This is HHH's Undertaker. :smurf: 

20-25 for an I Quit match would just make whoever quit look soft.
It was never genuine
People just wanna push the triple h is burying all the blacks narratives and Bianca looked primed for a loss so they latched on to that
It’ll shift to Bobby once he loses that US title Monday
1st off glad u had a fun time
But I am curious how bad that cac smelled and did anyone else notice
Also, what's this WWE inspired Meek Mill merch you speak of?
Same here. RVD is notoriously protective of his singlet designs, but I would've loved to see Seth go all out with his ring gear. I also think that Seth favors Sabu enough to have pulled of Sabu's ring look.Yeah this wasn't a bad look I think I liked it more than his regular attire. I always like it when wrestlers go left field with the attires for the big shows, its one of many reasons I love Rey
Take this how you will.