I mean you’d have to define “waaay better”And I've been asking, what are these games that back up the claims of the difference being night and day, way better, etc. ?
I mentioned the games I compared. Tenchi mentioned the games he compared. Fatboi pointed out that the difference was only a minor bump in resolution.
Where are these games that show case how the XB1X presents games WAY better than the PS4Pro.
I'm genuinely asking. Everybody keeps saying "nah breh it looks better. It looks WAAAAY better" but can't mention the games they've actually played and compared themselves, and those that have are exaggerating.
I want to know what TV brand and model, size of TV, and what games people are comparing to develop their opinions.
Or are we still just pulling non-sense out of our behinds for the sake of defending brand names?
If the games looked WAAAAY better on XB1X I would have been buying everything for XBOX instead of PS4.
I couldn't care less about the console war when it comes to multi-plats. Exclusive games is a whole different conversation to stan about.
People pay hundreds of extra dollars for a couple extra Ps on the PC side so what constitutes as “waaaay better” is subjective.
But here’s a couple I could think of off the top of my head
Red Dead Redemption 2 looks and plays best on Xbox One X | Eurogamer
There’s a large difference in resolution, you can argue over how much that matters, but more importantly framerate is a lot more stable than on Pro, and i do think that’s a significant difference considering all the visual improvements.
I mean without even comparing to 1X your “premium” console struggling in both framerate and resolution is not a good look.
Xbox One X Shadow of War shows profound improvements over PS4 Pro
1X has more ram some devs have utilized to greater benefit than others.
Now you can argue over whether this is “waaay better” or not, but it’s not just simple resolution upgrades in most games.