No Horner was ever sold into the Atlantic Slave TradeYou stated Nubians. I stated that Tut was Bantu. Apparently both groups ruled over Egypt at one point. Bantu people path of origin into East Africa is from the borders of the modern counties of Nigeria and Cameroon. I already linked you that information.
Moreover, you know nothing about the Atlantic Slave trade if you didn't realize that the trade included people from far inland including East Africa. In fact I am an African American and my family has been in the USA for several hundred years. Look at my DNA results from Gedmatch. I have just as much East African DNA as I have West African:
#Population (source)Distance
1. African_American 4.63
2. Kikuyu 11.23
3. N.E_Bantu 13.54
4. Gambian 18.44
5. Mandinka 18.82
6. Mende 20.22
7. Esan 21
8. Yoruba 21.23
9. Maasai 23.78
10. Somali 46.351
11. Ethiopian 57.63
12. Moroccan 86.65
13. Algerian 86.69
14. Tunisian 87.16
15. Yemeni 90.39
16. Egyptian 96.09
17. Jordanian 99.16
18. Syrian 99.16
19. Uzbek 100.42
20. Nogai 101.06
# Population (source) Distance
1 African_American 7.25
2 NE_Bantu 12.99
3 Mandinka 19.56
4 Esan 20.25
5 Maasai 21.24
6 Bambaran 21.35
7 Yoruba 23.63
8 Somali 41.39
9 Oromo 44.22
10 Ethiopian 50.36
11 Somali_Benadiri 54.03
12 Algerian 72.15
13 Saharawi 72.98
14 Tunisian 74.94
15 Mozabite_Berber 75.11
16 Yemeni 75.25
17 Egyptian 81.22
18 BedouinA 84.43
19 Jordanian 87.01
20 Lebanese 87.72
# Population (source) Distance
1 ASW (HapMap) 5.98
2 Luhya (Henn) 11.68
3 LWK (HapMap) 11.69
4 Luhya (Xing) 12.07
5 Kaba (Henn) 12.47
6 Mada (Henn) 13.43
7 Hausa (Henn) 14.03
8 Kongo (Henn) 14.22
9 Bamoun (Henn) 14.58
10 Fang (Henn) 15.02
11 Brong (Henn) 15.22
12 Igbo (Henn) 15.51
13 Nguni (Xing) 16.09
14 Pedi (Xing) 16.24
15 Bambaran (Xing) 17.62
16 Xhosa (Henn) 19.28
17 Alur (Xing) 19.59
18 Dogon (Xing) 19.79
19 Fulani (Henn) 21.63
20 Sotho_Tswana (Xing) 21.72
#Population (source)Distance
1. african-american (1000genomes) 5.44
2. african-caribbean (1000genomes) 11.1
3. fang (henn2012) 11.6
4. kongo (henn2012) 12.97
5. kaba (henn2012) 13.71
6. bamoun (henn2012) 14.74
7. mandenka (hgdp) 18.87
8. hausa (henn2012) 19.64
9 bantusouthafrica (hgdp) 21.22
10. igbo (henn2012) 21.51
11. pedi (xing) 21.84
12. bambaran (xing) 22.1
13. brong (henn2012) 22.87
14. nguni (xing)23.36
15. dogon (xing)23.84
16. yoruba (hgdp)25.14
17. yoruba (hapmap)25.2
18. fulani (henn2012)25.61
19. yoruba (1000genomes)25.83
20. bantukenya (hgdp)29.03
Somali community strong outchea
Also get paid to go school and binge drink, party and fukk pawgs all year round
+the people that live in Puntland.
somalian nikka trying to tell blacks of the diaspora who they are you are as spittle to us
No Horner was ever sold into the Atlantic Slave Trade
Also wtf am I supposed to be reading? None of this makes any sense
Lol you're doing the same thing you're criticising blacks of doing.
Claiming punt when you don't know a damn thing about it
The location of punt land hasn't even been conclusively identified. That shyt could have been in the Middle East for all we know.
If you wanna disallow blacks of claiming Egypt since we cant prove a direct link, then u need to do the same and stop calling punt land "ours" since you can't prove that either
You are all over the place. What you were reading where DNA results. You have been wrong over and over in this thread making a bunch of dumb ass statements that are easily disproved by just some basic research.
Somalis are natural born pirates
breh I can't take you seriously.
So what are these false narratives that blacks are pushing? I see people quick to dismiss black scholars and their depiction of history without actually rebutting anything that they've said.We're going from the false narrative of white men created everything to the false narrative of black men creates everything and we don't have the benefit of writing the rules of history so our false narrative looks like crackpot theory in comparison. The truth is cultures benefit, stole and cooperated with each other more or less creating the conditions for society as we know it today.
What kind of dna mapping is that. Ranges from west Africa to syria and shyt
And how many different countries does that encompass ?
That could have been Eritrea, Ethiopia or Saudi Arabia for all we know.
At the end of the day, you claiming relation to the people of punt is just as much speculation as nikkas who claim a link to Egypt. Lol.
Don't even get what is so special about punt anyway The Nubians were of more prominence than them.