And don't get me wrong, I like the back and forth (even if I don't read most of it
) off the strength that steel sharpens steel, and black people challenging each other scientifically is a great thing.
The thing is....what theories are being put out about the peopling of Africa, and WHO is putting these theories out? The African-Black scholars have a completely different version of the peopling of Africa than that of the European. The European version that some members are upholding directly shyts on the
ancient history of so called "Niger-Congo"/Bantu people by placing us into regions that we were not in thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years prior to actually reaching those locations (West, Central, Southern Africa). This theory has been rocked to the core for over half a century now, but the "I'm white and I say so" card has been pulled to keep it afloat. When the nonsense about the theory is exposed, you have some "black" members and some who are certainly Cac plants fighting to the death defend the shyt based almost solely on logical fallacies (namely appeal to authority i.e. "no serious (meaning white) scholar approves of your theory"). The fact that every entitled "master teacher" of black history starts the history of our people along the Hapi/Nile valley, and these "black" members go out of their way to disrespect the painstaking work of our scholars is cause for reprimand in opinion.
Can we just throw away the anger though? Geez. Maybe I'm soft or disconnected, but it doesn't look like it comes out from a place of love.
Breh this a war. We have Cacs on this website and throughout the internet who are
dedicated to misleading blacks about our history on the internet. Many of them have connections to Egyptsearch (a popular discussion forum for decades now focused on the blackness of ancient Kemet) and white supremacist genetic forums.
One thing to notice here, none of the DNA evidence nor the cultural analysis have been nudged by the people who naysay this argument. Why would they skip the evidence to make unfounded opinions, and downright insulting talking points that aim at specific ethnic groups when discussing the race as a whole? Trust me it's a lot more serious than having "different opinions". I know that some black folks think different that's fine, but there is a
dedicated coalition of folks on the internet lurking in black platforms. They have the same
lying ass white liberal arguments and talking points to spread their poison. If the talking points were all different than that's one thing, but they say the same lying ass shyt which can only happen via a conspiracy.