I aint gonna lie, I enjoyed X-MEN 3

, still remember being

when Professor X died, didn't see it coming, wasn't ready for it, it was entertaining but it could have been better. The original plan was for Magneto to use Jean to kill The President in Washington through her powers, The X-MEN would fight Magneto's team when they got there, it wasn't an army like in the original film, Jean Grey would have then killed Magneto and The X-MEN with Angel would fight her with it resulting in her death through Wolverine. However the studio decided to gimmick the movie and whole "last stand" thing so added hundreds of redshirt mutants to give the film a war vibe.
I think the reason why people like First Class a lot is because it's a combination of Singer's films which have good plots and themes a
nd X-MEN 3 which had good action,more money shots, faster pacing, a bigger scale and generally feels more like a fun and enjoyable superhero film.