Bronny is such a golden spoon nepo baby.
That bronny has not studied.
any other successful children of silver or golden spoon variety.
from or of other skill disciplines to succeed as well.
Tony hawk = silver spoon that dispels any talk of being a golden spoon. To the point Tony hawk was physically hazed Every day of hisbesrly life.
Plus treated like utmost shyt.
by legendary z dogs to anyone in skating. All because Tony hawk wanted to be the most talent on vert in skating. That hawk was hazed and completely shunned by all his peers. While trying to study and watch said legends in real time.
That hawk was physically and verbally abused.
by any and every contemporary in skating.
plus actual fan publically. That hawk's own life was in danger publically at all times as a small lithe frame kid.
to the point...hawk was thought to be a girl.
that hawk could have been violated and molested. From said hazing and vitroil.
extending from nepotism socislly in real time and consistently in nature daily.
Yet in that.
hawk studied on his own merit.
Coupled with a willingness to succeed.
Witnessed every legend in skating.
friom Alva to drugged out z boy in real time. Facing physical violence and verbal abuse. Plus possible molestation. From hazing socially and physically being hazed and called a young prepubscent girl.
On a level publically and socially. That could have resulted in actual physical violence to death.
Plus molestation.
At every skate park.
or local meet spot.
not owned or owned by his father.
In a skate community...that originally was made visible by an actual porn star.
When bronny should be the leading expert of nepotism and negating the effects of being a golden or silver spoon socially in actual nature.
That bronny has never studied other golden spoon or silver spoon nepo talent. To build a braintrust to succeed.
That bronny is not even well versed in other professionals. Who thwarted being titled a golden spoon nepo. To reduce critique to that of a silver spoon. To alleviate the pressure attached to being a golden spoon.
That i can list models of study in other genres. That bronnybshould be the leading savant expert on. In discovery and brain trust to succeed.
Dustin rhodes : dustin was treated so poorly.
as any single nepo gilden spoon. now silver spoon nepo baby in history.
mired in the shadow of his father duhtay Rhodes.
That socially and physically. Dustin was run off from under his father's best interest.
as a booker. To go to a company. That eventually Dustin was hazed in a manner. That would have made a married Dustin Rhodes.
go through a sex change. To have mammary gland female breast augmentation.
instslalled surgically as implants.
to succeed as a heterosexual married man.
Here are just two examples of skilled golden spoon nepo babies.
Off the top of my head.
Who applied themselves in skill and braintrust. To thwart the stigma.
of being a golden spoon.
to being regarded as a nepo style silver spoon. To actually become actualized greats. That in regards to hawk. Hawk became known as a goat on vert. That most gateway consumers have no idea. The verbal and physical abuse hawk suffered. Plus the fact hawk could have been killed.
from abusers in extreme jealousy. That hawk is that succeesful from applying himself. No one in gateway consumerism. Even knows a damn thing about this. Or that hawk is an actual golden spoon level talent. That because of dedication and hardworking. Despite amenities and resources.
Still becomes and is regarded as the goat of vert style skateboarding.
That is the issue with bronny. As bronny will not even perform a discovery. To best, thwart or become influenced enough to succeed. Which is from bronny's coddled golden spoon based upbringing. That a driven player accused of being a nepo baby. Will never apply themselves to succeed. To thwart any talk of being a general cliche golden spoon style nepo baby.
Bronny should be defiantly at best.
Rocking a baldie and trying to tell us of his love for jordan. Like kobe in general idea. To achieve gateway consumer permeation and success.
Yet since bronny is a golden spoon. Bronny will never like himself in any manner. To look to seek to dispel the ideas and mantra of being a golden spoon. To successfully succeed as a professional.vall player at this point.
Bronny because of his coddled spiled golden spoon upbringing. Lacks any idea or remote penchant. To study other people in the sport. Or outside the sport to succeed. When bronny needs to rebel. Plus defiantly invest in a brain trust and discovery of other greats to succeed. Yet fails to study greats in his profession. Plus fails to use influences.
From outside his professional brain trust.
via discovery to succeed as well.
Till bronny applies himself.
Outside in defiance against the stigma of nepotism. Bronny will never succeed professionally
Art Barr