I feel like the pacing suffered a little bit this season since they switched from having more than one plot line per episode to only one, and honestly at it's darkest it's not as funny and even a tad repetitive.
That aside, episode 6 was one of my favorites for this season. I liked it more for the subtleties than the blatant jokes, ie Clean Morty pulling hebephile baddies but turning off the only level-headed attractive girl he knows, and Clean Rick making it clear that he literally considers his care for Morty toxic. They managed to make Rick come off like an a$$hole even when he's supposed to be good.
Stacey's one twisted girl lmfao. "Have you ever got peed on? OMG YUM!!"
Ben wa technology
And GOAT song:
Edit: I also like how it's implied Rick would be a better person if his clean side was more dominant, while Morty is ultimately a more likeable (in a down-to-earth and not wolf of wall street sorta way) if his toxic side is more dominant.
That aside, episode 6 was one of my favorites for this season. I liked it more for the subtleties than the blatant jokes, ie Clean Morty pulling hebephile baddies but turning off the only level-headed attractive girl he knows, and Clean Rick making it clear that he literally considers his care for Morty toxic. They managed to make Rick come off like an a$$hole even when he's supposed to be good.
Stacey's one twisted girl lmfao. "Have you ever got peed on? OMG YUM!!"
Ben wa technology
And GOAT song:
Edit: I also like how it's implied Rick would be a better person if his clean side was more dominant, while Morty is ultimately a more likeable (in a down-to-earth and not wolf of wall street sorta way) if his toxic side is more dominant.