jump right inI've had this game since release and haven't played it once. Plan on starting it next week. Should I cop the dlc and expansions before I start? Or go right into it?
Rell Shyt
Those cutscenes look significantly sharper than the main game, unless I'm imaging things
Its arguably the best JPRG to come out last year. I'll start off by saying the art style can be all over the place, the game's got technical issues (that have been improved upon significantly post release), the general theme of the story is somewhere between One Piece and Teen Titans/YoungJustice (some people want something constantly serious andin their RPGs, this isn't it HOW EVA the story is still really fukking good and does one of the better jobs in gaming changing tones appropriately), and -this may sound strange as a negative- it expects you to be smart in order to deal with all the systems through gameplay.
If you can deal with that, then its one of the best battle systems in its genre, ridiculous exploration, a dope story/cast, 100+ hours of content easily and much more if you look for it, awesome customization, one of the best OSTs of the year, and a no brainer top 10 game released last year and an essential pick up for the switch
i find that most if not all people who dislike this game are actually bad people that i never fukked with in the first place
the game is a huge hill to climb initially but its fukking amazing and does everything right when it comes to rewarding the player for the time they put in. easy recommendation
Ok I’m chapter 6 and have some questions and comments
The game started off slow and corny to me but because of y’all I kept pushing and it’s now really good
1. Can someone explain to me what should I be focusing on for Rex like why is everyone in my party higher ranked then me?
2. What exactly does aggro and either do?
3. Are there any real differences between the blades other than there elemental abilities and their weapon fighting style?
4. I know they have certain field abilities and help with opening chests and stuff but is one actually stronger than the other?
5. Does strength equate attack power?
6. Am I the only one that hates them character like tora?
7. Also the English actors are terrible especially the one for nia.
1. Yes the ins are the only way to level up to my knowledge, it just seems like everyone is leveling faster than Rex whether I use them or not.Gonna number your questions to make answering them easier.
1. Are you using the extra EXP in Inns? Whenever you sleep in an Inn you are given the option to "spend" extra EXP you got from quests, etc. to level up. But them being a little higher level isn't a big deal, it balances out in the end.
2. Aggro = aggression. It means whoever has the monster's attention....ideally your attackers and mages should have low aggro and someone like Tora should keep aggro because he has higher defense, can block with his shield, etc. so he can survive constant attacks.
Ether = magic power. It boosts attacks that are listed as Ether damage and it increases healing abilities.
3. Yes, definitely. As you level up you open more options in your Affinity Chart. That's where the real differences between the Blades become obvious.
4. Not really. There are higher tiers but any Blade with a Field Skill can used to pass a skill check....what I mean is, if one has Superstrength 4 and two more have Superstrength 1, you can use all three to break a door that needs Superstrength 6.
5. Basically yeah, although there is gear that is more beneficial over all than just stacking more Strength. Especially later in the game.
6. Tora is the homie.
7. I didn't mind them, but you aren't wrong.
1. Yes the ins are the only way to level up to my knowledge, it just seems like everyone is leveling faster than Rex whether I use them or not.
2. Ohhhhh so aggro is basically putting a target on your back. I should use those accessories on my tanks. Also I read that I should never use tank blades with Rex, however one of my strongest blades is a tank (percival) can I bond him to a different character?