Y'all see this black a$$ African on the "23andMe" TV Spot boastin' about being Irish & Scottish?


Jul 22, 2015
Thats the point....and people that look like them aren't rare in the usa.
I disagree, its quite rare to find african americans who have mothers that look like Sonya Curry or a father that looks like Ayesha Curry's father. Definitely not the norm.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
I disagree, its quite rare to find african americans who have mothers that look like Sonya Curry or a father that looks like Ayesha Curry's father. Definitely not the norm.

It really isn't, a trip to a place like California or Louisiana and its bordering states would dispel that.

There are plenty of multiracial AAs. And it doesn't have to be the mean phenotype, it's a sizeable group


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
not that long ago these ancestry test to implied Egyptian Pharaoh King Tut was genetically British cac so i'll let you be the judge:comeon:

That isn't what happens, extracting DNA from a 2000 year old mummy is very different than extracting DNA from a living person's saliva

Those tut test were controversial and inconclusive, cuz again it was from 2000 year old mummy

DNA testing is accurate
Jan 26, 2015
How in fukin hell can you believe an AA traced their heritage to Tuaregs

And you believe it? So now you believe in the science of dna?

The dna evidence says AA DNA came from west Africa and a some European, that's a scientific fact and it's backed up by historical facts

I'm not emphasizing anything, I made the assertion that AA were 25 percent white, and I was just pointing out the light skin AA population as to why that number is accurate if you understand that it's an average

And I never said there are a lot of people that were passing but their existence shows the high levels of miscagnetion in the black community, and their existence shows why you can't equate light skin in the us to light skin in west Africa, cuz it's not just light skin, it was hair type and eye color in AA that allowed them to pass

And today people joke about light skin vs dark skin but during the 1900's it was much more serious, books have been written about light skin blacks and the subculture they created, ignorance about this shows a lot of you haven't read books, cuz the light skin movement in the 1900s is an important part of AA history
i put it out there cause i know if massah said it sheep like you will fall in line/accept it as gospel not cause i personally subscribe to the practice:yeshrug:

i'm sure some AAs do....as we do have a sizable but minority biracial population but as an whole AAs aint mixed liked that and you want find a reputable historical source which backs that position

and i'm telling your simple ass....that just not reality....25% white is a recent/immediate white ancestor,,..ask yourself do you have a living or identifiable recent cac as one as your elders,do most of your AA friends,associates:sas2:the presence of lightskin AAs is just not enough as they are found in Afiica too...i can see your point if most or half AAs were high yellow but that's just not reality:manny:

-Nah all that shows is there were a few whites of mixed ancestry were sometimes lumped with blacks due to racist one drop rule nothing more or less....most lightskin AAs look like their darer skinned peers only with lighter skin so i miss your point...furthermore Did you see the lightskin Africans I posted:what:there hair type and eye color isn't that different from those special lite brite AAs you take such pride in:comeon:

let me get this right.....cause cacs instiaged a lightskin vs darkskin tension in the 1900s it means all AAs are mixed:aicmon:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Again you fools need to travel

I have been to Africa... I seen plenty of light skin nikkas who ain't got a drop of cac,Arab or Asian blood in em

People who live in colder climates were light as fukk or darker than Adebisi..it was spooky
All pure Bantu mofos

Visit tribes who live near the Kilimanjaro mountain and report back

Agreed, light skin is not evidence of white genes


We are not from "all over Africa", we are from west Africa

And the white genes in AA does not manifest just in light skin, it manifested itself in hair texture and eye color

And west Africans do not have a history of consensual and non consensual sexual with white, AA do

So anybody that knows history would not be surprised that AA have significant amount of white genes, and the spectrum of phenotypes is wider in AA than in west Africans

So you can see any west African phenotype in AA, but the reverse is not always true, there are certain AA phenotypes (in other words, not just light skin) that you will never find in west Africa

There is no equivalent to Thurgood Marshall or Smokey Robinson in west Africa, there is no west Africans that will pass for white, let me know when you guys see the African Curry's, I'll wait

Light skin Africans is not a counter argument to history and DNA evidence
Jan 26, 2015
I would never post a picture as a form of scientific evidence, in fact i specifically said that light skin is not evidence of white genes, that was like in the my 3rd or 4th post in this thread

Significant consensual and non consensual sex between blacks and whites not just in the us but all over the Western Hemisphere is a historical fact and has been thoroughly documented

Go read a book
even if what you say is correct your dumbass knows that most sex doesn't end in birth andmsot peckerwoods were raping blacks didn't want and most likely took precautions to not breed with them right:comeon:throughout our time in this country blacks have procreated with other blacks in a much larger numbers,for a longer sustained time and more frequently than the random blacks whom bred with cacs....there is no documented evidence of mass breeding between blacks and whites on such a mass and sustained scale to notably effect AAs gene pool cause it simply didn't occur but feel free to prove me otherswise
Jan 26, 2015
That isn't what happens, extracting DNA from a 2000 year old mummy is very different than extracting DNA from a living person's saliva

Those tut test were controversial and inconclusive, cuz again it was from 2000 year old mummy

DNA testing is accurate
oh so you genetic expert now:stopitslime:if the white supremacist behind these bogus genetic studies will blatantly fabricate Tut's genetics there is nothing to stop them from doing the same to AAs :ufdup:

yeah DNA testing is so accurate it implied an Ancient African man was actually Western European:childplease:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
i put it out there cause i know if massah said it sheep like you will fall in line/accept it as gospel not cause i personally subscribe to the practice:yeshrug:

i'm sure some AAs do....as we do have a sizable but minority biracial population but as an whole AAs aint mixed liked that and you want find a reputable historical source which backs that position

and i'm telling your simple ass....that just not reality....25% white is a recent/immediate white ancestor,,..ask yourself do you have a living or identifiable recent cac as one as your elders,do most of your AA friends,associates:sas2:the presence of lightskin AAs is just not enough as they are found in Afiica too...i can see your point if most or half AAs were high yellow but that's just not reality:manny:

-Nah all that shows is there were a few whites of mixed ancestry were sometimes lumped with blacks due to racist one drop rule nothing more or less....most lightskin AAs look like their darer skinned peers only with lighter skin so i miss your point...furthermore Did you see the lightskin Africans I posted:what:there hair type and eye color isn't that different from those special lite brite AAs you take such pride in:comeon:

let me get this right.....cause cacs instiaged a lightskin vs darkskin tension in the 1900s it means all AAs are mixed:aicmon:

Nah you put it out there cuz you forgot that the basis of your argument is that DNA is not accurate

I certainly believe that an AA can trace an ancestor to Tuaregs, and there are some that can be traced to east Africa and Southern Africa but that is small

But OVERALL AA's are west African

25 percent doesn't mean your grand parent are white, this goes back to people not understanding basic math and not understanding basic science

And you like others are confused about what you are trying to prove, light skin is just one phenotype

I'm not being facetious when I mention Thurgood Marshall and smokey Robinson, I'm being dead serious

The 25 percent DNA manifests itself in more than just light skin, if you show the west African Thurgood Marshall then you'll have a point, showing random light skin Africans or spouting some gibberish about Tuaregs isn't gonna cut it


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
oh so you genetic expert now:stopitslime:if the white supremacist behind these bogus genetic studies will blatantly fabricate Tut's genetics there is nothing to stop them from doing the same to AAs :ufdup:

yeah DNA testing is so accurate it implied an Ancient African man was actually Western European:childplease:

The DNA testing of a 2000 year old mummy is dubious and controversial, there is no consensus in the scientific community about those results

That fiasco is completely different than a regular DNA test from saliva, on which there is a consensus as to its accuracy

I'm not a genetic expert but I'm scientifically literate, you on the other hand are scientifically illiterate, so I suggest you go back to school and take some math and science classes

Or you can check out coursera.com for some free online courses

Introduction to Genetics and Evolution
Coursera - Free Online Courses From Top Universities


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
I was replying to the idiot who said there's no such thing as lightskin Africans without admixture

You can look at some AA and tell there's cac DNA in them...ie Smokey

But without proof.. it's not scientific to assume every light skin/Brown skin AA has some cac in him

Not all West Africans are dark-skinned

Let me ask you this...is it outlandish to assume that a percentage of slaves stayed 'pure'? No mixing with whites or all other slaves tainted by white blood?
Jan 26, 2015
Nah you put it out there cuz you forgot that the basis of your argument is that DNA is not accurate

I certainly believe that an AA can trace an ancestor to Tuaregs, and there are some that can be traced to east Africa and Southern Africa but that is small

But OVERALL AA's are west African

25 percent doesn't mean your grand parent are white, this goes back to people not understanding basic math and not understanding basic science

And you like others are confused about what you are trying to prove, light skin is just one phenotype

I'm not being facetious when I mention Thurgood Marshall and smokey Robinson, I'm being dead serious

The 25 percent DNA manifests itself in more than just light skin, if you show the west African Thurgood Marshall then you'll have a point, showing random light skin Africans or spouting some gibberish about Tuaregs isn't gonna cut it
nah i put it out there cause i couldn't find that link i remember reading on another board years ago which mentioned Tuareg as a likely ancestral group of AAs so i alluded to the next best thing implying a similar notion:stopitslime:

West Africa is a huge region with many different people(including Tuareg)Einstein....you keep saying West African as if it's a one shoe fits all:dwillhuh: are Fulani/ West Africans exactly like Wolof West Africans? are Igbo or Yoruba exactly like Hausa West Africans? Central and to an extent South Eastern Africans were also significant contributors to our genepool

for most people it actually does....25% is one fourth of ancestry or about one recent grandparent for the average person,,,it's a significant amount of ancstry which if reality most AAs would be able to identify that part of them but that's hardly the case and it just don't add up:comeon:

fukk Thurgood Marshll and Smokey Robinson....i'm telling your dumbass those nikkas don't make AAs unique or far removed from our ancestors

so it manifest it's way in every way but most AAs being able to touch,feel,know that alleged 25% of them:childplease:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I was replying to the idiot who said there's no such thing as lightskin Africans without admixture

You can look at some AA and tell there's cac DNA in them...ie Smokey

But without proof.. it's not scientific to assume every light skin/Brown skin AA has some cac in him

Not all West Africans are dark-skinned

Let me ask you this...is it outlandish to assume that a percentage of slaves stayed 'pure'? No mixing with whites or all other slaves tainted by white blood?

Yeah of course, in theory there are AA that are pure African, but that is neither here nor there as far as the assertion that caused all this commotion and gnashing of teeth

I never said that light skin is evidence of white genes

I basically said this
Latest Genetic Study Says African Americans Are 22 Percent White | EURweb
Meanwhile, the genetic ancestry of is 22 percent European with around 10 percent of U.S. Blacks being of more than 50 percent European ancestry. (source: Taylor Media Services)

This statement does not deny that there are AA with 90-100 percent DNA

A mathematically and scientifically literate person would understand that the number 22 is an average and so that means there are a lot of people with less and a lot with more

And it also explains that there are some AA that are more than 50% white that are pushing up the average

Also a scientifically literate person would understand the difference between genotype and phenotype

and that there isn't a direct correlation between the two

Two people can have similar genotypes and different phenotypes and vice versa

That is why I said from the start, light skin is not scientific evidence of white genes
Last edited:
Dec 13, 2012
Eastside of that Motor
He didn't say % did he? A lot of people forget how common rape was between slavemaster and blacks. My surname is the same as the GOAT Johnnie C :ohlawd: and I remember a teacher telling me that I had to be Irish :martin:

Went and talked to my folks and they broke down how my grandmother's mother was raped by her sharecropper, so it definitely makes sense. Hoteps y'all gotta calm down and analyze first


Jul 17, 2012
its' ironic cause i i think the same thing when I read you pigskins in virtual blackface attempt the same tired Willie Lynch tactics in these type of threads:stopitslime:

yeah i guess all these lightskin Africans are skin bleachers and are Akon dark in their natural state:childplease:

(lady in the pink 12:00 mark , bright dude in colorful button shirt 12:35 mark, caramel girls at 12:18 mark more random lightskins sprinked there after)

(lady in batman tank top 3:15,mark little boy in yellow shirt 6:23, mark)




you american's that have never left america are DUMB AS FUK, do you think there are no admixture africans in africa breh? are you really that stupid ?