Xbox1 wont support MP3 & AAC/M4A audio files. Will only support Play To as DLNA server after patch.


May 2, 2012
Banana Town
Everything, who doesn't stream these days :wtf:
If you are saying, you want to "via USB" connect your phone and listen to music?
No, you gotta download whatever DLNA play-to app you have for your phone model, then you can stream.
No USB needed, easier. What the problem be? :yeshrug:

You can also just say the words "Xbox, snap *insert music app*" and then you got music playing that way
You even seen them using youtube, you can watch a video, listen to music via that while gaming as well
There isn't a way you cannot listen to music on xb1. You'd have to be retarded if you felt like you came to a deadend for a solution

And since your a smart guy, i'll let you get back to trolling bruh :heh:

It's kind of weird to talk about how simple streaming is when the simpler thing would be to allow people to play things through USB. Don't know why these days you are forced to be swarmed by your phone, TV, console, PC, laptop, tablet, and a bunch of radio signals frying your brain just to entertain yourself. I think lots of the people championing this stuff don't exactly see the entire picture clear here either. Ya its cool everything is available online but its also getting all locked down. Don't worry about playing mp3's because you can tell xbox to load up a youtube video, that's cool until youtube has a monthly charge. Streaming radio is good IMO, and you can easily stream music to devices, thats cool until it becomes the norm and then turns into regular terrestrial radio format crammed with ads then 5 years down the line you realize you are paying for shyt you used to get for free. You can download the DLNA app for your phone model, cool, until they realize everybody does it and they start charging you for the app, or making you pay some monthly free to unlock the stream or some other shyt.

People are basically letting them make it so there is no incentive for them to treat customers fairly because they hold the reins to everything. Soon you won't even be able to just watch shyt with other people :pachaha: they will invent some crazy device that scans who is watching the shyt then stop the media and ask for a credit card payment. These companies have the greatest swindle too being that most of the people working for them are young energetic people who seem liberal, nice, unthreatening etc. You are more willing to believe some innocent nerd then an old crabby man even if they are peddling the same bullshyt.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
It's kind of weird to talk about how simple streaming is when the simpler thing would be to allow people to play things through USB. Don't know why these days you are forced to be swarmed by your phone, TV, console, PC, laptop, tablet, and a bunch of radio signals frying your brain just to entertain yourself. I think lots of the people championing this stuff don't exactly see the entire picture clear here either. Ya its cool everything is available online but its also getting all locked down. Don't worry about playing mp3's because you can tell xbox to load up a youtube video, that's cool until youtube has a monthly charge. Streaming radio is good IMO, and you can easily stream music to devices, thats cool until it becomes the norm and then turns into regular terrestrial radio format crammed with ads then 5 years down the line you realize you are paying for shyt you used to get for free. You can download the DLNA app for your phone model, cool, until they realize everybody does it and they start charging you for the app, or making you pay some monthly free to unlock the stream or some other shyt.

People are basically letting them make it so there is no incentive for them to treat customers fairly because they hold the reins to everything. Soon you won't even be able to just watch shyt with other people :pachaha: they will invent some crazy device that scans who is watching the shyt then stop the media and ask for a credit card payment. These companies have the greatest swindle too being that most of the people working for them are young energetic people who seem liberal, nice, unthreatening etc. You are more willing to believe some innocent nerd then an old crabby man even if they are peddling the same bullshyt.
Bruh, I stopped reading near the halfway mark because you saying too much. You sound like you from the year 1997
This threads title is a lie. It can do all that, if you wish you could play music from your phone you can
Not sure what you don't understand about Play-To but its nothing. You don't have to carry around a USB cord
You can do it without one. Thats an upgrade, not a downgrade. Thats like saying wired controllers are better than wireless ones
Same shyt here. So you furious bruh, take a few deep breaths and realize you been trolled by the O.P. :lolbron:


I don't even know anymore...
Apr 30, 2012
You missed the most obvious one. Think about it: we have 500gb HD's for both consoles, and while yes, you can easily upgrade the PS4, (though the obvious Joe won't know how), the X1 offers no such opportunity. So they're (M$ in particular) trying to push us towards digital gaming (what, with the cloud, and these streaming services each side is reportedly working on). Meanwhile, the games are HUGE (30-50gb for launch titles). So you can get maybe 10 games on your console (digitally).

Now, say at some point the possibility to stream games comes to fruition. AWESOME right? Well, that depends. We're already, for the most part, a "connected" society. Everything streaming. Cable companies dropping apps, Netflix, Hulu, Redbox, Sports, etc. Everyone wants to "cut the cord" and stream all their content. What's the point of cable right? Can you see it? Do you see where we're heading?

I'd wager that 95% of the ppl (that get both) in this country get their cable and internet from the same place, whether it's Time Warner, Comcast, Fios, AT&T, whatever. What do you think is gonna happen, as we get even MORE dependent on our internet connections? Them companies that you wanna cut out of the loop when it comes to cable, are gonna turn around and say "ok, this is what we'll do", and we're gonna get data limits and/or price hikes (especially for the folks that cancel their cable, but keep internet). One way or another we're gonna pay...them companies are gonna get theirs. But we'll all be too busy boasting about how we "cut the cords".

Everyone wants to believe that Google is gonna somehow "save us" with FIber, but I'm both skeptical, and wary of that happening. Provided they somehow get to a majority of the country, giving Google a direct line into my house is not necessarily something I look forward to doing. But we'll see I guess.


May 2, 2012
Banana Town
You missed the most obvious one. Think about it: we have 500gb HD's for both consoles, and while yes, you can easily upgrade the PS4, (though the obvious Joe won't know how), the X1 offers no such opportunity. So they're (M$ in particular) trying to push us towards digital gaming (what, with the cloud, and these streaming services each side is reportedly working on). Meanwhile, the games are HUGE (30-50gb for launch titles). So you can get maybe 10 games on your console (digitally).

Now, say at some point the possibility to stream games comes to fruition. AWESOME right? Well, that depends. We're already, for the most part, a "connected" society. Everything streaming. Cable companies dropping apps, Netflix, Hulu, Redbox, Sports, etc. Everyone wants to "cut the cord" and stream all their content. What's the point of cable right? Can you see it? Do you see where we're heading?

I'd wager that 95% of the ppl (that get both) in this country get their cable and internet from the same place, whether it's Time Warner, Comcast, Fios, AT&T, whatever. What do you think is gonna happen, as we get even MORE dependent on our internet connections? Them companies that you wanna cut out of the loop when it comes to cable, are gonna turn around and say "ok, this is what we'll do", and we're gonna get data limits and/or price hikes (especially for the folks that cancel their cable, but keep internet). One way or another we're gonna pay...them companies are gonna get theirs. But we'll all be too busy boasting about how we "cut the cords".

Everyone wants to believe that Google is gonna somehow "save us" with FIber, but I'm both skeptical, and wary of that happening. Provided they somehow get to a majority of the country, giving Google a direct line into my house is not necessarily something I look forward to doing. But we'll see I guess.
im well aware because they already did this in Canada. shyts been capped for about 2-3 years now. So people here have seen how its all funnelled into a giant monopoly. 10-15 years ago average people throughout a year would buy a few new movies, some cd's maybe a few video games. You could spend like 300 in a year and get what you needed as far as entertainment, not talking hardware obviously. Soon that shyt will be your monthly charge for multiple streams:bryan:, buying music mixed and mastered on a laptop where the bulk of the recording cost was clearing samples and movies that were shot in a parking lot :troll:
These companies mad that they got sonned over the past 10 years and are coming back with epic fury and vengeance. And then when it becomes normal and you simply get all media from the internet, they repeat the process of making it like cable and radio was and cram it with ads :blessed:

believe massive corporations are looking out for your interests brahs :bryan:


May 1, 2012
You missed the most obvious one. Think about it: we have 500gb HD's for both consoles, and while yes, you can easily upgrade the PS4, (though the obvious Joe won't know how), the X1 offers no such opportunity. So they're (M$ in particular) trying to push us towards digital gaming (what, with the cloud, and these streaming services each side is reportedly working on). Meanwhile, the games are HUGE (30-50gb for launch titles). So you can get maybe 10 games on your console (digitally).

Now, say at some point the possibility to stream games comes to fruition. AWESOME right? Well, that depends. We're already, for the most part, a "connected" society. Everything streaming. Cable companies dropping apps, Netflix, Hulu, Redbox, Sports, etc. Everyone wants to "cut the cord" and stream all their content. What's the point of cable right? Can you see it? Do you see where we're heading?

I'd wager that 95% of the ppl (that get both) in this country get their cable and internet from the same place, whether it's Time Warner, Comcast, Fios, AT&T, whatever. What do you think is gonna happen, as we get even MORE dependent on our internet connections? Them companies that you wanna cut out of the loop when it comes to cable, are gonna turn around and say "ok, this is what we'll do", and we're gonna get data limits and/or price hikes (especially for the folks that cancel their cable, but keep internet). One way or another we're gonna pay...them companies are gonna get theirs. But we'll all be too busy boasting about how we "cut the cords".

Everyone wants to believe that Google is gonna somehow "save us" with FIber, but I'm both skeptical, and wary of that happening. Provided they somehow get to a majority of the country, giving Google a direct line into my house is not necessarily something I look forward to doing. But we'll see I guess.
xbox can use externals tho :yeshrug:

and no disrespect bra, every tech thread u in there with your tinfoil hat


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
Everything, who doesn't stream these days :wtf:
If you are saying, you want to "via USB" connect your phone and listen to music?
No, you gotta download whatever DLNA play-to app you have for your phone model, then you can stream.
No USB needed, easier. What the problem be? :yeshrug:

You can also just say the words "Xbox, snap *insert music app*" and then you got music playing that way
You even seen them using youtube, you can watch a video, listen to music via that while gaming as well
There isn't a way you cannot listen to music on xb1. You'd have to be retarded if you felt like you came to a deadend for a solution

And since your a smart guy, i'll let you get back to trolling bruh :heh:

it needs 'help' to play an mp3


I don't even know anymore...
Apr 30, 2012
and no disrespect bra, every tech thread u in there with your tinfoil hat

For one, I barely post, so no, I am not in "every thread with my tinfoil hat". And for two, it's called reality. Just because you can't see the inevitable happening, doesn't make it a "conspiracy". But by all means, keep living in your utopia. No sweat off my nuts. :manny:


May 1, 2012
every thread on see u post in bout tech shyt u always on your "tech is getting to advanced, i want to go back to black and white tv" shyt

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
it needs 'help' to play an mp3
No, it doesn't allow MP3 via USB from external devices.
Its saying you can't use a USB, but you still can use the same phone, same music, just wireless instead of using a cord.
I wouldn't call that help unless you mean it helped make shyt easier, then yeah. It helped achieve that.
If DLNA app was this hard to find app you had to pay for, then I could see where you trying to come from
But thats not even the case. So this is a non issue. You can't do what your complaining about NOW with the 360 for the most part (lots of apple stuff don't work)

Anywayz :russ: If this feature was really an issue to anyone? Then why would using Play-To be a problem.
You'd think someone who has the know-how to use music from a phone to an xbox would know how to use an APP :manny:


I don't even know anymore...
Apr 30, 2012
every thread on see u post in bout tech shyt u always on your "tech is getting to advanced, i want to go back to black and white tv" shyt
Yeah, you definitely have me confused with someone else. The way my house is set up relies on all this beautiful technology we have at our disposal. I'm just realistic about the direction we're moving in. You're not. The End.