X-Men '97

Feb 12, 2015
What if season 1 ep 4

It doesn’t give a clear explanation of why across all MCU stories since that would tie writer’s hands.

It gives you an explanation for why to this character it’s a fix point which echoes a lot of this Cable story.

It’s about messing with a fix point. It’s the standout episode of the first season imo.
This just dawned on me being a mathematician, but this is some deep level writing. Cause there is a theorem in Analysis called the Fixed Point Theorem and the way they talk about time in the episode this makes sense.... crazy
Apr 3, 2014
Does anybody remember what the status of cables future is. Like how did the future straight change like that if noone new chamged the timeline. Technically, cable should have known about bastion all along no? It changed in bishops time because fitzroy went back in that time and they killed xavier.

But once they stopped it, it went back the way it was.

So that means bastion was always defeated no? Since bishop and cable never knew anything about him and technically he was already back in time because nimrod did that.

Then how did it make its way down to cables timeline then if it didnt effect bishops in the first place. How did cable find out just now?

I guess technically this could have been happening for him since the last episodes so that kinda makes sense.

But bishop not knowing at all in his future doesnt. Obviously this is a continuation and bastion was never meant for the end of the old show but i would like this to be addressed.

fukking time travel man

It can all be explained by the ooze from Nimrod going to the past and infecting Bastion dad. Think, breh, Think!!!
Apr 3, 2014
Last episode he was getting shaved, this episode he was in his underwear in bondage. Only the gods know what Sinister and Bastion were planning to do with him, or what they already did to him :dame:.


That's why breh immediately bust out and didn't even try to fight, he was violated!!! :damn:

Mans flew up in the sky, looked down at Bastion layer like :birdman:

And immediately flew off

Breh said he seen his parents killed, held mutant children in his arms while they was murdered but he drawing a hard line in the sand when they attempt to take his manhood, he about to end this planet whole career!!! :damn: