when did you become some expert on the Trans Atlantic slave trade

your dumbass argued the Trans Atlantic Slave trade(which spanned from Southeast Africa to as far North as the Sahel and included dozens of different ethic groups) only included a few tribes in one small area of West Africa just a minute ago but i'm really supposed to believe you knowledgeable enough on the subject to so whom was/wasn't part of it
i've read about of AAs tracing their ancestry to Tuareg and slave logs which imply Tuareg were among the stock shipped to the Americasbut here is another chart on the Trans Atlantic Slave trade which shows Moors/a related people to the Tuareg were transported to Lousiana during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade:
The number of socalled Nar/Moors in Louisiana documentation might be quite exceptional for anywhere else in the Americas. Nar is apparently the Wolof/Senegalese term to refer to Moors, most likely from Mauritania. There have been several mentionings of “Moors” or “North Africans” in West Indian as well as Brazilian slave registers, but far fewer in number. To be sure they are still overall a minority but still noticeably present, even quite a few females. It’s tempting to assume many of them might have arrived as a result of the warfare between Mauritanian Moors and Senegalese Wolof instigated by the British during their brief occupation in the 1770’s of the French slave port Saint Louis near the mouth of the Senegal river (Searing, 1993, p.153). It is often forgotten that despite having a reputation of having been slave raiders both the Moors and the Fula were often victimized themselves as well, as not all of their military campaigns were succesful. For maps and more context see also this page: Sahel Region.
Louisiana: most African diversity within the United States?
she is about as light as Stacy Dash before she started bathing in cake soap and has similar facial features
- just posted West African(Tuareg) which debunked your misguided argument but here are more(Fulani this time)
lighskin black people are a minority in the AA community just like they are in West Africa and every other black community....the rare mixed breed that can pass for white obviously not all that black or proper AA
some AAs are indeed mixed so are some Africans for that matter...the fact remains mixed breeds are a minority in the AA community not the standard

...overemphasizing them is both self deprecating white supreamcasit