Sauanaffe Tustunnagee
oh so like i thought you a 2nd generation offspring of immigrants speaking as an authority on topics you don't understand and community outside your ownprototype african american??? lol im black american, my mothers side is from the virgin islands
yes, and im still dimissing the tauraegs, they are irrelevant to the conversation
again, you know and i know that you just googled sally hemings and the paper bag test yesterday, so just stop, welcome to black history 101, hopefully this thread will encourage you to also register for math 101 and basic science 101
your negged to bolivia points are between you and your "haters" but someone with -2000 points is not in a position to call anybody a troll, only trolls get that many negs
what makes you think your ill informed cornball opinion is relevant
you right...i'm one of the few adults in the AA community whom never heard of Sally Hemming or the brown paper bag test until you mentioned them...thanks for enlightening me on borderline common knowledge...clearly you are a deep thinker and the coli's John Henry Clarke and should be teaching a black studies class at a top HBCU not wasting your time arguing with, black history, math and science illiterates on a hip hop messageboard
last i checked trolling was an act of making inflammatory statements for shock value(you know like exaggerating and making light of slave rape breeding between AA women and Amerikkkan cavemen) not a popularity contest...clearly my negs bother you more than they do me...its' cool Toby....i don't take the disapproval of keyboard warriors to heart