I dont understand bro as i im not gon go back and read all that but why are you mad cause storm lost her powers?
Storm will be back to straight up lead the xmen by the end its already setup as a story arc. She loses her powers in the same time. Then again I havent read back yet just seeing others responses to you.
Stirm is going thru the same shyt wolverine does in the begunning. Shell get an ep cenetered on her. Prolly shadow king linked. 100%. Full africa. Prolly black panther. So dont get the racial critique i see (again i didnt read from beginning yet)
The fact they are pulling anything at all from comics is worth it to me as they almost NEVER do. Only xmen is up to par to tell this level of story telling where you stay on tract. Comics by design are interchanagable, batman fights joker take a element or two from an old comic. Wala. But xmen has set story points you shouod hit and imo i see them being hit so i dont understand ya beef. The xmen story isbthe greatest in comics period only like 5 properties even come close to it. But none are better. So i love this shyt.
Everything that makes the xmen great was on display right off the bat. Idk how itll turn out but this first disney show i watched in like 5 years.
All the characters are exactly like how i see them in my head. Im very happy about all of this. So no im not mad at all.
They went all out with the humans hating mutajts god loves man kills style
Full xmen fughts way we want. Gave cyke his HAND game. His visor shots. Full force using it like a prachute. Idk how any old xmen fan mad at this man. No way
And all the little personal shyt between the characters that makes it s deep drama. Every character is getting focus. This isnt the wolverine show. Its the xmen. And each person has an arc almost. Cyke mags jean rogue storm gambit and wolverine all had focus on their character already.
2 eps this was the hardest disney ever went with anything. I see blood booze smoking terrorism racism cheating hoes and murder in a cartoon. Its not kiddy. Its adult. Im pleased sir. Very. Its like it was written for us from the 90s now witj full adult themes. They always did this like the wolverine cyke jean triangle but they didnt like go all out with pregnancy and wolverine drinking over it and now rogue cheating on gambit. This is the comic book come to life more than anything ive ever seen. Prolly end up getting the bleeding/dying wolverine/jean inferno scene now which is 100% the payoff from years of their og characters arc.
The OG didnt even go as deep into the comics as this just did. Seems we getting full inferno, snd x ecutioners song which is my all time fav 90s story for the caboe reveal and wilverine cable bishop teamup and apoc/archangel arc fufillment.
If anything this FIXES what inferno was which killed cyke off as a character. That whole thing was stupid. Tho jean shouldnt be alive anyway i feel you there. But atleast this just 180s through that bullshyt. The while cyke falls for a jean clone is so dumb and one of the few mistakes they made story wise. This seems a better way to handle it.
Her mention of blue area of the moon tells me they are going back and we are gettingvthat cable/ stryfe scene where it confirms cable is the baby not stryfe. 100% this is whats happening. We will get both prolly next season after inferno. Which shows how thoughtout this is going to be. Im fukking IN.
They did every other big xmen story besides these 2-3 so 100% this what i think its about. All the summers will be fighting on the blue area of moon by the end. Maybe end of season 2 tho or even further. But i see that at play already since madelyne just showed up and the baby scene in the beginning ep. Btw was that cable in the wind that reached out to jean in ep 1 during her osychic clash (emma?shadow king? Sinister? Stryfe??) It kinda had his look but the face wasnt clear. Had his squarey head and body.
I loved every second. But in a glass half full guy. You might see it half empty idk. This is the only show i thini we may see wolverine lose his adamantium in. They couldnt do that in any other property. I think we may get that here based on how adult these 2 eps were. Prolly full AOA maybe as well.
Xmen fukkery at its finest. Thank you lord for this bounty. Thats what yall should be saying.
Fair review.
Just a discussion.
Hope people reading and you.
do not take it as me having vitriol for you.
I do not.
I am talking from a more experienced reviewer perspective.
so I get what you are saying.
As ypur review approach is the approach.
I took going Into spiderman I and xmen as a film franchise.
before lord of the rings. Yet we have found out.
taking things to far from the source material. resulting in serious drawing loss beyond repair.
that spiderman had to have disney come in and consult and reboot for another studio.
then the xmen were sold back to marvel.
where from this. plus dr strange. we know disney has no idea how to do xmen frfr.
followed up by xmen in print, failing on another reboot. taking things to far removed from the pulse of readership.
so we know the setup for this is flawed rather easily.
how they have gone about it is flawed.
Plus once again.
Why take this so far from the source material.
That was what was wrong with the cartoon.
plus, and why it got so cheap in production.
So all we are doing is following.
how the show lost its viewership previously.
In timeline and execution.
the first episode starts up.
where the xmen offensively go on the attack.
that is storm's leadership after the siege perilous.
where storm said fukk all that. professor x wait for our enemies to fukk it all up and kill us and suffer tragedies.
let's go fukk these pussies up.
as a matter of fact. let's fukk up alluv'eem.
plus take they base of operations as our own.
on some gangsta shyt. not that passive shyt that xavier was on.
the first episode.
the xmen 97 members go to the sentinel hanger and start fukk'n up shyt.
so that is storm leadership.
no cyke's leadership.
so how the xmen are built in cartoon.
totally undermine storm from the beginnig. plus, she shows up and gets treated like she is not an omega level mutant and not the hardest tactical boss and fighter combatant on the xmen.
storm is the hardest xmen of all time.
not cyclops....so why is cyke running in there on bitness. yet storm is made to be the damsel in distress.
they not only continue this mantra. they have storm made into a sucker and get shot by some weak ass terrorist.
when storm already been through this type of scenario twice of government shyt in the comic. plus created through this situation how the xmen are the most effective as a tactical unit. the first episode undermines this in the opening sequence. then does it again....
to this moment...
Why have magneto reintro the morlocks and save callisto and company. When they did what they did to storm. How is storm gonna build up being this tactical leader. If you do that to stoem. So how is storm gonna have a comeback.
xecutioner song.
When is she gonna be shown ramping how and where. When you already eliminated how that occurs. Plus how it occurs and we know it draws money. Xmen was dead as a draw on news stand till.
Gambit is already an xmen. So HOW is storm gonna this last time ramp with.
Why is storm being put into the background.
as the best tactical leader and strongest individual hand to hand combatant in the mansion. Plus the best tactical mutant fighter. Why is she taking a backseat to Cyclops.
Plus being made into a nonfactor.
Why are we following the great white hope era of marvel. That eventually leads to disney villain fascination. When no one likes Cyclops. being a villain and it makes no sense. To even flirt with that as the direction. When we know that direction took place and we know it is a dead draw and detrimental.
to marvel as a draw.
It makes no sense.
Plus seemed to be a kid.
playing in the attic with his older brother's heman. Hence my skeletor with prince adams arms critique of this.
Plus we know doing shyt like this causes backlash. From hem
Plus they need to show some respect to the readership.
It is insulting.
Plus the disrespect to readership has resulted in xmen needing soft reboots. Of which the ones in this manner of content have never worked.
Case in point.
We already endured trash reboots of the team that undermine storm.
That Claremont had to fix that shyt. Along with Jim lee literally penciling his way out of this dead drawing era. That totally ruined silvestri's end to his run on xmen before lee. to rebolster the draw of xmen.
It makes no sense and once again emulates a dead drawing point for xmen.
Storm has no way to re-ramp.
Into being storm.
As all the content has been used to re
Morph males a hand version of psylocke morph to fight. Earlier he makes an archangel bobby angel costume morph.
So if there was psylocke and archangel Bobby that morph morphed into. In their xmen hero costumes of all things.
then writes out the character that already shpudl has had this arc. Given the source material.
how are you going to create this arc to re-ramp storm.
it feels exactly how xmen sucked in inferno. As they mever fought to end inferno lije xterminators. Plus how are you gonna do inferno and you have no piotr and Magick.
Yet they basically set this up.
Cyke great white hope zeitgeist storyline
when they needed storm and the eal conclusion and victory in I ferno
Then it connotates the xmen have amalagamted and had connection to things in time line. that do not make actual sense.
It means and connotates the xmen are past the reavers and xecutioner song.