
Jun 17, 2012
So let me get this straight, Bronny doesn't look good in "glorified pick up games" so they need to see him with actual pros to evaluate him :why:

How you gonna struggle against weaker competition but excel against the comp at the highest level? He not looking good against Joe PG but once Curry is in front of him he'll unlock his potential:russ:

I want to ask Key how many WR's he saw in college who couldn't catch, run routes, read coverages, or get separation figure all that out in the NFL.

*Keyshawn tomorrow*

“We need to see Bronny in an environment that suits his skill set. This is just summer league Skip. It’s pick up basketball against guys that won’t even be in the d-league a few months from now. That’s not Bronny’s game. Bronny’s game is to play defense, and hit the open shot. Bronny is going to be okay. He’s the 55th pick right? So he has time.”

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Nah... I know the game.
If he makes those shots everybody would be on his dikk.
But that's not how u should judge a player with his background and experience.
Can he get open. Can he guard his man.
Does he get pushed around. Is he athletic?

These are the things you should look at in evaluation.

You are completely cap'n.

As on no day.
Has bronny ever showcased any array to play like a superstar player.
On any level of his coddled playbhistpry on court

Bronny is golden spoon and complete product of nepotism st this point.
Who because of spoiled coddled nepotism. Is incapable of knowing to do the work. Plus from nepotism. Has never even studied past greats to become a great player in his own right. Evident in bronny's develop or lack there of. Which gives bronny complete disconnect. To ever achieve success at this point.

Which is easily recognized in the eye test on every level of bronny's play.
Bronmy is a golden spoon parochial coddled player. Gifted thr game of basketball in and on every level. While never rewarding himself.
To the actual supporters of his journey as a basketball player historically.

Plus bronny has no dog in him. Along with no willingness as a ball player.

to stomp out the sun. To eliminate the shadow of his father.
From engulfing bronny.
as a ball player with skill on court. As well as bronny has shown no penchant to develop via watching film. Or study any past greats
to further emulate to ramp. While also emulating.
his father's lack of willingness to be the real leader. By not learning the point guard position. In the same manner his own father shirks his natural.

Bronny is so trash.
Plus mired in golden spoon levels of gross based nepotism. That far exceed any silver spoon based nepotism. Generally found ehen dealing with nepotism.
Bronny showcases no idea.
of watching higher skilled hall of famers.
or even dark horse players to get better.
Which limits bronny's on court execution tremendously. Plus hampers any remote idea of dark horse ramp and build.
Meaning bron does not even have the natural ability. Coupled with dedication to playing basketball.
To study the game historically. To know how to seize the day.
Plus and change his fortune.
As a suvvessful ball player to dispel golden spoon based levels of nepotism.

To the point.. bronny very own model of success in his father and russell Westbrook. Are failed and flawed models of success. When properly compared to models of success and players from the past both bron and russell Westbrook are compare to in general idea all time. Meaning.. bron is the failed second coming of magic and Jordan. Making bron the parochial new school failure to succeed player. Ehich is a poor mix of tragic magic meets Elgin baylor meets dr j.

which for the next point.
bronny and bron never studied to past greats to ramp and succeed. as well as bronny's fscoritr reported player of russell Westbrook statically at pg. Is a wack lower skilled version statistically.
of Oscar Robertson and Michael jordan at point guard averaging a triple double. That both bronny and bron also fail to study. Showcasing easily why both fail in legacy as well.

while also bronny wears Michael Jordan's number nine Olympic team jersey number. While publically trying to connect to Jordan's legacy. While never studying anything to improve from visual intake of Michael jordan to succeed professionally. As well as ramp skill. Ehile deflecting and publically trying to shun any idea of jirdan in their influence and skill rubrick

As bronny and bron fail to know the history of success needed in the nba. Illustrated in both players father and son's disconnect. Plus unwillingness to study to overcome systemic failure from a lack of discovery and brain trust. Needed to really be the successful. Given the north star generation genetics of lebron. Which said north star never blessed the son of lebron James in bronny James.
as a talent and in physicality.
in physical nature.
To ramp lacking generational talent and pedigree in his own right.
In on his own.

While also never pr'n the actual importance of the married stability of the black home. To produce systemic success. Which is the real story here. That will be lost. In the fact bronny fails to prepare. Plus create a discovery leading to a brain trust of success.

Bronny is a complete child of nepotism and golden spoon. That is so spoiled. Bronny will fail. As bronny does not independently. Search or study any past time greats to become a great.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Bronny is such a golden spoon nepo baby.

That bronny has not studied.
any other successful children of silver or golden spoon variety.
from or of other skill disciplines to succeed as well.


Tony hawk = silver spoon that dispels any talk of being a golden spoon. To the point Tony hawk was physically hazed Every day of hisbesrly life.
Plus treated like utmost shyt.
by legendary z dogs to anyone in skating. All because Tony hawk wanted to be the most talent on vert in skating. That hawk was hazed and completely shunned by all his peers. While trying to study and watch said legends in real time.

That hawk was physically and verbally abused.
by any and every contemporary in skating.
plus actual fan publically. That hawk's own life was in danger publically at all times as a small lithe frame kid.
to the point...hawk was thought to be a girl.

that hawk could have been violated and molested. From said hazing and vitroil.
extending from nepotism socislly in real time and consistently in nature daily.

Yet in that.
hawk studied on his own merit.
Coupled with a willingness to succeed.
Witnessed every legend in skating.
friom Alva to drugged out z boy in real time. Facing physical violence and verbal abuse. Plus possible molestation. From hazing socially and physically being hazed and called a young prepubscent girl.
On a level publically and socially. That could have resulted in actual physical violence to death.
Plus molestation.
At every skate park.
or local meet spot.
not owned or owned by his father.
In a skate community...that originally was made visible by an actual porn star.

When bronny should be the leading expert of nepotism and negating the effects of being a golden or silver spoon socially in actual nature.

That bronny has never studied other golden spoon or silver spoon nepo talent. To build a braintrust to succeed.

That bronny is not even well versed in other professionals. Who thwarted being titled a golden spoon nepo. To reduce critique to that of a silver spoon. To alleviate the pressure attached to being a golden spoon.
That i can list models of study in other genres. That bronnybshould be the leading savant expert on. In discovery and brain trust to succeed.


Dustin rhodes : dustin was treated so poorly.
as any single nepo gilden spoon. now silver spoon nepo baby in history.
mired in the shadow of his father duhtay Rhodes.

That socially and physically. Dustin was run off from under his father's best interest.
as a booker. To go to a company. That eventually Dustin was hazed in a manner. That would have made a married Dustin Rhodes.
go through a sex change. To have mammary gland female breast augmentation.
instslalled surgically as implants.
to succeed as a heterosexual married man.

Here are just two examples of skilled golden spoon nepo babies.
Off the top of my head.
Who applied themselves in skill and braintrust. To thwart the stigma.
of being a golden spoon.
to being regarded as a nepo style silver spoon. To actually become actualized greats. That in regards to hawk. Hawk became known as a goat on vert. That most gateway consumers have no idea. The verbal and physical abuse hawk suffered. Plus the fact hawk could have been killed.
from abusers in extreme jealousy. That hawk is that succeesful from applying himself. No one in gateway consumerism. Even knows a damn thing about this. Or that hawk is an actual golden spoon level talent. That because of dedication and hardworking. Despite amenities and resources.
Still becomes and is regarded as the goat of vert style skateboarding.

That is the issue with bronny. As bronny will not even perform a discovery. To best, thwart or become influenced enough to succeed. Which is from bronny's coddled golden spoon based upbringing. That a driven player accused of being a nepo baby. Will never apply themselves to succeed. To thwart any talk of being a general cliche golden spoon style nepo baby.

Bronny should be defiantly at best.

Rocking a baldie and trying to tell us of his love for jordan. Like kobe in general idea. To achieve gateway consumer permeation and success.
Yet since bronny is a golden spoon. Bronny will never like himself in any manner. To look to seek to dispel the ideas and mantra of being a golden spoon. To successfully succeed as a professional.vall player at this point.

Bronny because of his coddled spiled golden spoon upbringing. Lacks any idea or remote penchant. To study other people in the sport. Or outside the sport to succeed. When bronny needs to rebel. Plus defiantly invest in a brain trust and discovery of other greats to succeed. Yet fails to study greats in his profession. Plus fails to use influences.
From outside his professional brain trust.
via discovery to succeed as well.
Till bronny applies himself.

Outside in defiance against the stigma of nepotism. Bronny will never succeed professionally

Art Barr