Except you really didn't until nowI answered that in the post he was quoting, most of the fighting games.
DB Fighterz, Injustice 2, Soul Calibur 6 all look visibly better on my Xbone X

In any case, I haven't compared the games you mentioned so I'll take your word for it.
On the games that I mentioned comparing, the difference was negligible most of the time, and where differences were more obvious, it wasn't a night and day difference between the platforms.

Again, where the differences are most apparent are in comparing the new model consoles to the OG ones.
I know I know....40 teraflops hyper liquid nitrogen cooling and all that...I'm talking about real time comparison of just sitting in front of a TV and playing without needing to pause to count pixels and frames.
Sony stans did that non-stop at the top of this gen pretending the difference between consoles equivalent to freakin PS4 vs XBOX 360.
Claims of a "superior experience" because some website told them the PS4 version had 6 more blades of grass than the XB1 version.
Today the arguments are the same just on different sides of the table. (see what I did there @MeachTheMonster ?)