One more salvage run then I'll knock it out tonight. I need another million@42 Monks just do the story quest
The game changes completely after chapter 7. I've been hinting at it but party composition and blade choice becomes a lot more interesting.
You break elemental orbs by using the opposite element during a chain attack.
The elements are
The goal is to put as many orbs as you can with blade combos and then start a chain attack and burst them one by one to keep the chain attack going for several rounds. I landed a 5.5mil damage chain attack earlier today on a unique monster by putting 6 different orbs on him and then bursting them one by one.
I still lost that fight though![]()
You seem to get it now. I was doing the same thing just triggering specials as they came up. What I would suggest is find a unique monster or something you know you can kill. Something that takes long enough to try a couple full combos and a chain attack. And just fight that monster a few times in a row until you really got it down. But yea sometimes it was more important for me to have a common with the right element than a leveled up rare with the wrong one. I also had bosses fukkin me up with different abilities and had to seal them.
It all makes sense now.
I need more variety of blades then.
Those 4 things on the right confused me. I thought it went from top to bottom but it's basically 2 different combo paths
Imma try tomorrow or random enemies in the woods and shyt
I think I get it.
See below:
1. I need to do fire, then it'l be 4 different element icons (sets of 2) and I need to choose one of the sets which is the patb i follow. After I do 3 specials in a row (following the elemental path), it should create an orb and then I can set up for a chain attack and then break each orb using the opposing element![]() there is a tutorial for these orbs?You seem to get it now. I was doing the same thing just triggering specials as they came up. What I would suggest is find a unique monster or something you know you can kill. Something that takes long enough to try a couple full combos and a chain attack. And just fight that monster a few times in a row until you really got it down. But yea sometimes it was more important for me to have a common with the right element than a leveled up rare with the wrong one. I also had bosses fukkin me up with different abilities and had to seal them.
Also some of what I just explained may still get doled out to you in a tutorial. There's also deeper levels to the combat that I won't spoil.
You just got to Mor Ardain so I guarantee you ain't seen the tutorial there is a tutorial for these orbs?
I learned chain attacks but don't remember blade combos etc.
These tutorials should be saved in the damn menu.
Have you got to the Malos fight yet? When i saw his blade, I was likeshyt got real![]()
I am thinking about going back and doing all the side missions before I start the main quest in Mor Ordain.... my group is stronger and I am about to get new weapons... so the prior missions probably will be more easy to complete but what do you guys suggest?
How many hours does it take to beat the main story?
Some of these side quests are fetchy AFHow many hours it takes varies wildly depending on how much you explore, level up, do side quests, etc.
Let's put it like aren't even half way through the game yet. There's 10 Chapters total and after Mor Ardain there's the Leftherian Archipelago, Indoline Praetorium, Temperantia and the Kingdom Of Tantal....and that's just the ones I know of.