So it starts out and theres some sad kid, you tell him to go home but his mom is mad at him, Kiryu asks why and he's like I dunno I just asked about this special vending machine and she got really mad
The kid explains the vending machine is in a dark alley and he's afraid to go back there himself so Kiryu being the stand up guy he is tells the kid that hes wise not to go back there himself and that he'll get whatever it is from the vending machine for him
So they go back there and kiryu realizes it's a porno mag that the kid wants, and the kids like yeah see it comes in shrink wrap it must be important! Kiryu like :merchent: nah you can't have that it's not for you, kid starts crying about how all adults do is lie and asks when he grows up will he be a liar too
Kiryu is like

back when I was a kid adults were always mean to me and now look at me lying to this little kid so he decides he's gonna get a porno mag for the kid
Then these office workers come out and take a smoke break and they're both females so kiryu tries to fall back, then some old geezers see kiryu standing in the alley and start gossiping about how he's a lonely coli nikka who beats his meat like it owes him money, and how hes despicable cuz he has a kid with him
So kiryu falls back again and then he sees his secretary and shes like what are you doing out here? and kiryu is completely flabbergasted
here's a video