" "360 difference over PS3"? The 360 has no raw power advantage over the PS3, the reason most multiplatform games look better on the 360 is because of the PS3's more complicated architecture which makes it harder to work with. Some devs (mostly Sony's own studios, but also some third parties) learned how to really take advantage of the Cell and made games that look better on the PS3.
This time we have two extremely similar architectures, with one simply being more powerful and less complex (memory setup) than the other. The situation above, where some games look better one 360 and some look better on PS3, won't be repeated. This time the PS4 will have the edge in every single case, there's simply no reason for it not to. Given what we know, it should basically be impossible to make a game run worse on the PS4 than on the XBO (unless you instead make it look significantly better)."