WWE RAW 6/11/12: The Ass Kissing, Mr. Vincent Kennedy McMahon Returns


aka #DiamondNightmare
May 13, 2012
Bronx (Marble Hill), NY
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm a Punk fan. I just don't care for the silliness of calling people tool boxes, goat faces et cetera. He had a helluva promo


and some good quips during the back and forth with HHH but reality has set in and yeah others can 'touch him' and some may say have surpassed him. No doubt the Trips/Kev ish was dumb especially because it didn't go anywhere but now that that is all said and done, and we all know that Punk does have a lot of say over his character, ehh I just hope for better.

Of course due to being a real wrestling fan, I will always lean towards those who are good and he is but he's not as good as he thinks imo.

:bow::wow: preach


May 7, 2012
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm a Punk fan. I just don't care for the silliness of calling people tool boxes, goat faces et cetera. He had a helluva promo


and some good quips during the back and forth with HHH but reality has set in and yeah others can 'touch him' and some may say have surpassed him. No doubt the Trips/Kev ish was dumb especially because it didn't go anywhere but now that that is all said and done, and we all know that Punk does have a lot of say over his character, ehh I just hope for better.

Of course due to being a real wrestling fan, I will always lean towards those who are good and he is but he's not as good as he thinks imo.

Well what others beside dbry ?? And let's let the freshness of his character go before we act like they won't get tired of him. Punk and dbry 1A and 1B. But it seems like the IWc hates all faces cause the heels are usually cooler . There isn't much punk can do without making everyone else look bad he can just keep putting up 5* matchez
May 2, 2012
This Raw was high on fukkery and :wow:

So that's why Vince showed up. He was swagging too hard on everyone just to get away with it at the end.

Punk seems content at this point....it wouldn't make sense for him to still be shootin and bytchin now that he's in the top spot, you guys would just ask why is punk still shootin in 2012 as WWE champ?.....that shoot last year was partially due to the fact that he felt underused and neglected in the WWE. Did you guys forget that? Now he's at the top and has made a name for himself and you guys still want him to be crying about coffee mugs on Ebay.

That promo was great on both sides Bryan actually using the sellout card on Punk and Punk's reply in fact was kinda selfish and leaves the door open for a tweener/heel turn down the line. Listen to Big Show's baby voice, Cena's blatant pandering and ignorance to the very shyt he says, Ace's verbal botching and it's cool but Punk says one word "goatface" and it's the end of the world. :rudy: you guys are fickle.

Libra Lady

All Star
May 17, 2012
On the Edge of Glory
Well what others beside dbry ?? And let's let the freshness of his character go before we act like they won't get tired of him. Punk and dbry 1A and 1B. But it seems like the IWc hates all faces cause the heels are usually cooler . There isn't much punk can do without making everyone else look bad he can just keep putting up 5* matchez

Personally, I think that Dolph is right up there with Punk, in fact during their one match on Raw I'd even go as far as saying that he out-shined him. No knock to Punk because as I mentioned, I am a fan of his but ya know giving yourself this moniker of 'Best in the World' while a great merchandising tactic, its a bit facetious when you're not living up to it.

I'm not someone who dislikes face characters but I am also not going to root and cheese like a Cheshire cat over sh*t that I feel is mediocre. Punk on the mic has become mediocre- not that he was ever amazing but after the initial Indian cross legged promo things have tumbled, his character or he himself since he's so into it all isn't all that exciting to me.

I think he puts on enjoyable matches which is why I am still a fan. However when you say that there isn't anything else he can do, without making others look bad ehh I don't agree with that. It's almost a 'Man in the Mirror' type of thing where Punk needs to start with himself. He thinks he knows whats cool and hip but truth be told, we are seeing him with the dial possibly turned a bit up and the little jabs he does are neither hip nor cool. There is a lot he can do and really when one is in that kind of environment if he stepped up his game, others would possibly follow.

Libra Lady

All Star
May 17, 2012
On the Edge of Glory
This Raw was high on fukkery and :wow:

So that's why Vince showed up. He was swagging too hard on everyone just to get away with it at the end.

Punk seems content at this point....it wouldn't make sense for him to still be shootin and bytchin now that he's in the top spot, you guys would just ask why is punk still shootin in 2012 as WWE champ?.....that shoot last year was partially due to the fact that he felt underused and neglected in the WWE. Did you guys forget that? Now he's at the top and has made a name for himself and you guys still want him to be crying about coffee mugs on Ebay.

That promo was great on both sides Bryan actually using the sellout card on Punk and Punk's reply in fact was kinda selfish and leaves the door open for a tweener/heel turn down the line. Listen to Big Show's baby voice, Cena's blatant pandering and ignorance to the very shyt he says, Ace's verbal botching and it's cool but Punk says one word "goatface" and it's the end of the world. :rudy: you guys are fickle.

Well I never gave a damn about 'ice cream bars' and all of that foolishness. I personally just want him to be entertaining, which we all know that he can be without the Cena-lite schtick. He doesn't need the propping up like John yet... :manny: