole post because you're another negro that takes pride in being a victim. What I am saying runs completely contrary to the narrative you want to project.

they have trouble acknowledging that even if they don't participate directly in bigotry, racism and oppression of the black community that they still benefit from it.
What's the relevance? What does this have to do with so many blacks dropping out of high school and not attending college?

and they go about their life having 0 interest in why things are the way they are. they just point fingers and blame black people for the issues and struggles we face.
Well there's a couple of reasons for this.

1. Black people do not want to take blame for anything.
2. Black people are in fact the cause of a lot of problems within the black community. Again, what is the white man doing to make blacks drop out of school and kill each other?
3. Black americans are like the boy who cried wolf. You say everything is racist. Quite literally everything and this trayvon martin case just proved it. Trayvon martin OJ simpon are proof that the majority of blacks don't care about the issues concerning anything. They jump at the chance to be a victim of racism and will cling to it till the very end. When you say everything is due to racism no one is going to believe you when you point out something that actually is due to racism.


Jul 24, 2013
not exactly. the subject can be spoken on and discussed, but as i mentioned certain things have to be acknowledged in order to have a productive conversation. a lot of times when some white people have these discussions it originates from a place of resentment or based on irrational stereotypes.

This subject cannot be discussed anywhere period. At no point in the history of time have these issues EVER been discussed with the support of black people.

So would you conclude that no white person has ever approached these issues devoid of resentment and irrational stereotypes? Of course you will convince yourself of that because you are afraid of the truth. The truth being, that this discussion cannot be had in public unless you paint the narrative, as you said earlier, that most of the problems are due to white people.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
not exactly. the subject can be spoken on and discussed, but as i mentioned certain things have to be acknowledged in order to have a productive conversation. a lot of times when some white people have these discussions it originates from a place of resentment or based on irrational stereotypes.

so in other words you are saying that the discussion can only be had if you are able to dictate the premises of the discussion, and then you are wondering why another person doesnt accept your premises