Hollywood North
Complaints of too much action make it seem like it may actually be dope and the relevant review sites seem to dig it

Those were valid questions though. Especially the Gotham one.
Is it just me or are most negative reviews for this are coming from girls and male art house reviewers...
One even referred to the "boy-centric world of comic books"Yep, I can see it now: no normal person is gonna listen to Rotten Tomatoes on this one.
ow anything about superman breh . He's a very interesting character it's all how's he written
But the problem is most people, the common movie goer, see Superman as I do.
Superman is a white bread super hero. Plain and too good to be intriguing in 2013.
I compare Superman to Hulk Hogan, both of them were the biggest thing ever, but Hulk Hogan character wouldn't work in 2013 either .
It's official yall, MOS is Rotten on RT 59%
You're reaching. Lots of superhero/comic-oriented staples are giving it mediocre reviews, too.
There is such a thing as too much mindless action, and this movie reaches that point, to the exclusion of the things that actually make that action interesting. Too many people are satisfied with generic action, as long as it's on a large-enough scale with good effects. That's where most of the shock at the bad reviews is coming from.