Y'all see this black a$$ African on the "23andMe" TV Spot boastin' about being Irish & Scottish?


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
Tuaregs from Mali were not part of the slave trade

Im not sure what the lady proves, is she suppose to be an example of light skin?

I never said most AA look like Thurgood Marshall or smokey Robinson, what I'm saying is that people like them don't exist in west Africa, in fact they don't exist anywhere, except for others parts of the Western Hemisphere where there was race mixing

And There are some light skin people in west Africa but it doesn't compare to the light skin in AA

There is a whole subsection of black history regarding passing for white, before there was plastic surgery, show me how many west Africans pass for white?

There are books written about the subculture of light skinned Black people during the 1900s

This is just basic black history, arguing against african Americans having white genes is very ignorant about black history

No breh....blacks in America don't have white blood. Our genes are just diverse. There are millions of people walking across West / Central Africa that look like this and if you disagree, YOU'RE A CAC / c00n :troll:


Trolling aside.....Ayesha looking right in this picture though :noah:

Jan 26, 2015
Tuaregs from Mali were not part of the slave trade

Im not sure what the lady proves, is she suppose to be an example of light skin?

I never said most AA look like Thurgood Marshall or smokey Robinson, what I'm saying is that people like them don't exist in west Africa, in fact they don't exist anywhere, except for others parts of the Western Hemisphere where there was race mixing

And There are some light skin people in west Africa but it doesn't compare to the light skin in AA

There is a whole subsection of black history regarding passing for white, before there was plastic surgery, show me how many west Africans pass for white?

There are books written about the subculture of light skinned Black people during the 1900s

This is just basic black history, arguing against african Americans having white genes is very ignorant about black history

when did you become some expert on the Trans Atlantic slave trade :stopitslime:your dumbass argued the Trans Atlantic Slave trade(which spanned from Southeast Africa to as far North as the Sahel and included dozens of different ethic groups) only included a few tribes in one small area of West Africa just a minute ago but i'm really supposed to believe you knowledgeable enough on the subject to so whom was/wasn't part of it :childplease:

i've read about of AAs tracing their ancestry to Tuareg and slave logs which imply Tuareg were among the stock shipped to the Americasbut here is another chart on the Trans Atlantic Slave trade which shows Moors/a related people to the Tuareg were transported to Lousiana during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade:
The number of socalled Nar/Moors in Louisiana documentation might be quite exceptional for anywhere else in the Americas. Nar is apparently the Wolof/Senegalese term to refer to Moors, most likely from Mauritania. There have been several mentionings of “Moors” or “North Africans” in West Indian as well as Brazilian slave registers, but far fewer in number. To be sure they are still overall a minority but still noticeably present, even quite a few females. It’s tempting to assume many of them might have arrived as a result of the warfare between Mauritanian Moors and Senegalese Wolof instigated by the British during their brief occupation in the 1770’s of the French slave port Saint Louis near the mouth of the Senegal river (Searing, 1993, p.153). It is often forgotten that despite having a reputation of having been slave raiders both the Moors and the Fula were often victimized themselves as well, as not all of their military campaigns were succesful. For maps and more context see also this page: Sahel Region.

Louisiana: most African diversity within the United States?

she is about as light as Stacy Dash before she started bathing in cake soap and has similar facial features



- just posted West African(Tuareg) which debunked your misguided argument but here are more(Fulani this time)


lighskin black people are a minority in the AA community just like they are in West Africa and every other black community....the rare mixed breed that can pass for white obviously not all that black or proper AA:aicmon:

some AAs are indeed mixed so are some Africans for that matter...the fact remains mixed breeds are a minority in the AA community not the standard:camby::camby:...overemphasizing them is both self deprecating white supreamcasit


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Both these guys are good actors


chiwetel ejiofor (Nigerian)and Denzel washington(American actor)

I don't get what you guys are trying to prove by posting up these pictures

Random pictures of random people isn't going to debunk science or the history of consensual and nonconsensual sex among Europeans and west Africans that occurred in the us

Posting pictures is anecdotal evidence, it proves nothing
Jan 26, 2015
No breh....blacks in America don't have white blood. Our genes are just diverse. There are millions of people walking across West / Central Africa that look like this and if you disagree, YOU'RE A CAC / c00n :troll:


Trolling aside.....Ayesha looking right in this picture though :noah:


nah most of us really don't...what do he Curry family supposed to prove:what:
Last edited:


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
I don't get what you guys are trying to prove by posting up these pictures

Random pictures of random people isn't going to debunk science or the history of consensual and nonconsensual sex among Europeans and west Africans that occurred in the us

Posting pictures is anecdotal evidence, it proves nothing

It is not about science but it is about being objective, whenever you post a country or group of people always show the entire population instead of one segment of the population, and to do otherwise is frankly being dishonest.

As far as the science part, i don't disagree with it, so i let you gentlemen argue about that.
Jan 26, 2015
I don't get what you guys are trying to prove by posting up these pictures

Random pictures of random people isn't going to debunk science or the history of consensual and nonconsensual sex among Europeans and west Africans that occurred in the us

Posting pictures is anecdotal evidence, it proves nothing
it's obvious....if those Africans posted were AA dumb fakkits like you would be argue they are too admixing looking to pass for Africans:aicmon:the pseudo science is flawed and doesn't hold up to reality....there is no documented history of consensual or otherwise of significant breeding between AAs and cacs:scust:

Toby...get some self respect andstop placing so much of your self/worth esteem in the amount of masssah blood you think/wish you have:scusthov:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
when did you become some expert on the Trans Atlantic slave trade :stopitslime:your dumbass argued the Trans Atlantic Slave trade(which spanned from Southeast Africa to as far North as the Sahel and included dozens of different ethic groups) only included a few tribes in one small area of West Africa just a minute ago but i'm really supposed to believe you knowledgeable enough on the subject to so whom was/wasn't part of it :childplease:

i've read about of AAs tracing their ancestry to Tuareg and slave logs which imply Tuareg were among the stock shipped to the Americasbut here is another chart on the Trans Atlantic Slave trade which shows Moors/a related people to the Tuareg were transported to Lousiana during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade:
The number of socalled Nar/Moors in Louisiana documentation might be quite exceptional for anywhere else in the Americas. Nar is apparently the Wolof/Senegalese term to refer to Moors, most likely from Mauritania. There have been several mentionings of “Moors” or “North Africans” in West Indian as well as Brazilian slave registers, but far fewer in number. To be sure they are still overall a minority but still noticeably present, even quite a few females. It’s tempting to assume many of them might have arrived as a result of the warfare between Mauritanian Moors and Senegalese Wolof instigated by the British during their brief occupation in the 1770’s of the French slave port Saint Louis near the mouth of the Senegal river (Searing, 1993, p.153). It is often forgotten that despite having a reputation of having been slave raiders both the Moors and the Fula were often victimized themselves as well, as not all of their military campaigns were succesful. For maps and more context see also this page: Sahel Region.

Louisiana: most African diversity within the United States?

she is about as light as Stacy Dash before she started bathing in cake soap and has similar facial features



- just posted West African(Tuareg) which debunked your misguided argument but here are more(Fulani this time)


lighskin black people are a minority in the AA community just like they are in West Africa and every other black community....the rare mixed breed that can pass for white obviously not all that black or proper AA:aicmon:

some AAs are indeed mixed so are some Africans for that matter...the fact remains mixed breeds are a minority in the AA community not the standard:camby::camby:...overemphasizing them is both self deprecating white supreamcasit

How in fukin hell can you believe an AA traced their heritage to Tuaregs

And you believe it? So now you believe in the science of dna?

The dna evidence says AA DNA came from west Africa and a some European, that's a scientific fact and it's backed up by historical facts

I'm not emphasizing anything, I made the assertion that AA were 25 percent white, and I was just pointing out the light skin AA population as to why that number is accurate if you understand that it's an average

And I never said there are a lot of people that were passing but their existence shows the high levels of miscagnetion in the black community, and their existence shows why you can't equate light skin in the us to light skin in west Africa, cuz it's not just light skin, it was hair type and eye color in AA that allowed them to pass

And today people joke about light skin vs dark skin but during the 1900's it was much more serious, books have been written about light skin blacks and the subculture they created, ignorance about this shows a lot of you haven't read books, cuz the light skin movement in the 1900s is an important part of AA history


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
nah most of us really don't....7what do he Curry family supposed to prove:what:

Although you really got on my nerves on the Sudani website, so i reckoned both me and you have something in common in some respects. We are fighting a two front war in both in our communities. Even though, your methods are basically ridiculous, absurd, and idiotic but for some reason i understand you more.



God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
it's obvious....if those Africans posted were AA dumb fakkits like you would be argue they are too admixing looking to pass for Africans:aicmon:the pseudo science is flawed and doesn't hold up to reality....there is no documented history of consensual or otherwise of significant breeding between AAs and cacs:scust:

Toby...get some self respect andstop placing so much of your self/worth esteem in the amount of masssah blood you think/wish you have:scusthov:

I would never post a picture as a form of scientific evidence, in fact i specifically said that light skin is not evidence of white genes, that was like in the my 3rd or 4th post in this thread

Significant consensual and non consensual sex between blacks and whites not just in the us but all over the Western Hemisphere is a historical fact and has been thoroughly documented

Go read a book


Jul 22, 2015
No breh....blacks in America don't have white blood. Our genes are just diverse. There are millions of people walking across West / Central Africa that look like this and if you disagree, YOU'RE A CAC / c00n :troll:


Trolling aside.....Ayesha looking right in this picture though :noah:


The Curry's arent a good example considering Sonya Curry is isnt really black and furthermore having seen Ayeesha Curry's dad looks almost middle eastern.
Jan 26, 2015
It is not about science but it is about being objective, whenever you post a country or group of people always show the entire population instead of one segment of the population, and to do otherwise is frankly being dishonest.

As far as the science part, i don't disagree with it, so i let you gentlemen argue about that.
you should...the Eurocentics releasing those biased/flawed ancestry scam results on less than one percent of AAs have no credibility..i don't know how anyone take cac culture vultures serious after the Tut was genetically British study a few years ago:francis:
Jan 26, 2015
The average has a range usually. I think I've read the study you posted....usually DNA studies give a margin of error so say plus/minus 5, if the avg is 13 then its 8-18.

Also depends on the operational definition of AA which varies by study.
those studies are to push an agenda and say whatever the cacs funded them to want them to say:comeon: