May 2, 2012
We're getting more and more relatives and offspring of wealthy players into a league of 450 spots .Quality prospects are scouted early and then placed into nice prep schools and access to basketball camps and other resources.

So we're getting to a point where the league ain't really a meritocracy where a guy without any backing can get into the league. Ultimately the best prospects are getting drafted, but the access to resources before the draft is becoming more unequal.
I agree, but at the end of the day if you can ball you’ll make it no matter where you come from. Rich kids do have a advantage until they face adversity
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
At least gil knows what hes talking about.
The Internet is just full of people trying to make jokes. Or hate on people...
And some of these people already don't like LeBron, so they trying to clown his son.

I don't care about none of this shyt.
I have no bias.
I ain't a LeBron fan ...never been

Young bronny is a 55th pick.
He looks like a 55th pick.
I said before you are evaluating a player picked at that spot differently than a top 1st round.
And I think everyone knows this but it's just hate in nikkaz blood.

Can the kid guard people at this level? Is he fast enough, athletic enough? Can he get a shot?
Picking in that second round you're looking for a player with a good foundation to develop.
Think jimmy Butler.

My evaluation for him when nobody knew what a Jimmy Butler was. "His floor is Dwayne Wade, his ceiling i kobe and Jordan"

Bronny has no chance to be Jimmy butler.

As one bronny did not go to a university like Marquette.
that was known for creating dribble drive mastery backcourt players like butler, wade, Doc rivers...
or even, Wesley matthews.
Plus bronny fails to study past greats like those Marquette players Mentioned. To be regarded as the second coming of legends.
In wade as a second coming dribble drive player like jordan. To doc rivers being regarded as the original failed second coming of magic johnson.
Of which even his own father has no idea. why bron was bested.
by the coaching of a failed magic johnson protege type in rivers in 2008.

In that bronny also failed to realize.
or even study.
Harold minor at the alma mater.
bronny chose in usc as well.

So no...bronny is not and will not ramp like butler. Nor will bronny become a wade level talent.
This is before speaking on butler's background. Which created the will for butler to be butler.
As bronny has not studied hard enough. Plus is reluctant to use the knowledge.
from afar from past greats.
by watching the game and knowing history.

We could wish bronny applied himself in this manner. Yet his father never applied himself in this manner. So bronny will never emulate greats. simply because his father failed to emulate greats. Plus fail to achieve the type of success. The James clan has been compare to as well.

Just like his father lebron James.
has failed to study the skillset.
of dr j, magic and Jordan to become the goat.

While flaug'n.
To the point.
bronny does not even know. Bronny has created simple scrutiny. By picking Jordan's olympic team number In number nine.
while also being clueless.
to the fact his own father wears dr j's jumber as well.

If bronny was made up of the stuff to be a pro. Bronny would have studied.
plus known to not go to a private big budget school. Plus bronny would avoided the pitfalls.
to being a parochial slash private program based and only trained style talent.
as early as grammar school.
bronny should have been studying these things.
to become a nba pro on his own merit.
Yet since his own father is a coddled parochial school player.
Where Arguably lebron James is the most decorated parochial school player all time nationally.

Bronny has no idea. Following his father blindly.
without his own brain trust is doomed to fail. In even a more distinct way than his own father. Who also failed to do a proper discovery and applied brain trust to succeed as well.

Art Barr


Jun 10, 2012
there's a reason superstar players don't have superstar offspring. they simply have it too easy growing up :manny:

People act like LeBron's athletic genes were supposed to transfer to his kids. They just assumed Bronny would be at least 6'5" but they got Savannah's genes too.

I don't think it's about having it easy but a lack of physical tools. Steph had it easy and made himself into the GOAT shooter. Dell definitely imparted his knowledge in that area. Bron's skillset isn't really teachable without the athleticism and physicality.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
People act like LeBron's athletic genes were supposed to transfer to his kids. They just assumed Bronny would be at least 6'5" but they got Savannah's genes too.

I don't think it's about having it easy but a lack of physical tools. Steph had it easy and made himself into the GOAT shooter. Dell definitely imparted his knowledge in that area. Bron's skillset isn't really teachable without the athleticism and physicality.

Bronny got none of the fairy dust from the north star. That lebon James his father was gifted. genetically.
as a once in a lifetime time generational talent.

Bronny just plays basketball.
Yet bronny is not a hooper
Plus showcases no drive to study or be the next anything.

That most ball players who are usually that guy obsessively go about to be come actualized as talents.

Art Barr

On another note. The problem with bron is similar. As real talk. Bron is not the goat because he never studied no past great. To be aware of the issue a public league player usually has to be well versed in to succeed.

So when It gets tight. Since bron never studied magic. To know to be better than tragic magic. By not shirking his natural at point guard. Or not lose.
like the older guard knew.
when it came to Elgin baylor. Bron never studied Dr j. Plus I feel bron never studied mike. As mike was the culmination of study. That mike knew not to succumb to any pitfall. That existed to keep past potential goat hopefuls.
from becoming actualized like Wilt to Elgin. Or navigate the vitroil Dr. j faced.
as an aba great now in the nba.

That when the brain trust is needed to not fall prey to failure. Bron lacks the brain trust from study to succeed. When bron shpuld have two four peats. That if bron studied the greats. Bron would have won two four peats. Plus secured the stature of the goat title. Yet since bron never studied. Bron became the culmination of Elgin baylor 2.o meets tragic magic.

Art Barr


May 24, 2022
No he's not :laff: :laff: :laff: :laff: :laff:
Got Nikkas on this site making SL game threads, so yeah I’d say it’s a good bet he will

Also wtf you doing posting when you know you’re back by the fryer or the forklift. Your boss gonna be mad you on your phone
