I'm trying to explain to you the technical reason the war began, which was secession.
Most people in the North didn't care that they practiced slavery in a moral sense. Yes, there were abolitionists, but do me a favor and look up how many votes the aboltionist party got during the election and maybe that will explain just how little millions upon millions of Americans really cared about slavery. Slavery was akin to gay rights or any other contemporary moral/social issue, yes, there's people who supported it, but it's hyperbole to say most people cared, especially the north. The war was not waged in a moral sense, it was waged because the south seceded.
fukking Lincoln and Ulyssess Grant who are hailed by blacks as heroes owned fukking slaves

so you really think they were so morally opposed to the war?
They used slavery as a way of grabbing the south by the balls and essentially forcing them have a piece of the huge cotton empire in the south.
The South was exporting cotton overseas, they were one of the largest if not THE largest exporters of cotton on the planet. Slavery was a big part of it, but with or without slavery, the war probably would've happened.
The north was imposing tariffs and taxes on them, many southerners interpreted the constitution differently than Northerners did, and you combine that with the fact you basically had two different worlds, it added to the alienation with one another.
I'm not pretending slavery wasn't a big part of causing the war, because it was. It's arguably the biggest catalyst, but you have to understand that there were so many other factors and the North was more concerned about money and profit than the plight of the black man, something they, too were guilty for disenfranchising and exploiting.