Engadget.com has an inside-look-video on the development of the Xbox One, watched it and the following line caught my attention:
"We purposefully did not target the highest end graphics. We targeted it more as a broad entertainment play." (at the 5:43-minute-mark)
Link to the article:
Direct link to the video:
"EN-OS_XBOX-v3_1" - Videos - Viddler
EDIT: Another interesting tidbit:
"(Microsoft wouldn't give us specifics other than to say, "The system is designed for an SoC up to about 100W, but will vary on the scenario.")" - out of the article to the video from above.
For comparison's sake: this is slightly above the power draw of the current Xbox 360 Slim and PS3 Slim (source).

They sacrificed graphics in favor of television. Thats what gamers want huh? TV not mind blowing graphics.

You dont deserve to run this gen microsoft. They squandered this gens potential and now they're trying to follow that trend by Wii-U'ing their way into the next generation. Game over.