I feel you.
Imma give her a rare but after that chapter 3 fight I really need a Healer. I kept dying because I did not have her set as a healer.
I prefer offense so Imma keep rex as ATK
But I guess it does make sense to switch it around depending on what type of rare blades you get.
You ain't doing shyt without healing. I think one of the worst status ailments you can be hit with in the game is 'Seal Healing" by far. You can deal with just about anything as long as your healing can keep up with the enemy damage output. There's tons of ways to interrupt that damage, but very, very few ways to heal effectively or with any versatility by comparison.
Early on, a dedicated healer is really the way to go. Nia is that chick. But you gotta make sure that you actually have her arts prioritized for it (basically healing halo, the one that spawns potions, and the one that causes break) and make sure that whenever you get weapon points you always put points into whichever will reduce the cooldown for those. Another thing is, if you gotta use common blades for healing - just do it. It sucks because you don't have fancy rare blades getting wild and all that but heals are fukking heals and you can't do shyt dead.
See I can't describe strategies without spoilers, can't wait til most of ya'll beat it.
I'm Chapter 7 right now (everyone knows this part knows I'm stretching this urgent 3 hour mission out for days

) and I'm still a bit unsure on my party comp.
I'm level 56 and my attackers are strong enough now (I think) that they can kill enemies before healing is a problem. I'm gonna test it out 3 attackers, see what happens.
That's actually a

Same level. I decided to clean house a bit in my inventory and that led me to a million and one sidequests. Hit Merc level 4, found out how to farm money DUMB easy (I love the smell of salvage

) and got one spot to development level 5 already.
I think there's 'situations' where you can go 3 attackers, but I'm thinking it may be best to use that as a way to debuff enemies vs ways to outright burst them down. I noticed the other night in a unique monster battle that all of the seals you can apply through blade combos actually disappear after you burst their elemental bubbles. Makes too much sense right? Well I'm knee deep in this flying beetle's ass when he calls reinforcements after I KNEW I sealed that specifically. Needless to say he whooped my ass after that.
I'm thinking I'll run 2 guys with 2 atk, 1hlr and my main will run the jack of all trades/1atk, 1hlr, 1tnk loadout
There's a point in the early chapters where Rex is pretty much WAY better than everyone else in the party, but it levels off a bit towards level 50 or so.
Again, I haven't beat the game yet, and I've only got about 16 rare blades that you can get outside of the main story. I've got a decent amount of flexibility, but the last two party members added to the group are still playing catch up.