Ya'll think Jesus faded a lot of dudes in his time?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Those aren't "deleted Bible scenes" or "the original bible", they were written hundreds of years later. Scholars generally date Jesus's death to 30 AD. Even secular scholars date Mark/Matthew/Luke to 60-80AD (about the time his original followers started dying and needed to get everything written down and passed on), and John to 90AD. But the "Infancy Gospel of Thomas" and most other gnostic texts weren't written until 200AD or later and there is zero record of those stories existing in any form at all before that. They were just ways for new religious cults to capitalize on the popularity of Jesus stories by making their own stories that teach their own messages.

Most of them books are goofy as fukk too, involving random nonsensical metaphysical shyt and poorly written stories that don't fit the rest of the accounts at all.

Believing that the "Infancy Gospel of Thomas" is real is like believing "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer" was based on true events from Lincoln's life. :heh:
I really don't give a fukk :pachaha:

None of that shyt was written contemporarily either. Its all made up.

This "clarification" isn't even helping the case that this argument is useful to even engage in :heh:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
For example, the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, besides having multiple stories of Jesus striking people down with creepy magic, also goes into strange tangents regarding letters over and over that fit the "mystical knowledge" cult of the gnostics who wrote it (and Gnosticism didn't even exist until several generations after Jesus died). The stories are clearly trying to lift the language of the other gospels but make them into their own random points.

VI. 1 Now a certain teacher, Zacchaeus by name, stood there and he heard in part when Jesus said these things to his father and he marvelled greatly that being a young child he spake such matters. 2 And after a few days he came near unto Joseph and said unto him: Thou hast a wise child, and he hath understanding. Come, deliver him to me that he may learn letters. And I will teach him with the letters all knowledge and that he salute all the elders and honour them as grandfathers and fathers, and love them of his own years. 3 And he told him all the letters from Alpha even to Omega clearly, with much questioning. But Jesus looked upon Zacchaeus the teacher and saith unto him: Thou that knowest not the Alpha according to its nature, how canst thou teach others the Beta? thou hypocrite, first, if thou knowest it, teach the Alpha, and then will we believe thee concerning the Beta. Then began he to confound the mouth of the teacher concerning the first letter, and he could not prevail to answer him. 4 And in the hearing of many the young child saith to Zacchaeus: Hear, O teacher, the ordinance of the first letter and pay heed to this, how that it hath [what follows is really unintelligible in this and in all the parallel texts: a literal version would run something like this: how that it hath lines, and a middle mark, which thou seest, common to both, going apart; coming together, raised up on high, dancing (a corrupt word), of three signs, like in kind (a corrupt word), balanced, equal in measure]: thou hast the rules of the Alpha.

VII. 1 Now when Zacchaeus the teacher heard such and so many allegories of the first letter spoken by the young child, he was perplexed at his answer and his instruction being so great, and said to them that were there: Woe is me, wretch that I am, I am confounded: I have brought shame to myself by drawing to me this young child. 2 Take him away, therefore I beseech thee, my brother Joseph: I cannot endure the severity of his look, I cannot once make clear my (or his) word. This young child is not earthly born: this is one that can tame even fire: be like this is one begotten before the making of the world. What belly bare this, what womb nurtured it? I know not. Woe is me, O my friend, he putteth me from my sense, I cannot follow his understanding. I have deceived myself, thrice wretched man that I am: I strove to get me a disciple and I am found to have a master. 3 I think, O my friends, upon my shame, for that being old I have been overcome by a young child;- and I am even ready to faint and to die because of the boy, for I am not able at this present hour to look him in the face. And when all men say that I have been overcome by a little child, what have I to say? and what can I tell concerning the lines of the first letter whereof he spake to me? I am ignorant, O my friends, for neither beginning nor end of it (or him) do I know. 4 Wherefore I beseech thee, my brother Joseph, take him away unto thine house: for he is somewhat great, whether god or angel or what I should call him, I know not.

VIII. 1 And as the Jews were counselling Zacchaeus, the young child laughed greatly and said: Now let those bear fruit that were barren (Gr. that are thine) and let them see that were blind in heart. I am come from above that I may curse them, and call them to the things that are above, even as he commanded which hath sent me for your sakes. 2 And when the young child ceased speaking, immediately all they were made whole which had come under his curse. And no man after that durst provoke him, lest he should curse him, and he should be maimed.
XIV. 1 But when Joseph saw the understanding of the child, and his age, that it was coming to the full, he thought with himself again that he should not be ignorant of letters; and he took him and delivered him to another teacher. And the teacher said unto Joseph: First will I teach him the Greek letters, and after that the Hebrew. For the teacher knew the skill of the child and was afraid of him: notwithstanding he wrote the alphabet and Jesus pondered thereon a long time and answered him not. 2 And Jesus said to him: If thou be indeed a teacher and if thou knowest letters well, tell me the power of the Alpha and then will I tell thee the power of the Beta. And the teacher was provoked and smote him on the head. And the young child was hurt and cursed him, and straightway he fainted and fell to the ground on his face. 3 And the child returned unto the house of Joseph: and Joseph was grieved and commanded his mother, saying: Let him not forth without the door, for all they die that provoke him to wrath.

XV. 1 And after some time yet another teacher which was a faithful friend of Joseph said to him: Bring the young child unto me to the school, peradventure I may be able by cockering him to teach him the letters. And Joseph said: If thou hast no fear, my brother, take him with thee. And he took him with him, in fear and much trouble of spirit, but the young child followed him gladly. 2 And going with boldness into the school he found a book lying upon the pulpit and he took it, and read not the letters that were therein, but opened his mouth and spake by the Holy Spirit, and taught the law to them that stood by. And a great multitude came together and stood there hearkening, and marvelled at the beauty of his teaching and the readiness of his words, in that being an infant he uttered such things. 3 But when Joseph heard it, he was afraid, and ran unto the school thinking whether this teacher also were without skill (or smitten with infirmity): but the teacher said unto Joseph: Know, my brother, that I received this child for a disciple, but he is full of grace and wisdom; and now I beseech thee, brother, take him unto thine house. 4 And when the young child heard that, he smiled upon him and said: Forasmuch as thou hast said well and hast borne right witness, for thy sake shall he also that was smitten be healed. And forthwith the other teacher was healed. And Joseph took the young child and departed unto his house.

The Infancy Gospel of Thomas

The entire rest of the book is just a series of random miracles or Jesus cursing people, then it ends with the story of Jesus going to Jerusalem at 12 that they just lifted straight from the real Gospels, even though it would make zero sense in the context of this gospel because he'd already been doing far crazier shyt and his family wouldn't have had any reason to be surprised at all.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I really don't give a fukk :pachaha:

None of that shyt was written contemporarily either. Its all made up.

This "clarification" isn't even helping the case that this argument is useful to even engage in :heh:
If you want to have an educated conversation, we can have an educated conversation.

If you want to just spout nonsense, then yes, there's no point.

Even secular and openly anti-Christian historians almost universally believe that Jesus was real and did much that was attributed to him, which there is ample evidence for. Which parts of the Bible literally happened is the subject of a huge amount of historical research. The only people who claim, "It's all made up" are guys working out of their basement publishing books to sell to conspiracy theorists.

And yes, it wasn't written the literal year Jesus died. In that age very little was written contemporary outside of government records. But historians date the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke to 60-80 AD, just 30-50 years after Jesus died, and are based on both oral and written stories they already had been repeating back since Jesus was alive. No different than Mary Trump writing a book in 2020 about the things her brother did in the 1960s to 1980s.

Westbama Heartthrob

Irregular Zero
Aug 23, 2019
7th District
Those aren't "deleted Bible scenes" or "the original bible", they were written hundreds of years later. Scholars generally date Jesus's death to 30 AD. Even secular scholars date Mark/Matthew/Luke to 60-80AD (about the time his original followers started dying and needed to get everything written down and passed on), and John to 90AD. But the "Infancy Gospel of Thomas" and most other gnostic texts weren't written until 200AD or later and there is zero record of those stories existing in any form at all before that. They were just ways for new religious cults to capitalize on the popularity of Jesus stories by making their own stories that teach their own messages.

Most of them books are goofy as fukk too, involving random nonsensical metaphysical shyt and poorly written stories that don't fit the rest of the accounts at all.

Believing that the "Infancy Gospel of Thomas" is real is like believing "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer" was based on true events from Lincoln's life. :heh:
True. But the stories are entertaining nonetheless. Thats all I care about:yeshrug:

I imagine Jesus stories were like Chuck Norris jokes, Elvis sightings, and tupac conspiracies all roled up into one. We'll never know what the actual man was like or what happened in his life.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
True. But the stories are entertaining nonetheless. Thats all I care about:yeshrug:

I imagine Jesus stories were like Chuck Norris jokes, Elvis sightings, and tupac conspiracies all roled up into one. We'll never know what the actual man was like or what happened in his life.
There are some people with that position and I think it's fair. But there are legitimate ways to tease out what is most likely or almost certain to have happened, based on comparisons between the books, other historical accounts of the time, comparisons between what was in the books and what the early Christian movement actually looked like, etc. It's really fascinating research to me because I don't want to follow anything that isn't rooted in truth.

Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
Was her turning cheeks are getting his cheeks turned by one of them 11 nikkas he was shacked up with following him around? I dont know know no nikkas huddled up together for that long with no bytches around ever. :dame:

Jesus breh might have been on that zest on the low
Jesus had multiple wives.

The man was literally saving women from being stoned to death, brought the dead back and healed sick.


Nov 12, 2014
He drove the money changers out the temple with a whip




Jun 20, 2013
No because he was peaceful and trying to spread the message of God without using any physical violence on anyone.

Matthew 10:34-37
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.



la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
Those aren't "deleted Bible scenes" or "the original bible", they were written hundreds of years later. Scholars generally date Jesus's death to 30 AD. Even secular scholars date Mark/Matthew/Luke to 60-80AD (about the time his original followers started dying and needed to get everything written down and passed on), and John to 90AD. But the "Infancy Gospel of Thomas" and most other gnostic texts weren't written until 200AD or later and there is zero record of those stories existing in any form at all before that. They were just ways for new religious cults to capitalize on the popularity of Jesus stories by making their own stories that teach their own messages.

Most of them books are goofy as fukk too, involving random nonsensical metaphysical shyt and poorly written stories that don't fit the rest of the accounts at all.

Believing that the "Infancy Gospel of Thomas" is real is like believing "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer" was based on true events from Lincoln's life. :heh:
Why is the Coli so obsessed with violent strongmen? These :flabbynsick: dudes will get washed in a one on one with a high school boxer


la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
Matthew 10:34-37
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

That's been interpreted as that he's coming to the Earth to radically change society not literally attack people